Page 214 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 214


            130                                 134                                 141
            1.0 Unit                            LABORATORY                          1.0 Unit
            PE 130 is a diversifi ed program of develop-  1.0 Unit                   PE 141 provides instruction in intermediate
            mental activities for students with disabilities   PE 134 is a laboratory physical fi tness course   level techniques and strategies in badminton.
            which prevent their participation in a regular   for students with disabilities. This course is   Development of biomechanics and fi tness in
            physical education program. The emphasis is   designed to develop and encourage posi-  fundamental skills is emphasized, as well as
            on the student’s remaining abilities, not their   tive attitudes and habits with regard to   more advanced shots and game play strate-
            disabilities. Note: This course is primarily   cardiovascular effi  ciency, body composition,   gies for both singles and doubles. Laboratory
            designed for students who meet Title 5 eligi-  muscular strength, endurance and fl exibility.   3 hours. Prerequisite: PE 140. Course Typi-
            bility requirements for the Disabled Students   Students are assessed in these areas and a   cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:
            Programs and Services. Laboratory 3 hours.   personalized fi tness program is established.   CSU, UC, USC. (Badminton Family)
            Prerequisite: None. Note: May be taken 4   Note: This course is primarily designed for   142
            times for credit. Course Typically Off ered:   students who meet Title 5 eligibility require-  BADMINTON III
            Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   ments for Disabled Students Programs and   1.0 Unit
            (Adapted Physical Education)        Services (DSPS). Note: This course is Pass/No
                                                Pass only. Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite:   PE 142 provides instruction in advanced
            131                                 None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   level techniques and strategies in badmin-
            ADAPTED SELF DEFENSE                Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.   ton. Mastery of biomechanics and  fi tness
            1.0 Unit                                                                in advanced skills is emphasized, as well as
                                                Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Adapted
            PE 131 teaches the basics of self-defense   Physical Education)         development of advanced shots and game
            training. Instruction includes practice in the                          play strategies for both singles and doubles.
            fundamental techniques, and the philosophy   135                        Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: PE 141.
            of self-defense for students with disabilities.   ADAPTED INDOOR CYCLING FOR   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.  (Badminton
            Students learn the practice of Tai Chi forms   FITNESS                  Family)
            to promote body awareness, motor develop-  1.0 Unit                     150
            ment and the ability to protect and defend   PE 135 offers students with disabilities   BASKETBALL I
            themselves. Note: This course is primarily   instruction in indoor cycling. Indoor cycling   1.0 Unit
            designed for students who meet Title 5 eligi-  is a low-impact, non-weight-bearing physical
            bility requirements for Disabled Students   activity, which enhances cardiorespiratory   PE 150 teaches the beginning concepts of
            Programs and Services (DSPS). Laboratory 3   and muscular performance. The course   basketball as a life-time activity. Instruction
            hours. Recommended Preparation: PE 134.   promotes physical, as well as mental and   includes practice in fundamental techniques,
            Note: May be taken 4 times for credit. Course   emotional well-being. Various cycling   rules of basketball, development of team
            Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   routines are performed on a stationary spin-  play, and competitive participation. Students
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Adapted Physical   ning bicycle accompanied by both auditory   learn fundamental warm-up and cool-down
            Education)                          and visual cues. Note: This course is primar-  techniques, basketball fundamentals, safety,
                                                ily designed for students who meet Title 5   and physiological and psychological benefi ts
            132                                 eligibility requirements for Disabled Student   of playing basketball. Laboratory 3 hours.
            ADAPTED AQUATICS                    Programs and Services (DSPS). Laboratory 3   Prerequisite: None.  Course Typically
            1.0 Unit                                                                Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                                hours. Recommended Preparation: PE 134.
            PE 132 is a diversifi ed program of aquatics for   Note: May be taken 4 times for credit. Course   UC, USC. (Basketball Family)
            students with disabilities which prevent their   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   151
            participation in a regular physical education   Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Adapted Physical   BASKETBALL II
            aquatics program. The emphasis is on the   Education)                   1.0 Unit
            student’s remaining abilities and adapting
            them to facilitate swimming, water aerobics,   140                      PE 151 teaches the intermediate concepts of
            and aquatic skills profi ciency.  Note: This   BADMINTON I               basketball as a life-time activity. Instruction
            course is primarily designed for students   1.0 Unit                    includes a review of the fundamental tech-
            who meet Title 5 eligibility requirements for   PE 140 provides instruction in the fundamen-  niques, rules of basketball, development of
            Disabled Students Programs and Services   tal skills and knowledge of rules and play   team play and competitive participation.
            (DSPS). Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   in the sport of badminton. Development of   Students also learn several off ensive  and
            None. Note: May be taken 4 times for credit.   singles and doubles strategies, competitive   defensive strategies and game planning,
            Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.   participation and the use of badminton as   how to organize eff ective practice drills
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Adapted   a lifelong physical activity are emphasized.   to perfect off ensive and defensive player
            Physical Education)                 Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: None.   development, and the physiological and
                                                Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.   psychological benefi ts of playing basketball,
                                                Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Badminton   and the psychological considerations of
                                                Family)                             competition. Laboratory 3 hours.  Prereq-
                                                                                    uisite: PE 150.  Course Typically Off ered:
                                                                                    Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                                                                    (Basketball Family)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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