Page 227 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 227


        107                                 111                                 120
        3.0 Units                           COMMUNICATION                       COMMUNICATION THEORY
        SPCH 107 is an introductory course focus-  3.0 Units                    3.0 Units
        ing on eff ective oral communication in the   SPCH 111 is an introductory course focus-  SPCH 120 introduces students to the process
        workplace. Emphasis is placed on examining   ing on oral communication. The course is   of human communication through the study
        both theoretical and practical essentials of   specifi cally designed for non-native speakers   of basic communication models, fundamen-
        eff ective business and professional commu-  of English whose oral language skills require   tal theories, and relevant research fi ndings.
        nication - from preparation and presentation   further development, and those native   Emphasis is placed on achieving an under-
        to effi  cacious observation and analysis. The   English speakers whose degree of communi-  standing of the various forms of human
        course focuses on developing skills in the   cation anxiety prevents them from commu-  communication, and the ways in which
        areas of language, listening, verbal and   nicating eff ectively in social, academic and/  researchers contribute to the communication
        nonverbal behaviors, interviewing, informa-  or workplace settings. Emphasis is placed   fi eld. Coursework encourages students to
        tive and persuasive presentations, confl ict   on examining both theoretical and practical   research, analyze and apply communication
        management, group problem solving, and   essentials of eff ective oral communication.   theories to everyday communication prac-
        cross cultural communication in the work-  Speech 111 focuses on developing skills in the   tices. SPCH 120 prepares students for upper
        place. Speech 107 deals with the specifi c chal-  areas of language, listening, voice, articula-  division coursework in the communication
        lenges associated with oral communication   tion, pronunciation, verbal and nonverbal   discipline. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended
        in a career setting. The course is designed for   behaviors, interpersonal conversations,   Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 101. ESL
        students of all majors- not only those seeking   informative presentations, job interviews   students should complete ESL 155. Transfer
        a career in business. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-  and workplace communication, conflict   Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID COMM 180)
        mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   management, group problem solving, and   160
        101. ESL students should complete ESL 155.   cross cultural communication. Lecture 3   FORENSICS COMPETITION
        Transfer Credit: CSU.               hours.  Recommended Preparation: Eligi-  3.0 Units
                                            bility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Transfer
        108                                 Credit: CSU.                        SPCH 160 teaches students to participate in
        INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION                                             competitive Speech and Debate activities
        3.0 Units                           115                                 and events which are commonly referred to
        SPCH 108 is an introductory course focus-  GENDER AND COMMUNICATION     as Forensics. Students learn the strategies,
        ing on the principles and practices of   3.0 Units                      techniques and skills needed to prepare and
        intercultural communication. This course is   SPCH 115 is an introductory course designed   deliver presentations before various audi-
        designed to help students become familiar   to analyze issues of gender and communica-  ences. Activities range from debate to public
        with the major theories and research of   tion. Using a communication approach, the   speaking to oral interpretation of literature.
        intercultural communication in domestic   course examines theoretical and perspectives   Students who repeat this course master
        and global contexts. Students examine   issues in gender construction by explaining   communication skills through further
        culturally coded communication behaviors   the diff erences between gender, sex, and   instruction and practice. Regular participa-
        to identify and understand diff erences  in   sexual orientation, and how gender, race,   tion in tournament, campus and community
        communication patterns among individuals   and class intersect with one another. Students   presentations is required. Note: Students can
        and groups from diverse ethnic and cultural   explore the relationship between gender and   repeat this competition course three times
        backgrounds. The course provides students   communication as it relates to verbal and   (four total enrollments). If a student has taken
        with an opportunity to enhance their   nonverbal communication. Students also   SPEECH 190, 191, 192 or 193 prior to Spring
        intercultural communication knowledge   learn to identify the perception of gendered   2017, such classes will count towards the
        and skills through practical exercises and   communication from various standpoints,   four total enrollment limit. Lecture 3 hours.
        activities. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended   including those of heterosexual men and   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for
        Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 101. ESL   women as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual,   ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU,
        students should complete ESL 155. Course   transgender, and queer (and/or questioning)   UC. (C-ID COMM 160B)
        Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit:   individuals/identities (LBGTQ). An empha-
        CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID COMM 150)       sis is placed on improving communication   STUDENT DEVELOPMENT
                                            skills by exploring the signifi cance of gender
                                            in everyday communication interactions.   100
                                            Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  COLLEGE ORIENTATION
                                            tion: Eligibility for ENGL 101. ESL students   1.0 Unit
                                            should complete ESL 155. Transfer Credit:   ST DV 100 is an introductory college orienta-
                                            CSU, UC, USC.                       tion course for newly enrolled and matricu-
                                                                                lated students. The course covers the follow-
                                                                                ing topics: college academic regulations;
                                                                                four-year schools’ requirements for transfer;
                                                                                Associate Degree Requirements for AA, AS,
                                                                                AA-T, AS-T; certifi cate program require-
                                                                                ments; student services and specialized
                                                                                student support services. At the conclusion
                                                                                of the course, the student prepares a Student
                                                                                Educational Plan. Note: This course is Pass/
                                                                                No Pass only. Lecture 1 hour. Recommended
                                                                                Preparation: ENGL 190 and 191 or ESL 133.
                                                                                Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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