Page 209 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 209


                  NUTRITION                 125                                          PHILOSOPHY
                                            ELEMENTS OF NUTRITION
        50                                  3.0 Units                           101
        DIETETIC SERVICES INTERNSHIP        NUTR 125 presents an overview of the   INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY
        3.0 Units                                                               3.0 Units
                                            many aspects of nutrition, including current
        NUTR 50 is a discipline-specifi c  course,   dietary trends and related food and nutrition   PHILO 101 is an overview of the classi-
        which allows students to earn 3.0 units for   controversies, the nutritive processes of the   cal and modern problems of philosophy.
        a structured, supervised off -campus intern-  body, the functions, utilization, food sources,   Students will consider the source and limits
        ship under the supervision of a faculty   and recommended allowances of nutrients. It   of knowledge and ethical values, and will
        advisor. It is designed to provide students   emphasizes the USDA Dietary Guidelines for   investigate a range of philosophical issues,
        with appropriate preparation and a hands-  Americans, as well as the general principles   including problems about political justice,
        on work experience in the supervision and   of eating for optimal health and disease   the self, death, art, and truth itself. Lecture
        management of the food services operations   prevention, supported by scientifi c research.   3 hours. Prerequisite: ENGL 191 or ESL 141.
        in long term and acute health care facilities   Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/
        such as hospitals, convalescent and nursing   tion: Eligibility for ENGL 101.  Transfer   Summer/Fall.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,
        homes. The purpose of this class is to enhance   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  USC. (C-ID PHIL 100)
        students’ knowledge, skill levels, and profes-                          113
        sional competency in the career of dietetic   201                       COMPARATIVE WORLD RELIGIONS:
        services supervision. This course is recom-  CERTIFIED DIETARY MANAGER   NEAR EAST
        mended for the self-motivated student, and   (CDM) BOARD EXAM REVIEW    3.0 Units
        requires faculty advisor approval to register.   2.0 Units
        Note: This course is Pass/No Pass only. Labo-  NUTR 201 provides students with informa-  PHILO 113 is a comparative study of the
        ratory 9 hours. Recommended Preparation:   tion, resources and insights to facilitate their   salient ideas and philosophical develop-
        Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.   preparation for the national credentialing   ments in Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Chris-
                                            examination for dietary managers in health   tianity, Islam, and primitive and national
        114                                 care institutions. Topics cover the fi ve compe-  religions of the past. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-
        NUTRITION AND MENU PLANNING         tency areas included in the Certifi ed Dietary   mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
        3.0 Units                                                               101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
                                            manager (CDM) Board exam, namely: Nutri-
        NUTR 114 examines nutrition guidelines   tion, Foodservice, Personnel and Commu-  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        for health maintenance and disease preven-  nications, Sanitation and Food Safety, and   114
        tion and their relation to quantity food   Business Operations. Note: This is a Pass/No   COMPARATIVE WORLD RELIGIONS:
        preparation and menu planning. The course   Pass only. Lecture 2 hours. Recommended   FAR EAST
        emphasizes the development and market-  Preparation: Dietetic Services Supervisor   3.0 Units
        ing of healthy recipes and menus for vari-  (DSS) Certifi cate. ENGL 141 or ESL 141.
        ous institutional food service operations,                              PHILO 114 is a comparative study of the
        including residential and acute health care   OCEANOGRAPHY              salient ideas and philosophical develop-
        institutions, restaurants, hotels, and schools.                         ments in Hinduism, Buddhism, other Indian
        Topics include alternative ingredients and   115                        religions, Taoism, Confucianism, and Shinto.
        food preparation techniques to preserve or   OCEANOGRAPHY               Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
        increase the nutritive value and acceptance   3.0 Units                 tion: Eligibility for ENGL 101. Course Typi-
        of foods. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended   OCEAN 115 is an introduction to the   cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:
        Preparation: NUTR 125 and Eligibility for   physical, chemical, and geological aspects   CSU, UC, USC.
        ENGL 101.                           of oceanography. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-  115
                                            mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD
        DIETARY HEALTH CARE                 120 or ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered:   3.0 Units
        4.0 Units                           Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.  Transfer   PHILO 115 is a comparative study of the
                                            Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        NUTR 118 is a study of the functions of a                               salient ideas and philosophical develop-
        health care facility’s dietary department and   116                     ments in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism,
        its policies, procedures, and the management   OCEANOGRAPHY LABORATORY  Sikhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto,
        of its food service operations. Consideration   1.0 Unit                Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam,
        is given to appropriate menus for various   OCEAN 116 is an introduction to the   and prehistoric and national religions of the
        age groups and disease conditions, accom-  common laboratory practices and exercises   past. Note: This course may not be taken by
        modation of therapeutic diet prescriptions   on the physiochemical and geological   students who have completed PHILO 113
        and special needs, standards of tray service,   aspects of oceanography. Laboratory 3 hours   or PHILO 114 prior to Fall 2018. Lecture 3
        patient satisfaction, regulatory agency   per week including 8 hours of supervised   hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-
        guidelines, and general organizational   observations and data collection aboard an   ity for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit:
        and operational issues. Lecture 4 hours.   oceanographic research vessel. Laboratory 3   CSU, UC.
        Prerequisite: CULIN 111 or CULIN 112 or   hours. Prerequisite: OCEAN 115. (OCEAN
        equivalent and NUTR 114 or equivalent.   115 may be taken concurrently.) Course Typi-
        Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:
        ENGL 101 Transfer Credit: CSU.      CSU, UC, USC.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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