Page 222 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 222

REAL ESTATE        219

            161                                 163                                 165
            WRITING                             APPRAISAL                           PROFESSIONAL APPRAISAL
            3.0 Units                           3.5 Units                           PRACTICE (USPAP)
            RE 161 covers real estate appraisal, includ-  RE 163, which focuses on residential apprais-  1.0 Unit
            ing methods of appraising such properties   als, meets the requirements of the Appraisal   RE 165 meets the requirements of the
            as apartment buildings, industrial proper-  Qualifi cations Board of the Appraisal Foun-  Appraisal Qualifi cations Board (AQB) of
            ties, subdivisions, and rural properties.   dation, and follows their outline modules. It   the Appraisal Foundation for state licens-
            This course meets the requirements of the   covers the following major areas: 1) Residen-  ing and certifi cation. This course includes
            2008 Appraisal Qualifi cations Board of the   tial Market Analysis and Highest and Best   the national examination as required by the
            Appraisal Foundation. It covers advanced   Use; 2) Residential Appraiser Site Valuation   AQB. Completion of this course and success-
            income property applications, case stud-  and Cost Approach; and 3) Residential Sales   ful completion of the three-hour national
            ies, and report writing. This course meets   Comparison and Income Approach. This   examination (the course fi nal examination)
            the license requirements for all levels of   course meets the license education require-  are required by the California Offi  ce of Real
            appraisal licensure. It is required for the   ments for all levels of appraisal licensure.   Estate Appraisers (OREA) for initial trainee
            trainee license, residential license, certifi ed   It is required for the trainee license, resi-  licensure.  Note: Students with disabilities
            residential license, and certifi ed  general   dential license, certifi ed residential license,   who require special accommodations must
            license. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   and certifi ed general license. This course   contact the GCC Business Division (818)
            Course Typically Off ered: Spring (Every   qualifi es with the California Department   240-1000, ext. 5484 before registering for
            Other Year). Transfer Credit: CSU.  of Real Estate as a statutory/pre-license real   information to obtain prior written approval
                                                estate course for both the salesperson and   from the AQB.  Note: This course is Pass/
            162                                 broker education requirements. In addition,   No Pass only. Lecture 1 hour. Prerequisite:
            BASIC APPRAISAL PRINCIPLES          this course may also qualify as the second   None.  Course Typically Offered: Fall/
            AND PROCEDURES                      appraisal course for broker education   Spring.
            3.5 Units
                                                requirements referred to as Advanced Real
            RE 162 meets the requirements of the 2008   Estate Appraisal. Emphasis is on residential   180
            Appraisal Qualifications Board of the   properties, such as single-family homes, 1-4   MORTGAGE LOAN BROKERING
            Appraisal Foundation. The emphasis of this   unit apartments, condos, mobile homes, and   3.0 Units
            course is on residential real estate. It covers   manufactured homes. Lecture 3.5 hours.   RE 180 details the requirements for grant-
            the basic real estate appraisal principles,   Prerequisite: None.  Course Typically   ing licenses to loan on real property in
            basic real estate appraisal procedures,   Off ered: Fall (Every Other Year).   California. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended
            and meets the license requirements for all                              Preparation: RE 101 or equivalent. Course
            levels of appraisal licensure. It is required   164                     Typically Off ered: Fall/Winter.  Transfer
            for the trainee license, residential license,   RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS AND   Credit: CSU.
            certifi ed residential license, and certifi ed   RESIDENTIAL REPORT WRITING  190
            general license. This course qualifi es with   3.0 Units                 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
            the California Department of Real Estate as   RE 164 meets the requirements of the   3.0 Units
            a statutory/pre-license real estate course for   Appraisal Qualifications Board of the
            both the salesperson and broker education   Appraisal Foundation. It covers advanced   RE 190 is a basic course in the management
            requirements. Lecture 3.5 hours. Prerequi-  residential applications and case studies,   of income properties, which analyzes specifi c
            site: None. Course Typically Off ered: Spring   as well as residential report writing and   types of properties that are managed; the
            (Every Other Year).                 case studies. This course meets the license   class also discusses the major problems of
                                                requirements for all levels of appraisal licen-  leasing, collections, rent schedules, tenant
                                                sure. It is required for the trainee license,   selection, neighborhood analysis, purchas-
                                                residential license, certified residential   ing, evictions, preventive maintenance,
                                                license, and certifi ed general license. Lecture   depreciation, record keeping, and economics
                                                3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typi-  of property. The class also focuses on how
                                                cally Off ered: Fall (Every Other Year).   to compile a set of procedures for practical
                                                                                    utilization in property management. Lecture
                                                                                    3 hours. Recommended Preparation: RE 101
                                                                                    or equivalent.  Course Typically Off ered:
                                                                                    Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                                                                    COMMON INTEREST
                                                                                    DEVELOPMENTS (HOMEOWNERS
                                                                                    ASSOCIATIONS MANAGEMENT)
                                                                                    3.0 Units
                                                                                    RE 195 covers the basics of managing,
                                                                                    purchasing and selling of common interest
                                                                                    developments (CIDs) that are governed by
                                                                                    homeowner associations (HOA) including
                                                                                    condominiums. All applicable laws will
                                                                                    be included in the course. Lecture 3 hours.
                                                                                    Recommended Preparation: RE 101. Course
                                                                                    Typically Off ered: Fall (Every Other Year).

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225   226   227