Page 198 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 198


            207                                       MEDICAL OFFICE                182
            RADIO WEBCASTING                          ADMINISTRATION                MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY
            3.0 Units                                                               3.0 Units
            MEDIA 207 is designed to provide a realistic   101                      MOA 182 is designed to familiarize those
            working experience in internet radio produc-  HEALTHCARE OCCUPATIONS    interested in the medical fi eld with origin,
            tion. The emphasis is on actual production   2.0 Units                  correct spelling, pronunciation, meaning
            of audio programs for the campus and   MOA 101 is an overview of health occupa-  and current usage of common medical terms
            community. Students gain experience with   tions and provides the study of basic medical   and their application to clinical records and
            announcing, playlist creation, show schedul-  mathematics and terminology; anatomy and   reports. Emphasis is placed on the roots,
            ing, program automation, and other capabili-  physiology; career foundations, including   prefi xes, suffi  xes, and word combinations.
            ties of the Media Arts Audio Studio. Students   healthcare of the past, present, and future;   A comprehensive overview of each body
            create and perform their own radio shows,   interpersonal dynamics, systems and   system’s common medical terms is empha-
            streaming to the public through Glendale   communications; and healthcare safety   sized. In addition, anatomy, physiology, and
            Community College’s web radio station   and healthcare environment practices,   disease processes for each are discussed.
            KGCC. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 4 hours.   including ethics and legal responsibilities.   Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Recom-
            Prerequisite: MEDIA 107 or equivalent.   Students will also be introduced to various   mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
                                                healthcare career pathways. Lecture 2 hours.   120, ESL 151, or BUSAD 106 or equivalent
            213                                 Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   and MOA 180.  Course Typically Off ered:
            CINEMATOGRAPHY                      ENGL 120, BUSAD 106, or ESL 151. Transfer   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            3.0 Units
                                                Credit: CSU.
            MEDIA 213 is an intermediate-level explo-                               183
            ration of the art and technique of cinema-  180                         INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL
            tography. Expanding from basic concepts   ELECTRONIC HEALTH/MEDICAL     BILLING AND CODING
            and practices, this course emphasizes the   RECORDS                     4.0 Units
            techniques and aesthetics employed by   3.0 Units                       MOA 183 is designed to introduce students
            professional cinematographers. Specific   MOA 180 provides students with an intro-  with the tools necessary to complete coding,
            topics include cinematic composition, light-  duction to the fundamental theories and   billing, insurance and reimbursement proce-
            ing for cinema, digital single lens refl ex   practices of Health Information Manage-  dures in a medical setting. Students will learn
            (DSLR) camera and digital cinema camera   ment. The course includes an overview of   to use the Current Procedural Terminology
            operation, on-set practices and digital cinema   health services organization and delivery;   (CPT) and International Classifi cation  of
            workfl ow. Lectures, discussions and read-  health data and record structure; health   Diseases (ICD) including reimbursement
            ings are supplemented by the screening of   content and standards; and healthcare infor-  forms, procedures and policies. Lecture/
            representative fi lms. Lecture 2 hours/Labo-  mation technology functions and responsi-  Demonstration 4 hours.  Recommended
            ratory 4 hours. Prerequisite: MEDIA 103 or   bilities. The course also includes information   Preparation: MOA 181 or 182 or equivalent,
            equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  systems, technologies and requirements and   MOA 180 or equivalent, and eligibility for
            Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.       health information privacy, and security.   ENGL 120, ESL 151, or BUSAD 106 or equiva-
                                                This course is aligned with the Commis-  lent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            290                                 sion on Accreditation for Health Informatics
            INDEPENDENT MEDIA PRODUCTION        and Information Management (CAHIIM).   185
            2.0 Units                                                               MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE
                                                Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Recom-
            MEDIA 290 is designed to provide a   mended Preparation: MOA 185 and Eligibil-  PROCEDURES
            realistic working experience in  fi lm  and   ity for English 120, ESL 151, BUSAD 106, or   3.0 Units
            media production. The emphasis is on indi-  equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  MOA 185 is an introduction to the medi-
            vidual production of short fi lms and media   Spring.                    cal offi  ce that concentrates on the Medical
            segments in order to build a personal portfo-                           Assistant’s role in the maintenance of a
            lio or demo reel of production work. Students   181                     professional and effi  cient  medical  offi  ce,
            have regular access to professional fi lm and   BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY  including career guidelines and professional
            media equipment and gain experience with   3.0 Units                    qualifi cations; public relations; courteous
            all capabilities of the Media Arts studio.   MOA 181 is designed for the student inter-  and eff ective handling of patients, doctors,
            Students may also create independent media   ested in an offi  ce position in the health   and coworkers; preparation and care of
            productions for the campus and community.   sciences as a health technician, medical   medical records; correspondence; fi nancial
            Studio 6 hours. Prerequisite: MEDIA 112 or   receptionist, medical biller/coder, or medi-  records; insurance; and general management
            equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  cal secretary. A comprehensive overview   of a medical facility. Training is applicable
            Spring.                             of each body system’s common medical   in offi  ces of physicians, medical hospitals
                                                terms is emphasized. In addition, anatomy,   and clinics, dental and medical/legal agen-
                                                physiology, and disease processes for each   cies and government sponsored medical
                                                are discussed.  Note: This course may not   facilities. Lecture/Demonstration 3 hours.
                                                be taken for credit by students who have   Recommended Preparation: MOA 181 or
                                                completed MOA 182. Lecture 3 hours.   MOA 182, MOA 180, and eligibility for ENGL
                                                Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   120, ESL 151 or CABOT 105 or equivalent.
                                                ENGL 120, ESL 151, or BUSAD 106 or equiva-  Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
                                                lent and MOA 185. Course Typically Off ered:

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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