Page 204 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 204

MUSIC      201

            203                                 212                                 214
            MUSICIANSHIP III                    HARMONY II                          HARMONY IV
            1.0 Unit                            3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            MUSIC 203 is a course designed to train the   MUSIC 212 is a course designed to provide a   MUSIC 214 is a course that further explores
            student to recognize, develop, and apply the   working knowledge of the basics of musical   chromatic harmony and introduces the
            rhythmic, melodic and harmonic materials   composition. Emphasis is placed on voice   student to 20th century compositional tech-
            studied in Harmony III through ear train-  leading,  fi gured bass, and harmonizing   niques. Emphasis is placed on Neapolitan,
            ing, sight singing, dictation, and analysis.   melodies in diatonic harmony, including   augmented-sixth, tall, added sixth and
            Content includes more advanced metrical   7th chords. Students will be introduced to   altered dominant chords, and modulation to
            rhythms, chromatic alterations, secondary   extended diatonic harmony through modu-  distantly-related keys. Students will compose
            chords and modulation to closely-related   lation, secondary chords and sequences,   examples of the music concepts being stud-
            keys. Note: Students who previously success-  and to formal analysis through the study   ied. 20th compositional techniques covered
            fully completed MUSIC 105 prior to Fall   of binary and ternary forms. Students will   in MUSIC 214 include impressionism, tone
            2016 will not receive credit for this course.   both analyze and compose examples of   rows, pandiatonicism, polytonalism, and
            Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: MUSIC   the musical concepts being studied. Note:   advanced approaches to meter and rhythm.
            202 or equivalent. Corequisite: MUSIC 213   Students who previously successfully   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: MUSIC 213
            or equivalent.  Course Typically Off ered:   completed MUSIC 107 prior to Fall 2016 will   or equivalent.  Corequisite: Concurrent
            Spring.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   not receive credit for MUSIC 212. Lecture 3   enrollment in MUSIC 204 required. Transfer
            (C-ID MUS 145)                      hours. Prerequisite: MUSIC 211 or equiva-  Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID MUS 150)
                                                lent.  Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment
            204                                 in MUSIC 202 required. Course Typically   230
            MUSICIANSHIP IV                     Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   CHORUS
            1.0 Unit                                                                1.0 Unit
                                                (C-ID MUS 130)
            MUSIC 204 is a course designed to train the                             MUSIC 230 is an intermediate course in the
            student to recognize, develop, and apply the   213                      appreciation and performance of standard
            rhythmic, melodic and harmonic materials   HARMONY III                  choral literature, with special emphasis on
            studied in Harmony IV through ear train-  3.0 Units                     principles of part-singing, vocal control,
            ing, sight singing, dictation, and analysis.   MUSIC 213 is a course designed to provide   interpretation, diction, phrasing, and breath
            Content includes advanced rhythms and   student with a deeper understand of tradi-  control. Public performances are required.
            meters, and contemporary scales, harmonies   tional composition. Emphasis is placed on   Note: Students must demonstrate the abil-
            and melodic construction. Laboratory 3   secondary chords, borrowed and mixture   ity to match pitches and maintain steady
            hours. Prerequisite: MUSIC 203 or equiva-  chords, sequences, modulation, and using   rhythm. An audition is required. Laboratory
            lent. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in   these elements in fi gured bass realization,   3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Note: May be
            MUSIC 214. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   harmonization, and analysis. MUSIC 213   taken 4 times for credit. Course Typically
            (C-ID MUS 155)                      also includes an introduction to chromatic   Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                                harmony. Students will conduct formal   UC, USC. (C-ID MUS 180)
            211                                 analysis of music using binary and ternary
            HARMONY I                           forms, and will compose examples of   231
            3.0 Units                                                               COLLEGE CHOIR
                                                the music concepts being studied.  Note:
            MUSIC 211 is designed for students who   Students who previously successfully   1.0 Unit
            have a beginning knowledge of music and   completed MUSIC 108 prior to Fall 2016 will   MUSIC 231 is a beginning course in the
            music notation (reading bass and treble   not receive credit for MUSIC 213. Lecture 3   appreciation and performance of standard
            clefs, notes and note values, time signatures   hours. Prerequisite: MUSIC 212 or equiva-  choral literature, with special emphasis on
            and key signatures and identifying notes of   lent.  Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment   principles of part-singing, vocal control,
            a piano keyboard). This course begins with   in MUSIC 203 required. Course Typically   interpretation, diction, phrasing, and breath
            the fundamental concepts of meter, scales,   Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   control. Public performances are required.
            intervals, chords, and transposition, and   USC. (C-ID MUS 140)         Note: Students must demonstrate the abil-
            then covers fi gured bass realization, 4-part                            ity to match pitches and maintain steady
            writing and voice leading principles, Roman                             rhythm. An audition is required. Laboratory
            numeral analysis, basic chord function,                                 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Note: May be
            and non-harmonic tones. These concepts                                  taken 4 times for credit. Course Typically
            are applied in analysis and composition                                 Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            exercises.  Note: Students who previously                               UC, USC. (C-ID MUS 180)
            successfully completed MUSIC 102 prior to
            Fall 2016 will not receive credit for MUSIC
            211. Lecture 3 hours. Corequisite: MUSIC 201.
            Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206   207   208   209