Page 220 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 220

PSYCHOLOGY         217

            101H                                105                                 111
            3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            PSYCH 101H is the scientifi c study of human   PSYCH 105 is an introductory overview of the   PSYCH 111 is an investigation into traditional
            behavior and mental processes. The content   fi eld of human sexuality. Human sexuality   and nontraditional medical model health
            focuses on the exploration of major psycho-  is examined from psychological, biological,   delivery systems, with special emphasis
            logical theories, concepts, methods, and   sociocultural, and historical perspectives.   on women and their bodies. Major topics
            research fi ndings. Topics include the biologi-  Students are encouraged to become aware   covered are women as research subjects,
            cal bases of behavior, perception, cognition,   of their own sexual attitudes, values, and   cross-cultural perspectives on the use of
            consciousness, learning, memory, emotion,   behaviors and to evaluate the consistency   health care, and current research fi ndings
            motivation, development, personality,   of their behaviors within their own moral   on menstruation, pregnancy, menopause,
            social psychology, psychological disorders,   frameworks. Current sex norms and vari-  sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, cancer,
            approaches to psychotherapy, and applied   ous aspects of interpersonal and individual   and cardiovascular diseases. Psychological
            psychology. The honors course is enhanced   sexual adjustment are explored. Lecture 3   concepts of  fi tness, nutritional awareness,
            in one or more of the following ways: 1.   hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-  belief systems and emotional management,
            Students have an increased responsibility   ity for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course Typi-  and stress reduction are addressed. Note: No
            for leading class discussions and critical   cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:   credit will be given if Health 104 or Health
            thinking exercises. 2. Homework assign-  CSU, UC, USC.                  106 have been completed. Lecture 3 hours.
            ments are focused on critical thinking and   106                        Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for
            the analysis of important topics related to   DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY  ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Course Typically
            psychology.  Note: Sophomore standing   3.0 Units                       Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            preferred. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:                              113
            ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Course Typically   PSYCH 106 provides an overview, from a   PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN
            Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   psychological perspective, of human devel-  3.0 Units
            USC. (C-ID PSY 110)                 opment from conception through death,
                                                including biological and environmental   PSYCH 113 is a study of the psychologi-
            103                                 infl uences. Theories and research in physical,   cal factors which contribute to the present
            PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY            cognitive, personality, and social develop-  emotional, sexual and economic status of the
            3.0 Units                           ment are examined, as well as attention to   American woman. This study is designed
            PSYCH 103 provides an introduction to the   developmental problems. Lecture 3 hours.   to help the student better understand the
            scientifi c study of the biological bases of   Recommended Preparation: ENGL 120 or   experiences of women through the exami-
            behavior and its fundamental role in the   ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  nation of family structure, social structure,
            neurosciences. Physiological, hormonal,   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,   female sexuality and self-esteem. Lecture 3
            and neurochemical mechanisms, and   UC, USC. (C-ID PSY 180)             hours. Recommended Preparation: ENGL
            brain-behavior relationships underlying   110                           191 or ESL 141. Course Typically Off ered:
            the psychological phenomena of sensation,   THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONAL   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            perception, regulatory processes, emotion,   AND SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT      115
            learning, memory, and psychological   3.0 Units                         ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY
            disorders are addressed. The course also                                3.0 Units
            includes historical scientifi c  contributions   PSYCH 110 has an applied focus for students
            and current research principles for study-  interested in how psychology is used in   PSYCH 115 introduces the scientifi c study
            ing brain-behavior relationships and mental   everyday life and is related to other social   of psychopathology and atypical behaviors,
            processes. Ethical standards for human and   sciences. The course surveys different   broadly defi ned. Students investigate abnor-
            animal research are discussed in the context   psychological perspectives and theoretical   mal behavior from a variety of perspectives
            of experimental research. Lecture 3 hours.   foundations and how these are applied   including biological, psychological, and
            Prerequisite: PSYCH 101. Course Typically   across a person’s life, taking into account the   sociocultural approaches. An integrative
            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   infl uence of factors such as culture, gender,   survey of theory and research in abnormal
            UC, USC. (C-ID PSY 150)             ethnicity, historical cohort, and socio-  behavior, and intervention and prevention
                                                economic status. A broad understanding of   strategies for psychological disorders are
            104                                 how scientists, clinicians, and practitioners   also introduced. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequi-
            SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY                   study and apply psychology is emphasized.   site: PSYCH 101. Course Typically Off ered:
            3.0 Units                           Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            PSYCH 104 considers individual human   tion: ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Course Typically   (C-ID PSY 120)
            behavior in relation to the social environ-  Off ered: Fall.  Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID
            ment. The power of the situation, other   PSY 115)
            individuals, and the social group are exam-
            ined. Emphasized topics include: aggression,
            prejudice and stereotypes, interpersonal
            attraction, attitudes and attitude change,
            conformity, group phenomena, gender roles,
            cultural norms, person perception, and social
            cognition. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
            PSYCH 101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
            Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID
            PSY 170)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225