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        263                                 295                                            PHYSICS
        TENNIS III                          WALKING FOR HEALTH AND
        1.0 Unit                            FITNESS I                           101
        PE 263 off ers instruction and practice in   1.0 Unit                    PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND
                                                                                ENGINEERS: A
        advanced tennis techniques, strategy,   PE 295 is an introduction to the benefi ts of   5.0 Units
        conditioning, and preparation for tourna-  an organized walking program. The class
        ment play. The emphasis is on providing the   provides the student with various methods   PHY 101 is the fi rst course in a three-semester
        student with several advanced techniques to   of walking to achieve whole-body  fi tness,   sequence intended for students majoring in
        utilize during match and tournament play.   fl exibility, and increased cardio-vascular   engineering and the physical sciences. The
        The course off ers students the opportunity to   health effi  ciency. The course also discusses   course covers topics in classical mechan-
        improve their level of play through various   methods of using walking as a form of   ics, including motion, kinematics, forces,
        advanced drills and techniques that build on   weight control and stress management in   work, energy, momentum, angular motion,
        fundamental and intermediate skills. Labo-  addition to achieving a healthful life style.   static equilibrium, and Newtonian gravity.
        ratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: PE 262. Course   This class is ideal for the student wishing a   Vectors and derivatives are used extensively
        Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   low-impact aerobic work-out. Laboratory 3   throughout the course. Computers and
        Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Tennis Family)  hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   numerical techniques are used extensively
                                            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   in the laboratory component of the course.
        274                                 UC, USC. (Motor Performance Family)  Lecture 4 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prereq-
        VOLLEYBALL I                                                            uisite: MATH 103, MATH 104 (may be taken
        1.0 Unit                            296                                 concurrently). Recommended Preparation:
        PE 274 teaches the beginning concepts of   WALKING FOR HEALTH AND       high school physics.  Course Typically
        volleyball in a recreational environment.   FITNESS II                  Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
        Instruction includes six basic skills of volley-  1.0 Unit              UC, USC. (C-ID PHYS 205)
        ball: passing, setting, hitting, serving, block-  PE 296 builds on the fundamentals of a   101H
        ing and individual defense. Students learn   fi tness walking program. Fitness walking   HONORS PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS
        the fundamental history, rules, etiquette, and   techniques include: building cardiovascular   AND ENGINEERS: A
        safe play pertaining to volleyball. Laboratory   and muscular endurance, utilizing walking   5.0 Units
        3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typi-  for weight loss and training to complete a
        cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:   5-10K walk/run race. This course also covers   PHY 101H is the fi rst course in a three-semes-
        CSU, UC, USC. (Volleyball Family)   injury prevention, recovery, pacing and   ter sequence intended for students majoring
                                            intensity. Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite:   in engineering and the physical sciences. The
        275                                 PE 295. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC. (Motor   course covers topics in classical mechan-
        VOLLEYBALL II                       Performance Family)                 ics, including motion, kinematics, forces,
        1.0 Unit                                                                work, energy, momentum, angular motion,
        PE 275 off ers instruction and practice in   297                         static equilibrium, and Newtonian gravity.
        intermediate volleyball techniques and team   WALKING FOR HEALTH AND    Vectors and derivatives are used extensively
        concepts in a recreational environment. This   FITNESS III              throughout the course. Computers and
        course builds upon the application of basic   1.0 Unit                  numerical techniques are used extensively
        skills, team play, and off ensive and defen-  PE 297 builds on intermediate level fi tness   in the laboratory component of the course.
        sive fundamentals learned in PE 274. Rules,   walking skills. Advanced skills used to   The honors course will be enhanced in one
        volleyball etiquette, and team strategies are   achieve higher fi tness levels are introduced   or more of the following ways: 1. Readings
        major components of this course. Laboratory   such as: race-walking, hiking and transition-  from Principia, Newton’s original formula-
        3 hours. Prerequisite: PE 274. Course Typi-  ing from walking to running. This course   tion of mechanics; 2. A written paper and an
        cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:   also covers advanced strategies for improv-  oral presentation on topics in contemporary
        CSU, UC, USC. (Volleyball Family)   ing cardiorespiratory and muscular fi tness,   mechanics such as gyroscopic stability,
                                            as well as recovery and prevention of injuries   G.P.S. systems, and celestial mechanics; 3.
        276                                 and overtraining syndrome. Laboratory 3   Advanced homework problem sets. Lecture
        VOLLEYBALL III                      hours. Prerequisite: PE 296. Transfer Credit:   4 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
        1.0 Unit
                                            CSU, UC. (Motor Performance Family)  MATH 103, MATH 104 (may be taken concur-
        PE 276 teaches advanced concepts of volley-                             rently).  Recommended Preparation: high
        ball in a recreational environment. The main   PHYSICAL SCIENCE         school physics.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,
        goal is to provide the student with continued                           USC. (C-ID PHYS 205)
        advancement in volleyball while incorporat-  131
        ing a better understating of teamwork and   GENERAL PHYSICAL SCIENCE
        communication. The course emphasizes   4.0 Units
        principles relating to advanced individual   PHSCI 131 is designed to give a cultural
        skills, theory, tactics, rules, and strategy.   appreciation of the scientifi c method and an
        Team competition is a major component   elementary working knowledge of the fi elds
        of this course. Laboratory 3 hours. Prereq-  studied. Emphasis is placed on the scientifi c
        uisite: PE 275.  Course Typically Off ered:   theories. The course is an integrated survey
        Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   of physics and chemistry with applications
        (Volleyball Family)                 from planetary and space sciences. Elemen-
                                            tary mathematical concepts are introduced
                                            as required. Lecture 4 hours/Laboratory 2
                                            hours. Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit:
                                            CSU, UC, USC.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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