Page 212 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 212


            144                                 158                                    PHYSICAL EDUCATION
            4.0 Units                           AND PRACTICES                       The Kinesiology Division/Physical Education
            (Previously PHOTO 118)              3.0 Units                           Department off ers a wide variety of activities to
            PHOTO 144 is a photo course focusing on   (Previously PHOTO 145)        meet the varied interests of the Glendale College
            documentary approaches in photography.   PHOTO 158 is a survey of techniques and   student. Two units of physical education are
            Students are introduced to and guided   practices of contemporary photographers   required in order to be eligible for the Associate
            through documentary styles, project and   and their relationship to past practices and   in Arts and/or the Associate in Science degree.
            theme development, and design techniques   movements within Photography. Current   Students currently enrolled in the Registered
            used to communicate theme. Students create   trends in photographic image making are   Nursing Program are exempt from the PE gradu-
            projects using course information. Signifi -  presented. Students examine the crossover   ation requirement. Individuals may be exempt
            cant documentary photographic works   of  fi ne art, documentary, commercial and   from the physical education requirement upon
            are presented and discussed to provide a   editorial practices as well as the impact   presentation of evidence that they have a medical
            context for the production and critique of   of digital methods in photography.  Note:   excuse on fi le.
            photographic images. Note: This course may   Students who previously completed PHOTO   Intercollegiate athletics courses can be found
            not be taken by students who have completed   145 prior to Fall 2019 will not receive credit   under the Athletic Physical Education depart-
            PHOTO 118 prior to Fall 2019. Lecture 3   for PHOTO 158. Lecture 3 hours.  Recom-  ment (ATHPE) in the catalog. Student-athletes
            hours/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   mended Preparation: ENGL 120 or ESL 151.   should refer to these courses for participation on
            PHOTO 111. Transfer Credit: CSU.    Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   intercollegiate athletics teams.
                                                Credit: CSU.                        Health courses for the graduation requirement
            146                                                                     for Health or First Aid can be found in the Health
            ADVANCED PROJECTS IN                160                                 (HLTH) department in the catalog.
            PHOTOGRAPHY                         PHOTOSHOP                           Kinesiology theory courses can be found in the
            4.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           Kinesiology (KIN) department. Kinesiology
            (Previously PHOTO 107)              (Previously PHOTO 121)              majors and Fitness Specialist Certifi cate students
            PHOTO 146 is designed for advanced photo   PHOTO 160 introduces students to basic   should consult the KIN AA-T degree model
            students to concentrate on a single project   imaging techniques using Photoshop, an   curriculum and/or the FS Certifi cate  require-
            during the course. The student explores and   industry standard graphics software and   ments to determine appropriate courses for the
            combines an aesthetic and expressive use   image editor. Students will work with tools,   major/certifi cate in the Kinesiology (KIN), Physi-
            of the photographic medium to complete   layers, adjustments, and layer masks to create   cal Education (PE), Health (HTLH) departments.
            projects with developed artists’ statements.   graphics, enhance images, and composite.   It is recommended that a variety of activities be
            Research and reading assignments will be   Students create projects using course infor-  taken during a student’s attendance at GCC. All
            made where applicable. Note: Students who   mation.  Note: Photography majors should   classes are coeducational. There are ten families
            previously completed PHOTO 107 prior to   enroll in PHOTO 130 rather than PHOTO   within the Physical Education/Kinesiology
            Fall 2019 will not receive credit for PHOTO   160. Note: This course may not be taken by   Division (See page 94 for more information on
            146. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   students who have completed PHOTO 121   course families):
            Prerequisite: PHOTO 111. Course Typically   prior to Fall 2019. Lecture 2.5 hours/Labora-  Cardio Fitness(PE 101, 102, 103, 104). Cardio-
            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.  tory 1.5 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   vascular fi tness is a health-related component
                                                Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   of physical movement that is brought about
            156                                 Credit: CSU.                        by sustained physical activity. These courses
            PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES FOR                                              cover the relationship between cardiorespiratory
            PHOTOGRAPHERS                       170                                 endurance training and the changes that occur
            3.0 Units                           FIELD STUDIES IN PHOTOGRAPHY        with increased aerobic or anaerobic capacity.
            (Previously PHOTO 115)              1.0 to 3.0 Units                    The courses also focus on safety as it relates to
            PHOTO 156 is an advanced photography   PHOTO 170 provides students with hands-  physical activity;
            course covering principles and practices   on experience photographing in the  fi eld.   Cycling(PE 110, 111, 112).The courses in this
            within the field for hire or exhibition.   Students will travel and study in the United   family focus on endurance, strength, intervals,
            Students construct artist resumes and   States at the student’s own expense. Each   high intensity (race days) and recovery type
            artist statements related to their work.   course off ering will concentrate on a specifi c   exercise. Cycling involves using a special station-
            Course includes promotion, portfolio   target area, chosen for its cultural or social   ary exercise bicycle with a weighted fl ywheel in
            layout, releases, estimates, invoices, gallery   signifi cance. Each student will create an indi-  a classroom setting. The courses also focus on
            negotiations, and image licensing issues for   vidual project that relates to each site, under   safety as it relates to physical activity;
            photographers. Students must have a devel-  the direction of a Glendale Community   Badminton(PE 140, 141, 142). The Badminton
            oped body of photographic work that will be   College Photography instructor. Note: This   Family teaches students of varied abilities basic
            used for class projects. Note: Students who   course may be taken 4 times; a maximum of   and intermediate skills related to individual and
            previously completed PHOTO 115 prior to   12 units may be earned. Each repetition must   team play of this racquet sport. The courses also
            Fall 2019 will not receive credit for PHOTO   be in a diff erent area of the United States.   focus on safety as it relates to physical activity;
            156. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: PHOTO   Lecture 0.5-1.5 hours/Laboratory 1.5-4.5   Basketball(PE 150, 151, 152). The Basketball
            101. Course Typically Off ered: Spring.   hours. Prerequisite: PHOTO 101.   Family teaches students of varied abilities to
                                                                                    build aerobic endurance and total body strength
                                                                                    while incorporating strategic plays. They also
                                                                                    learn basic to advanced skills related to individual
                                                                                    and team play. The courses also focus on safety
                                                                                    as it relates to physical activity;

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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