Page 207 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 207


        211                                 213                                 214
        3.5 Units                           4.5 Units                           6.0 Units
        NS 211 introduces the student to the basic   NS 213 continues the study of the adult and   NS 214 continues the study of the adult with
        concepts involved in caring for the patient   the older adult with unmet needs resulting   unmet needs resulting from complex health
        with a medical-surgical health problem. The   from increasingly complex health problems.   problems. This course addresses the needs
        course stresses unmet human needs and the   This course addresses the needs of patients/  of patients/clients whose health care needs
        nursing process as organizing frameworks   clients whose health care needs require more   require complex nursing interventions and
        for nursing knowledge and skills. Provid-  advanced nursing interventions, experience,   profi ciency in the planning and delivery of
        ing patient-centered care to meet health   and competence. It also introduces leadership   safe, eff ective, and optimal care. Content
        care needs of the older adult is stressed.   and management concepts. Physical assess-  includes licensure issues and leadership
        This course continues to emphasize access   ment is reintroduced at a more complex level,   principles in preparation for entry into prac-
        to and use of electronically obtained infor-  building on previous knowledge and expe-  tice as a licensed registered nurse. Clinical
        mation related to nursing and healthcare to   riences. A portion of clinical assignments   experiences are structured in a preceptorship
        promote evidence-based practice. Clinical   focuses on the older adult with multifaceted   format to provide a greater opportunity for
        experiences that provide an opportunity   health care needs. Clinical experiences   the student to refi ne teamwork and collabo-
        for the student to apply theoretical concepts   include acute and community-based expe-  ration skills, apply theoretical concepts
        and utilize basic clinical skills as members   riences which provide an opportunity for   and manage multiple priorities, as well as
        of the healthcare team are included. Lecture   the student to apply theoretical concepts,   enhance critical thinking and clinical skills.
        1.5 hours/Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite:   demonstrate critical thinking, and augment   Emphasis is placed on the evaluation of
        NS 205 and 210 or previous completion of   clinical skills. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory   electronic information available in the work-
        equivalent coursework. Corequisite: NS 201   7.5 hours. Prerequisite: NS 212 or NS 217 and   place to promote delivery of patient-centered
        and 208 or previous completion of equivalent   NS 218 or previous completion of equivalent   care. Lecture 2.5 hours/Laboratory 10.5
        coursework. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  coursework.  Recommended  Corequisite:   hours. Prerequisite: Completion of NS 213
        Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.       Enrollment in NS 203  Course Typically   Recommended Corequisite: NS 204 Course
                                            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.  Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
        212                                                                     Credit: CSU.
        4.5 Units                                                               215
        NS 212 continues the study of the adult                                 NURSING PRACTICE IN
        with unmet needs resulting from health                                  CONTEMPORARY SETTINGS
        problems. This course addresses the needs                               2.5 Units
        of patients across the adult life span whose                            NS 215 provides the fourth semester nursing
        health care needs require more complex                                  student with the opportunity to integrate
        nursing interventions and skills using the                              and apply previously learned skills and
        nursing process. The student is encouraged to                           knowledge from all areas of nursing practice
        build on previously acquired nursing skills,                            to new, current, and/or evolving health care
        including the use of health care informat-                              settings. Classroom content focuses on the
        ics. Clinical experiences are included which                            forces which have infl uenced contemporary
        provide an opportunity for the student to                               health care in America as well as the socio-
        apply theoretical concepts and build clini-                             logical, political, and economic/legal issues
        cal reasoning skills as part of the healthcare                          which shape the delivery of current health
        team. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 7.5 hours.                             care and the practice of nursing. Classroom
        Prerequisite: NS 211 or previous completion                             and clinical experiences assist the student
        of equivalent coursework.  Recommended                                  to acquire additional profi ciency which will
        Corequisite: Enrollment in NS 202 is highly                             assist in securing an entry level registered
        recommended.  Course Typically Off ered:                                 nurse position. Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory
        Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.                                      3 hours. Prerequisite: NS 213 Corequisite:
                                                                                NS 214  Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
                                                                                Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   202   203   204   205   206   207   208   209   210   211   212