Page 197 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 197

194     MEDIA ARTS

        103                                 110                                 117
        PICTURE PRODUCTION                  3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           MEDIA 110 is the study of the aesthetics   MEDIA 117 provides students with the
        MEDIA 103 provides students with a basic   and creation of cinematic art. Emphasis   advanced aesthetics and techniques required
        overview of the aesthetics and techniques   is placed on aesthetic concepts as well as   in the production of a music video. Students
        required in single-camera motion picture   the techniques and practices employed to   will gain experience in camera operation,
        production. Topics include basic cinematog-  achieve the aesthetic goals of the fi lmmaker.   sound recording, and video editing as they
        raphy, camera familiarization and operation,   Specific topics include narrative, visual   relate to the production of music videos.
        lenses, camera angles, camera blocking and   design, cinematography, editing, sound   Students will write a simple script and story-
        movement, coverage, continuity, digital   design, genre, and authorship. The course   board, and organize and plan the production
        recording formats, fi lters, location produc-  surveys a wide variety of fi lms, fi lmmakers,   of a music video project, including schedul-
        tion, lighting and simple editing. Projects   and fi lm movements to explore the diverse   ing and budgeting. Students will direct,
        consist of hands-on experiences with digital   possibilities presented by the cinematic art   supervise, and critique performers and crew
        cinema cameras and editing workstations.   form. Lectures, discussions and readings are   in music video productions. Lecture 2 hours/
        Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 4 hours. Prereq-  supplemented by the screening of represen-  Laboratory 4 hours. Prerequisite: MEDIA 101
        uisite: None.  Course Typically Off ered:   tative fi lms. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended   or equivalent. Recommended Preparation:
        Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.  Transfer   Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 101.   MEDIA 103 or 112; and eligibility for ENGL
        Credit: CSU.                        Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   120 or ESL 151.
                                            Credit: CSU, UC.
        105                                                                     120
        MOBILE MEDIA STREAMING AND          111                                 WRITING FOR MEDIA
        PRODUCTION                          INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA I            3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           MEDIA 120 off ers an introduction to writ-
        MEDIA 105 provides students with a basic   MEDIA 111 introduces students to the   ing for fi lm, television, radio and electronic
        overview of the aesthetics and techniques   aesthetics and techniques employed in the   media. The course focuses on prepar-
        required in the production of video and   creation of interactive multimedia programs.   ing scripts in proper formats, including
        audio program material intended for distri-  Topics presented in the course include: proj-  fundamental technical, conceptual and
        bution over the internet, tablets, cellular   ect planning, interactive design principles,   stylistic issues related to writing fi ction and
        phones and other mobile media and data   digital video and audio, computer animation,   non-fi ction scripts for informational and
        devices. Topics include webcasting, podcast-  graphics, and cross-platform distribution.   entertainment purposes in  fi lm and elec-
        ing, production formats, internet and wire-  Students create projects using industry stan-  tronic media. The course includes a writing
        less distribution channels, aesthetic limita-  dard software such as Macro-media Direc-  evaluation component as a signifi cant part
        tions, developing industry practices and   tor. Note: This course may not be taken for   of the course requirement. Lecture 3 hours.
        professional opportunities. Projects consist   credit by students who have completed CS/  Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for
        of hands-on experiences in the creation   IS 111. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 4 hours.   ENGL 101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        of video and audio content specifically   Recommended Preparation: CABOT 206 or   202
        designed for these emerging media formats.   equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.  DVD AUTHORING AND
        Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 4 hours. Prereq-  112                        PRODUCTION
        uisite: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  MOTION PICTURE EDITING   3.0 Units
        Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                            3.0 Units                           MEDIA 202 is an advanced video production
        107                                 MEDIA 112 is an intermediate-level media   course which trains students in the aesthet-
        INTRODUCTION TO AUDIO               production class. Emphasis is on editing   ics and techniques employed in the creation
        PRODUCTION                          techniques and aesthetics for motion picture   of video DVD’s. Topics include media
        3.0 Units                           productions using professional applica-  asset collection and management, MPEG-2
        MEDIA 107 teaches students the basic prin-  tions. Topics include system set-up, footage   encoding, still and motion menu creation,
        ciples, aesthetics, and techniques required   importing, append and insert editing, dialog   interactive design, special DVD features,
        in the production of audio programs and   and multi-clip editing, media management,   building and formatting the fi nished DVD.
        soundtracks for video programs. Specifi c   pace, continuity, format workfl ow,  eff ects,   Students will gain profi ciency with industry
        topics include digital recording and edit-  titling and compression. Students output   standard software applications. Note: This
        ing, selection and use of microphones,   their projects to professional-level deliverable   course features Apple’s DVD Studio Pro and
        sound studio operation, multi-tracking,   digital video fi les. Lecture 2 hours/Labora-  Compressor software. Lecture 2 hours/Labo-
        equalization, compression, mixing, editing,   tory 4 hours. Prerequisite: MEDIA 103 or   ratory 4 hours. Recommended Preparation:
        and synchronization with video. Industry   equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  MEDIA 101 or MEDIA 103 or equivalent; and
        standard software such as Pro Tools will be   Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.  CABOT 206 or equivalent.
        utilized. Hands-on practice with professional
        equipment is emphasized. Lecture 2 hours/
        Laboratory 4 hours.  Prerequisite: None.
        Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.
        Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202