Page 203 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 203

200     MUSIC

        171                                 178                                 186
        BUSINESS                            AND DIGITAL AUDIO PRODUCTION        1.5 Units
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           MUSIC 186 is an intermediate course in
        MUSIC 171 off ers musicians an introduction   MUSIC 178 off ers an introduction to sound   the essential principles and operation of
        to the career aspects of the music industry.   recording, acoustics, digital audio, and signal   Pro Tools software. Intermediate software
        Jobs and roles in the music industry are   processing. Students learn audio terminol-  confi guration, operation, and features are
        examined including: songwriters, fi lm and   ogy, audio hardware operation, digital audio   covered all the way from project creation
        television composers, arrangers, publishers,   workstation (DAW) operation, and audio   to session completion. Students build skills
        producers, engineers, record companies,   engineering techniques. Hardware is studied   through hands on Pro Tools projects that
        retail, promotion, manufacturing, distribu-  including microphones, cables, monitors,   include customizing setups, working with
        tion, agents, music law, and managers. The   recorders, consoles, and signal processors.   external controllers, managing session data
        course examines copyright legalities, the   Students experience hands-on use of current   and media, loop recording MIDI (musical
        recording industry, and entrepreneurial   music production hardware and software.   instrument digital interface) and audio, using
        opportunities for musicians. Students learn   Students also learn about recording studio   virtual instruments and Elastic Audio, work-
        about possible fi elds of employment and how   procedures, jobs in the recording industry,   ing with Beat Detective and Audio Suite, and
        to eff ectively present themselves to employ-  mixing techniques, mastering, post produc-  using intermediate editing, automation, and
        ers in the music industry. Lecture 3 hours.   tion, and the product manufacturing process.   mixing techniques. This course is the second
        Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course   course in the Pro Tools Operator certifi cation
        ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Course Typically   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   program and prepares students for the Pro
        Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.  Credit: CSU.                Tools 110 certifi cation exam. The certifi ca-
                                                                                tion exam may be taken at the conclusion of
        176                                 185                                 the course. Lecture 1.5 hours. Prerequisite:
        INTRODUCTION TO SONGWRITING         PRO TOOLS 101                       MUSIC 185 or equivalent. Course Typically
        3.0 Units                           1.5 Units
                                                                                Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        MUSIC 176 is designed for students who   MUSIC 185 is an introductory course in the
        would like to acquire the skills to write   principles and operation of Pro Tools soft-  201
        a popular song. Students learn how the   ware. Fundamental software confi guration   MUSICIANSHIP I
        components of lyrics, melody, and chords   and operation are covered all the way from   1.0 Unit
        fi t together within the structure of a popular   project set up to session mixdowns. Students   MUSIC 201 is a course designed for those
        song. In addition, students develop an aware-  build skills through hands on Pro Tools proj-  who have an elementary knowledge of music
        ness of the stylistic elements of diff erent   ects that include session setup, audio record-  and music notation. Students should be able
        types of popular music and songs. Students   ing, importing media, MIDI (musical instru-  to read bass and treble clefs, notes and notes
        are introduced to the relevant aspects of   ment digital interface) recording, editing,   values, time signatures and key signatures,
        the music publishing industry, including   navigating, mixing, and session completion.   and identify notes of a piano keyboard.
        copyright law. During the semester students   This course is the fi rst class in the Pro Tools   Using this basic knowledge, fundamental
        write songs in diff erent styles and learn how   Operator certifi cation program and prepares   concepts such as meter, scales and intervals
        to make simple recordings of their songs.   students for the Pro Tools 101 certifi cation   are studied. These musical concepts are
        Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  exam. The certifi cation exam may be taken   then applied in ear training, performing,
        tion: MUSIC 101 or equivalent. Course Typi-  at the conclusion of the course. Lecture 1.5   and analysis exercises. Laboratory 3 hours.
        cally Off ered: Fall.                hours. Recommended Preparation: MUSIC   Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in
                                            178 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   MUSIC 211 required Transfer Credit: CSU,
        177                                 Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.  UC, USC. (C-ID MUS 125)
        TECHNOLOGY AND SEQUENCING                                               202
        3.0 Units                                                               MUSICIANSHIP II
        MUSIC 177 off ers an introduction to the                                 1.0 Unit
        current applications of computers and                                   MUSIC 202 is a course designed to train the
        software used in music creation, music                                  student to recognize, develop, and apply the
        sequencing, and music notation. A thorough                              rhythmic, melodic and harmonic materials
        understanding of current practices in music                             studied in Harmony I through ear train-
        technology is essential to a musician’s success                         ing, sight singing, dictation, and analysis.
        in today’s creative world. Students learn how                           Content includes major and minor keys,
        recording, synthesis, notation, and electronic                          simple and compound meter, and rhythms
        music creation were practiced before the era                            containing divisions and subdivisions. Labo-
        of desktop computers. Students learn how to                             ratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: MUSIC 201.
        use current music software to create music                              Corequisite: MUSIC 212. Course Typically
        with an emphasis on the musical instrument                              Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        digital interface (MIDI), sequencing, and                               (C-ID MUS 135)
        synthesis. Students also learn to use nota-
        tion software to create and display readable
        music. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
        Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.
        Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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