Page 219 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 219


        110                                 112                                 171
        PROBLEMS                            LABORATORY                          3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           1.5 Units                           POL S 171 introduces students to the origins,
        POL S 110 examines the controversial issues   POL S 112 introduces students to a selected   current status, and future trends of major
        in world politics from regional confl icts,   group of international issues for which   transnational issues confronting the global
        international economic relations, arms and   students will seek solutions through research   community. Topics can include population
        disarmament, human rights and foreign   and participation in simulations. The course   trends, economic development and inequal-
        policy, to environmental considerations. The   will consist of instruction and direction   ity, basic human needs (for food, water, health
        format of the course is multidimensional,   for intercollegiate Model United Nations   care), human rights, international confl ict
        using lecture, discussion, and debate tech-  Conferences and Competitions which   and security concerns, and environmental
        niques. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended   incorporate international current event   problems. The course also focuses on global
        Preparation: ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Course   debates, parliamentary debate and confl ict   governance, including the study of collective
        Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   resolution exercises.  Note: This class may   global responsibilities. Note: This course is
        Credit: CSU, UC, USC.               be taken four times; a maximum of six units   cross-listed with GEOG 171 and SOC 171.
                                            may be earned. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory   This course may not be taken for credit by
        110H                                1.5 hours. Corequisite or Prerequisite: POL   students who have completed GEOG 171 or
        CONTEMPORARY WORLD                  S 108.  Course Typically Off ered: Spring.   SOC 171. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended
        PROBLEMS                            Transfer Credit: CSU.               Preparation: ENGL 101.  Transfer Credit:
        3.0 Units                                                               CSU, UC.
        POL S 110H examines controversial issues   115
        in world politics from regional confl icts,   THE POLITICS OF RACE IN THE        PSYCHOLOGY
        international economic relations, arms and   UNITED STATES
        disarmament, human rights and foreign   3.0 Units                       101
        policy, to environmental considerations.   POL S 115 examines the impact of political   GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY
        The course places greater responsibility on   institutions on racial and ethnic subgroups in   3.0 Units
        the students to gather, analyze, and present   the United States. The course focuses on the   PSYCH 101 is the scientifi c study of human
        information accurately and persuasively   problems of ethnic identity, inequality and   behavior and mental processes. The content
        using formats such as seminar-style discus-  discrimination, and the impact of minority   focuses on the exploration of major psycho-
        sion, debate, a research paper consisting of   group politics on public policy. Lecture 3   logical theories, concepts, methods, and
        original research, and class presentations.   hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-  research fi ndings. Topics include the biologi-
        Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite: Eligibility   ity for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit:   cal bases of behavior, perception, cognition,
        for ENGL 101 or equivalent. Recommended   CSU, UC.                      consciousness, learning, memory, emotion,
        Preparation: LIB 191. Transfer Credit: CSU,   170                       motivation, development, personality,
        UC, USC.                                                                social psychology, psychological disorders,
                                            INTRODUCTION TO GLOBAL
        111                                 STUDIES                             approaches to psychotherapy, and applied
        THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST: ITS         3.0 Units                           psychology. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
        POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACT       POL S 170 is an introduction to the interdisci-  ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Course Typically
        3.0 Units                           plinary fi eld of Global Studies, including the   Offered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.
                                                                                Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID PSY
        POL S 111 is a survey of the historical back-  history of globalization, and economic, politi-  110)
        ground and current politics of the Middle   cal, social, cultural and ecological develop-
        East. Topics covered include: introduction   ments related to the process of globalization.
        to the land, peoples, cultures, and religions;   Students evaluate topics such as NGOs, the
        overview of the modern history of the region,   global economy, and transnational popula-
        with an emphasis on the Eastern Question;   tion trends. Note: This course is cross-listed
        emergence of the modern nation-states   with ECON 170 and GEOG 170. This course
        following World War I; internal develop-  may not be taken for credit by students who
        ments in major countries up to the present;   have completed ECON 170 or GEOG 170.
        Westernization and Islamic resurgence;   Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
        regional confl icts and international connec-  tion: ENGL 101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.
        tions; the economic and political impact of oil;
        European and Russian involvement; Middle
        Eastern lobbies in the United States and
        U.S. foreign policy toward the Middle East.
        Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
        tion: ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Course Typically
        Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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