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          TECHNICAL EDUCATION                      THEATRE ARTS                 101
                                                                                INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE
        140                                 Theatre Arts contains eight families (See page 94   3.0 Units
        FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING         for more information on course families):  T ART 101 introduces students to elements
        DOCUMENTATION                       Acting (T ART 100, 103, 104, 111, 140). The   of the theatre arts production process as a
        3.0 Units
                                            Acting Family includes acting courses for stage   collaborative art form including playwrit-
        T ED 140 introduces the principles and   and fi lm, and vocal techniques for the actor;  ing, acting, directing, design, and criticism.
        practices of writing a range of technical docu-  Directing, Playwriting, Management (T ART   While exploring its elements, practices, and
        ments for use in the engineering and indus-  106);                      collaborators, its historical, social, political,
        trial technology industries. Examples include   Costume & Makeup (T ART 109, 110, 123). The   and economic context will be examined.
        emails, technical evaluations and reports,   Costume & Makeup Family includes costume   Note: During the semester, students are
        and academic and scientifi c papers used   and makeup creation and application;  expected to attend professional and Glendale
        in engineering, and industrial technology   Scenic & Lighting (T ART 121, 122, 134, 173).   Community College Theatre Arts Depart-
        fi elds. Students engage the use of graphical   The Scenic & Lighting Family includes design   ment productions as a part of the learning
        information such as tables and charts as well   courses and practicum covering scenery, lights,   process. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
        as technical resumes, letters, and instruction   and other stage elements;  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/
        and operation manuals. Student writing   Technical Theatre: Stagecraft/Building (T ART   Summer/Fall.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,
        includes online technical documentation   129). Technical Theatre: Stagecraft/Building   USC. (C-ID THTR 111)
        such as web-page, computer aided design   covers the execution of design and stagecraft,
        information management, and professional   which includes safety, building, painting, and   102
        technical social media and project manage-  general equipment identifi cation and mainte-  THEATRE HISTORY
        ment tools. Note: TED 140 may not be used   nance. Students in these classes work directly with   3.0 Units
        to satisfy any English requirements. Lecture   the shows being presented in the season prior to   T ART 102 is a survey of the history of the
        3 hours. Recommended Preparation: ENGL   performance as opposed to theoretical projects;  theatre through its major infl uences concen-
        120 or ESL 141.                     Theatre Production-Rehearsal & Performance   trating on Greek, Roman, Renaissance,
        142                                 (T ART 161, 162, 163, 164). Theatre Produc-  Elizabethan, Restoration, and Modern eras.
                                                                                The history and development of theatre
        TECHNICAL MEASUREMENTS AND          tion–Rehearsal & Performance includes courses   are studied in relationship to the cultural,
        CALCULATIONS                        that concentrate on rehearsal and performance   political, and social conditions for the time.
        3.0 Units                           in theatre production. Courses are broken up by
                                            genre and period.                   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course
        T ED 142 covers a practical application of                              Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
        basic measurements and calculations to   100                            Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID THTR 113)
        typical industrial problems and activi-  INTRODUCTION TO ACTING
        ties. Topics include units of measure and   3.0 Units                   103
        conversions, reading measurement tools   T ART 100 is an acting class designed for the   ACTING FUNDAMENTALS I
        and making calculations that are common   beginner with little or no previous acting   3.0 Units
        technical career jobs. Project based hands- on   experience. Students practice techniques to   T ART 103 is a beginning acting class for
        activities in a variety of technical areas such   develop relaxation, concentration, and stage   theatre majors. Through individual and
        as surveying, manufacturing, electronics,   presence in front of an audience. Class work   group exercises, improvisation, theatre
        construction, engineering and environmen-  includes group and individual exercises,   games, monologue and scene study, the
        tal technology are emphasized. Students’   theatre games, improvisation, and written   actor’s voice, body, and imagination are
        understanding of mathematical concepts are   critique of live theatre productions.  Note:   developed. Written assignments include the
        reinforced through contextualized learning   During the semester, students are expected   break down and analysis of scripts and live
        and applied technology based projects. Note:   to attend professional and Glendale Commu-  theatre performances. Acting skills are prac-
        This course cannot be used to substitute for   nity College Theatre Department produc-  ticed through rehearsal and performance of
        any college math requirements. Lecture 2   tions as a part of the learning process about   monologues and scenes. Note: During the
        hours/Laboratory 1 hours.           acting. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   semester, students are expected to attend
        143                                 Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   professional and Glendale Community
                                                                                College Theatre Arts Department produc-
        TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS II            ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Course Typically   tions as part of the learning process. Lecture
        3.0 Units                           Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                            UC, USC. (C-ID THTR 151) (Acting Family)  2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
        T ED 143 is an advanced study of algebra,                               None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall. Trans-
        trigonometry, and quadratic equations as                                fer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID THTR 151)
        required in the mechanical trade programs.                              (Acting Family)
        Problems are drawn from the industrial fi eld.
        Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: T ED 142 or

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