Page 211 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 211


        103                                 112                                 132
        MEDIUM AND LARGE FORMAT             LIGHTING II                         DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY II
        PHOTOGRAPHY                         4.0 Units                           4.0 Units
        4.0 Units                           PHOTO 112 is a course in which students   PHOTO 132 provides second level instruc-
        PHOTO 103 introduces students to medium   work in the lighting studio using strobes.   tion in digital image editing and cataloging
        and large format fi lm cameras and builds on   Students learn the principles of studio   software, like Adobe Lightroom and Photo-
        black and white skills learned in PHOTO 101.   strobe lighting, key, fi ll, background setups,   shop for digital photography. Retouching,
        Students learn to pre-visualize and image   exposure control for strobes. Students   compositing and printing skills are enhanced
        during exposure, developing, and print-  learn to control and utilize studio strobe   with hands on training. Students work on
        ing processes. Students create personally   lighting systems. Students create projects   projects using their own digital photos.
        inspired projects throughout the course.   using course content. Photographic works   Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prereq-
        Signifi cant photographic works by historic   of signifi cant photographers are presented   uisite: PHOTO 130 or equivalent. Transfer
        and contemporary photographers are   throughout the course. Lecture 3 hours/  Credit: CSU.
        presented to provide the diverse cultural   Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: PHOTO   140
        contexts for the production of photographic   111. Course Typically Off ered: Fall. Transfer   FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY
        images. Lecture 2 hours/Studio 4 hours.   Credit: CSU                   4.0 Units
        Prerequisite: PHOTO 101. Course Typically   114
        Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.                                  PHOTO 140 is a photo course focusing on fi ne
                                            VIEW CAMERA                         art approaches in photography. Students are
        105                                 4.0 Units                           introduced to and guided through artistic
        PROJECTS IN TRADITIONAL             PHOTO 114 explores the 4’ x 5’ fi lm based   styles, project and theme development, and
        PHOTOGRAPHY                         view camera and operations as related to   technical and design techniques used in
        3.0 Units                           outdoor and studio shooting. The course   fi ne art photography. Students create self-
        PHOTO 105 allows students to refi ne  and   covers large format aperture and shutter   motivated projects intended for exhibition
        develop skills learned in PHOTO 103. This   features, camera movements, exposure   within a fi ne art context. Signifi cant docu-
        course provides a concentrated study in black   calculations, and fi lm processing and print-  mentary photographic works are presented
        and white photographic techniques. Students   ing. Lecture 2 hours/Studio 4 hours. Prereq-  and discussed to provide a context for the
        combine technique and concept to explore   uisite: PHOTO 103. Note: May be taken 2   production and critique of photographic
        the black and white process and participate   times for credit.         images. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.
        in group and individual critique through-  122                          Prerequisite: PHOTO 111 or PHOTO 130 or
        out the term. Students study the work of   PHOTOSHOP II                 equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        historic and contemporary photographers   3.0 Units                     142
        working in black and white photography.                                 COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY
        Students are encouraged to develop their   PHOTO 122 is a second level Photoshop   4.0 Units
        own expressive aesthetics and concepts in   course for students who already have a solid
        their work. Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory 4.5   understanding of Photoshop basic tools and   PHOTO 142 is a photo course focusing on
        hours. Prerequisite: PHOTO 103. Transfer   techniques. Existing Photoshop skills are   editorial and commercial approaches in
        Credit: CSU.                        built upon to create high-resolution compos-  photography. Students are introduced to
                                            ited images. Special eff ects, and advanced   and guided through editorial styles, proj-
        111                                 methods of layout, compositing, masking,   ect and theme development, and technical
        LIGHTING I                          and image enhancing are covered in the   and design techniques used in commercial
        4.0 Units                           course. Students create projects using course   photography. Students create projects to
        (Previously PHOTO 106)              information. Lecture 2 hours/Studio 2 hours.   fulfi ll specifi ed criteria as they would in a
        PHOTO 111 students explore the creative   Prerequisite: PHOTO 121 or equivalent.   professional setting. Signifi cant  documen-
        use of available light, basic studio lighting,   Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   tary photographic works are presented
        and on-camera  fl ash. Principles of light,   130                        and discussed to provide a context for the
        lighting design in relation to concept, expo-  PHOTOSHOP AND LIGHTROOM FOR   production and critique of photographic
        sure control are presented. Students learn   PHOTOGRAPHERS              images. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 6 hours.
        to control light through exposure and use   4.0 Units                   Prerequisite: PHOTO 111 or equivalent.
        light modifi ers. Students create projects   PHOTO 130 is an intermediate Photography   Transfer Credit: CSU.
        using course content. Photographic works   course that teaches Adobe Lightroom and
        of signifi cant photographers are presented   Photoshop for digital photography. Students
        throughout the course. Note: Students who   create projects using their own digital photos,
        previously completed PHOTO 106 prior to   using Adobe Lightroom to organize and
        Fall 2019 will not receive credit for PHOTO   edit photos, and Photoshop to retouch and
        111. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   enhance their images. Basic image exporting
        Prerequisite: PHOTO 101. Course Typically   and printing are covered. Signifi cant photo-
        Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                            graphic works are presented and discussed
                                            to provide a context for the production and
                                            critique of photographic images. This is
                                            required for photography majors. Lecture
                                            3 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
                                            PHOTO 101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
                                            Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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