Page 206 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 206

NURSING SCIENCE          203

            201                                 204                                 208
            NURSING SEMINAR I                   NURSING SEMINAR IV                  PHARMACOLOGY FOR NURSING
            1.0 Unit                            1.0 Unit                            2.5 Units
            NS 201 provides additional practice and   NS 204 provides an enrichment opportunity   NS 208 introduces the nursing student to the
            reinforcement for basic nursing skills for all   for all level four nursing students to further   basic knowledge of pharmacology required
            level one nursing students. It is designed to   explore the application of medical-surgical   to administer medications. The nursing
            promote the application of medical-surgical,   nursing and leadership classroom content   process and unmet human needs provide a
            fundamentals, and pharmacologic class-  to the contemporary clinical situation. The   framework for the study of selected classes of
            room content to the clinical situation. The   class provides an arena for the student to   medications. The role of the nurse in promot-
            course includes discussion, demonstration,   practice career-planning and employment-  ing safe and eff ective pharmacologic therapy
            computer simulation, guided practice, and   seeking strategies as well as cardiac arrhyth-  is stressed. The importance of collaborative
            audiovisual presentations. Note: This course   mia detection/identification, respiratory   health team communication and patient
            is Pass/No Pass only. Laboratory 3 hours.   complications, and advanced intravenous   education is incorporated throughout the
            Prerequisite: NS 200 and 205 or previous   skills. This course includes discussion,   course. Emphasis is placed on teaching the
            completion of equivalent coursework. Course   demonstration, use of computer software,   patient/family and promoting compliance in
            Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   guided practice, audiovisual presentations,   medication management. Legal and ethical
            Credit: CSU.                        as well as high fi delity simulation. Note: An   issues related to medication administration
                                                optional but highly recommended class in   are integrated throughout. Lecture 2.5 hours.
            202                                 the Registered Nursing curriculum.  Note:   Prerequisite: NS 205 or previous completion
            NURSING SEMINAR II                  This course is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture   of equivalent coursework. Transfer Credit:
            1.5 Units
                                                0.5 hour/Laboratory 1.5 hours. Prerequisite:   CSU.
            NS 202 provides an enrichment opportunity   NS 213 or previous completion of equivalent
            for all level two nursing students to further   coursework.  Corequisite: NS 214  Course   210
            explore the application of medical-surgical,   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING
            psychiatric, and pharmacologic classroom   Credit: CSU.                 3.5 Units
            content to the clinical situation based on                              NS 210 introduces the core concepts, prin-
            Quality and Safety Education for Nurses   205                           ciples, and clinical skills common to all areas
            (QSEN). The course includes discussion,   ESSENTIALS OF MEDICATION      and levels of nursing practice. It presents the
            demonstration, computer simulation,   ADMINISTRATION                    delivery of nursing care based on a Hier-
            guided practice, and audiovisual presenta-  0.5 Units                   archy of Human Needs (a unifying theme
            tions. Note: This is an optional but highly   NS 205 is an introductory course which pres-  for conceptual framework in the Nursing
            recommended class in the Registered Nurs-  ents the basic knowledge required for safe   Program) which impact health, quality of
            ing curriculum. Note: This course is Pass/  medication administration. This course is the   life, and achievement of potential. The entry-
            No Pass only. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory   foundation for the subsequent pharmacology   level student is introduced to the components
            1.5 hours.  Prerequisite: NS 211, or previ-  coursework and emphasizes the ability of the   and use of the nursing process in promoting
            ous completion of equivalent coursework.   student to calculate correct drug dosages. The   patient-centered care. This course provides
            Recommended  Corequisite: NS 212 and   role of the nurse in pharmacologic therapy   the basic platform of nursing knowledge,
            222 or previous completion of equivalent   is presented, stressing individual account-  skills, and caring attitudes upon which
            coursework. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  ability in the safe administration of medica-  subsequent nursing courses build. Clinical
            Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.       tion. The way drugs work, their absorption,   experiences in the ambulatory, acute and/
                                                routes of administration, and rationale for   or long-term health care settings, as well
            203                                 use are thoroughly studied. Federal and state   as simulated experiences in the Nursing
            NURSING SEMINAR III                 regulations that pertain to the administration   Resource Laboratory are included. Lecture
            1.5 Units
                                                of medications and regulation of controlled   1.5 hours/Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite:
            NS 203 provides an enrichment opportunity   substances are examined. Lecture 0.5 hour.   NS 200 and NS 205 or previous completion
            for all level three nursing students to further   Prerequisite: Selection for enrollment in the   of equivalent coursework.  Corequisite:
            explore the application of medical-surgical   Registered Nursing Program. Recommended   Enrollment in NS 201 and NS 208 or previous
            and maternal-child health classroom content   Preparation: LIB 191.  Course Typically   completion of equivalent coursework Course
            to the clinical situation. Lifespan scenarios   Off ered: Winter/Summer. Transfer Credit:   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
            are given application emphasis. This   CSU.                             Credit: CSU.
            course includes discussion, demonstration,
            computer simulation, guided practice, and
            audiovisual presentations. Note: This is an
            optional but strongly recommended class in
            the Registered Nursing curriculum.  Note:
            This course is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture
            1 hour/Laboratory 1.5 hours. Prerequisite:
            NS 212 (Generic Nursing Program) or NS 217
            (Career Ladder LVN-RN Nursing Program)
            or previous completion of equivalent course-
            work.  Recommended  Corequisite: NS 213
            and NS 223 or equivalent. Course Typically
            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   201   202   203   204   205   206   207   208   209   210   211