Page 218 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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            102                                 110                                 104
            ENGINEERS: B                        3.0 Units                           THEORY
            5.0 Units                           PHY 110 is a brief presentation of some of   3.0 Units
            PHY 102 is the second course in a three-  the more important and usual phenomena   POL S 104 is an introduction to the history
            semester sequence intended for students   in physics with classroom demonstrations   of political theory. Students are introduced
            majoring in engineering and the physical   and lectures in mechanics, heat, sound,   to debates over the nature of justice, the
            sciences. The course covers topics in electric-  light, magnetism, and modern physics. Note:   meanings of equality and freedom as well
            ity and magnetism, including fi elds, poten-  This course may not be taken for credit by   as their implications for the state and state
            tials, Maxwell’s equations, and electromag-  students who have completed PHY 101 or 105.   policies, the meaning of democracy, the
            netic waves. Applications, such as circuits   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   conditions under which revolution may or
            and electric motors, will also be covered.   Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/  may not be justifi ed and other major topics
            Computers and numerical techniques are   Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite: POL S 101,
            used extensively in the laboratory component                            102, or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:
            of the course. Lecture 4 hours/Laboratory 3   POLITICAL SCIENCE         Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            hours. Prerequisite: PHY 101, MATH 104.                                 (C-ID POLS 120)
            Course Typically Off ered: Fall.  Transfer   101                         106
                                                3.0 Units                           AMERICAN STATE AND LOCAL
            103                                 POL S 101 is an introduction to the principles,   GOVERNMENT
            PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND          institutions, policies, and politics of govern-  1.0 Unit
            ENGINEERS: C                        ment in the United States and California.   POL S 106 is a study of the origins, structures,
            5.0 Units                           Note: Starting Spring 2014, POL S 101 allows   and functions of California government and
            PHY 103 is the third course in a three-  only one unit of credit for students who   politics with emphasis on the state level, but
            semester sequence intended for students   have completed POL S 105 or SOC S 132,   including the city, county, and district levels.
            majoring in engineering and the physical   and allows two units of credit for students   Note: This course may not be taken for credit
            sciences. The course covers topics in theory   who have completed POL S 106. POL S 101   by students who have completed POL S 101
            of waves, acoustics, optics, thermodynam-  satisfi es both the CSU and GCC American   starting Spring 2014. Lecture 1 hour. Recom-
            ics, and modern physics. Computers and   Institutions and State and Local Government   mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
            numerical techniques are used extensively   graduation requirements. Lecture 3 hours.   120 or ESL 151  Course Typically Off ered:
            in the laboratory component of the course.   Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            Note: PHY 103 may be taken prior to PHY   ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  108
            102. Lecture 4 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,   POLITICS AND PRACTICE OF THE
            Prerequisite: PHY 101 or equivalent and   UC, USC. (C-ID POLS 110)      UNITED NATIONS
            MATH 104 or equivalent. Course Typically                                3.0 Units
            Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   102
            USC. (C-ID PHYS 215)                MODERN COMPARATIVE                  POL S 108 is designed to introduce students
                                                GOVERNMENTS                         to international organizations through the
            105                                 3.0 Units                           study of the origin, structure and function
            ALGEBRA-BASED PHYSICS: A            POL S 102 is a comparative study of the   of the United Nations. The course includes
            4.0 Units                           constitutional principles, governmental insti-  discussion of pressing international prob-
            PHY 105 is a general course that focuses on   tutions, political parties, and recent history   lems, established international law, and
            properties of matter, mechanics, heat, wave   of policy and action of selected foreign   the protocol and procedure of diplomacy.
            motion, and sound. It includes lectures,   governments. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   Students learn the applied skills used by
            demonstrations, problems, and laboratory   POL S 101 or 103. Course Typically Off ered:   actual diplomats that represent their coun-
            work. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   tries at the United Nations through class
            Prerequisite: MATH 102 or 110 or 110B.   (C-ID POLS 130)                simulations and at a Model United Nations
            Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.                                  conference. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID PHYS   103                         Preparation: ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Course
            105)                                INTRODUCTION TO WORLD               Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit:
                                                POLITICS                            CSU, UC, USC.
            106                                 3.0 Units
            ALGEBRA-BASED PHYSICS: B            POL S 103 develops an intellectual frame-
            4.0 Units                           work which will order students’ thoughts
            PHY 106 is a general course that focuses on   on world politics and enable them to analyze
            the study of light, electricity, magnetism,   and evaluate various actors, institutions,
            and modern physics. It includes lectures,   interactions, and processes as they relate to
            demonstrations, problems, and laboratory   international power and the pursuit of peace.
            work. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite: Eligibility
            Prerequisite: PHY 105.  Course Typically   for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course Typically
            Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,
            USC. (C-ID PHYS 110)                USC. (C-ID POLS 140)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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