Page 195 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 195


        220B                                245A                                246B
        1.0 Unit                            1.0 Unit                            1.0 Unit
        MATH 220B is the second part of a self-paced   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE    NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
        multimedia course. MATH 220AB collec-  MATH 245A is the fi rst part of a self-paced   MATH 246B is the second part of a self-
        tively is equivalent to the second course of   multimedia course. MATH 245AB collec-  paced multimedia course. MATH 246AB
        a two-semester sequence of Intermediate   tively is equivalent to the fi rst course of a two-  collectively is equivalent to the second course
        Algebra. Topics include quadratic equations   semester sequence of Elementary Algebra.   of a two-semester sequence of Elementary
        and inequalities, arithmetic and geometric   Topics include signed numbers, solutions to   Algebra. Topics include the fundamental
        sequences and series, the binomial theorem,   linear equations, algebraic manipulations,   operations of algebra including factoring,
        conic sections, inverse functions, graphs of   exponents, polynomials, graphing linear   rational expressions, roots and radicals,
        functions, systems of nonlinear equations   equations, and solving linear systems.   and quadratic equations. MATH 246AB
        and inequalities, and exponential and loga-  MATH 245AB collectively is equivalent   collectively is equivalent to MATH 146. Note:
        rithmic functions. MATH 220AB collectively   to MATH 145.  Note: This course may not   This course may not be taken for credit by
        is equivalent to MATH 120. Note: This course   be taken for credit by students who have   students who have completed MATH 141
        may not be taken for credit by students who   completed MATH 141 or 145. A maximum of   or 146. A maximum of 4 units of credit will
        have completed MATH 101 or 120. A maxi-  2 units of credit will be granted for MATH   be granted for MATH 141, 145, 146, 245, and
        mum of 5 units of credit will be granted for   145 and 245. Laboratory 6 hours.  Prereq-  246. Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite: MATH
        MATH 101, 119, 120, 219, and 220. Laboratory   uisite: Placement is based on a composite   246A or 1 unit of MATH 246. Course Typi-
        6 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 220A or 1 unit   of test scores and academic background or   cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.
        of Math 220.  Course Typically Off ered:   MATH 155 or 255D or 4 units of MATH 255.   255A
        Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.          Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  ARITHMETIC AND PREALGEBRA
        220S                                                                    1.0 Unit
        INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA BRIDGE         245B                                NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
        2.0 Units                           ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA I                MATH 255A is the fi rst part of a self-paced
        NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               1.0 Unit                            multimedia basic skills course. MATH
        MATH 220S is a course designed to serve   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE         255ABCD collectively is designed to prepare
        as a self-paced multimedia bridge course.   MATH 245B is the second part of a self-  students for their  fi rst course in algebra.
        Students who have completed MATH 130   paced multimedia course. MATH 245AB   It includes the fundamental processes of
        or MATH 131 and would like to switch to a   collectively is equivalent to the fi rst course   arithmetic and prealgebra. It is designed to
        STEM major may take this course to return   of a two-semester sequence of Elementary   develop skill in computation using whole
        to a STEM path. Topics include fundamen-  Algebra. Topics include signed numbers,   numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and
        tal laws, curve plotting, linear equations,   solutions to linear equations, algebraic   properties of the decimal number system
        quadratics equations, fractional exponents,   manipulations, exponents, polynomials,   with an emphasis on the arithmetic of
        radical and rational expressions and equa-  graphing linear equations, and solving linear   signed numbers. Rules of exponents,  fi rst
        tions, factoring, functions, Cramer’s rule,   systems. MATH 245AB collectively is equiva-  degree equations, fundamental facts about
        algebra of functions, graphs of functions,   lent to MATH 145. Note: This course may   geometry with regard to area and perimeter
        arithmetic and geometric sequences and   not be taken for credit by students who have   are also included. Study and test-taking
        series, the binomial theorem, conic sections,   completed MATH 141 or 145. A maximum of   techniques related to mathematics are also
        and systems of linear equations and inequali-  2 units of credit will be granted for MATH   covered. MATH 255ABCD collectively is
        ties,. MATH 130 or MATH 131 AND MATH   145 and 245. Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequi-  equivalent to MATH 155. Note: This course
        220S collectively is equivalent to MATH 101.   site: MATH 245A or 1 unit of MATH 245.   may not be taken for credit by students who
        Note: This course is designed for students   Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  have completed MATH 155. A maximum of 4
        who have taken MATH 130 or MATH 131 and   Summer/Fall.                  units of credit will be granted for MATH 155
        have decided are now majoring in science,   246A                        and 255. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass
        technology, engineering, mathematics, or   ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA II        only. Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite: Place-
        business. This course may not be taken   1.0 Unit                       ment is based on a composite of test scores
        for credit by students who have completed                               and academic background. Course Typically
        MATH 120, MATH 220B, or MATH 101. A   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE             Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.
        maximum of 7 units will be granted for   MATH 246A is the fi rst part of a self-paced
        MATH 220S and MATH 131 OR a maximum   multimedia course. MATH 246AB collec-
        of 8 units will be granted for MATH 220S and   tively is equivalent to the second course
        MATH 130. Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite:   of a two-semester sequence of Elementary
        MATH 130 or 131.                    Algebra. Topics include the fundamental
                                            operations of algebra including factoring,
                                            rational expressions, roots and radicals,
                                            and quadratic equations. MATH 246AB
                                            collectively is equivalent to MATH 146. Note:
                                            This course may not be taken for credit by
                                            students who have completed MATH 141 or
                                            146. A maximum of 4 units of credit will be
                                            granted for MATH 141, 145, 146, 245, and 246.
                                            Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 145
                                            or 245B or 2 units of MATH 245. Course Typi-
                                            cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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