Page 230 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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THEATRE ARTS         227

            104                                 109                                 121
            ACTING FUNDAMENTALS II              STAGE MAKEUP I                      STAGE SCENIC DESIGN I
            3.0 Units                           2.0 Units                           2.0 Units
            T ART 104 follows T ART 103, and continues   T ART 109 provides instruction in the use   T ART 121 is a practical course in the funda-
            the exploration of theories and techniques   and application of all types of stage make-  mentals of designing stage scenery. All the
            used to interpret dramatic writing through   up, the functions of makeup in the theatre,   sets used in Glendale Community College
            the acting of scenes and monologues.   analysis of facial features and corrective   productions are designed by this class.
            Emphasized skills include the actor’s voice   techniques, research and color theory, and   Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3 hours. Prereq-
            and body, character development, script   basic three-dimensional technique.  Note:   uisite: T ART 171 or equivalent.  Transfer
            analysis, and the interpretation of a variety   Additional hours may be required to work   Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Scenic & Lighting
            of styles and periods of dramatic writing.   on GCC productions. The AA-T Theatre Arts   Family)
            Note: During the semester, students are   Degree requires both Theatre Arts 109 and   122
            expected to attend professional and Glendale   Theatre Arts 110 to add up to the 3.0 units   STAGE SCENIC DESIGN II
            Community College Theatre Arts Depart-  of C-ID Number: THTR 175 (C-ID Title:   2.0 Units
            ment productions as a part of the learning   Stage Makeup). Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory
            process. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typi-  T ART 122 is a continuation of T ART 121
            Prerequisite: T ART 103 or equivalent Course   cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:   with more emphasis on originality of design.
            Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit:   CSU, UC, USC. (Costume & Makeup Family)  Students continue a study of research and
            CSU, UC, USC. (Acting Family)                                           the collaborative design process in the area
                                                110                                 of scenic design and set installation tech-
            106                                 STAGE MAKEUP II                     niques, while creating an environment for
            INTRODUCTION TO THEATRICAL          1.0 Unit                            the performer and audience. Lecture 1 hour/
            DIRECTING                           T ART 110 is a continuation of Theatre Arts   Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: T ART 121
            3.0 Units                           109 with emphasis on special eff ects using   or equivalent.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,
            T ART 106 introduces theatre students to   prosthetics, facial hair and wigs. The course   USC. (Scenic & Lighting Family)
            the theory, techniques, and skills of theatri-  builds upon the basic stage makeup taught   123
            cal directing and off ers students experience   in Stage Makeup I with a focus on special   FUNDAMENTALS OF COSTUME
            in directing short scenes from plays. Note:   eff ects that signifi cantly change the actor   DESIGN
            This class will be limited to twenty students.   for the purpose of performance. This is an   3.0 Units
            Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 6 hours. Prereq-  introduction to potential career paths for
            uisite: T ART 101, 103, and 104.  Transfer   students interested in makeup design. Note:   T ART 123 is a course in the history, design,
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Directing, Playwrit-  Additional hours may be required to work   and construction of costumes for the stage.
            ing, Management Family)             on GCC productions. The AA-T Theatre Arts   This course includes an exploration of
                                                Degree requires both T ART 109 and T ART   historical practices, the planning for and
            107                                 110 to add up to the 3.0 units. Laboratory 3   the buying of suitable materials, design and
            DRAMA HERITAGE: PLAY                hours. Prerequisite: T ART 109. Course Typi-  color schemes, the design and construction
            STRUCTURE, FORM, AND ANALYSIS       cally Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   of costumes and accessories, arrangement,
            3.0 Units                                                               and maintenance of the costume wardrobe.
                                                UC, USC. (T ART 109 & 110 C-ID THTR 175)
            T ART 107 is a survey of dramatic literature   (Costume & Makeup Family)  Students in this course design and make
            from the classical to the contemporary                                  costumes for school dramatic programs.
            periods from the structural, stage produc-  111                         Note: Students in this course are expected to
            tion, and analytical points of view. The   VOICE FOR THE ACTOR          be available for additional hours to work on
            course combines reading, analyzing and   3.0 Units                      costumes for theatrical productions. Lecture
            understanding play scripts with fi eld trips   T ART 111 introduces students to the proper   2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
            to local theatres and in-class audio-visual   use and maintenance of the voice on stage   None.  Course Typically Offered: Fall/
            presentations. The student examines the   primarily through the use of the Linklater   Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID
            playwright’s methods of creating theatre and   Technique. The main goal of the course is   THTR 174) (Costume & Makeup Family)
            learns to distinguish between a play as litera-  to help students free their ‘natural voice’
            ture versus a play as performance. Lecture 3   in order to perform on stage with vocal
            hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   freedom, safety, and control. Elements from
            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   Lessac and Berry and instruction in the
            UC, USC. (C-ID THTR 114)            International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) will
                                                be incorporated in units on articulation
                                                and proper placement of sounds. Emphasis
                                                will be placed on vocal theory and the basic
                                                mechanics of vocal production technique.
                                                Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
                                                tion: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.
                                                Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.
                                                (Acting Family)

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