Page 192 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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MATHEMATICS         189

            119                                 130                                 133
            STEM                                ALGEBRA FOR STATISTICS              3.0 Units
            3.0 Units                           6.0 Units                           MATH 133 is a one-semester course in
            MATH 119 is the fi rst course of a two-semes-  MATH 130 is a one-semester course lead-  mathematics for business, management, and
            ter sequence of Intermediate Algebra. Topics   ing to transfer-level Statistics (MATH 136),   social science majors. Topics in this course
            include: fundamental laws, curve plotting,   Finite Mathematics (MATH 133), Liberal   include systems of equations, matrices,
            linear equations, fractional exponents, radi-  Arts Mathematics (MATH 135), and Math for   probability with an introduction to statistics,
            cal and rational expressions and equations,   Elementary Teachers I (MATH 138). Topics   Markov chains, and game theory. Lecture
            factoring, functions, Cramer’s rule, algebra of   include curve plotting, linear equations   3 hours.  Prerequisite: Placement is based
            functions, graphs of functions, and systems   and inequalities, radicals, functions and   on a composite of test scores and academic
            of linear equations and inequalities. This   inverse functions, systems of linear equa-  background or MATH 101, 120, 131, 220B or
            course is equivalent to the fi rst part of MATH   tions, exponential and logarithmic functions,   2 units of MATH 220. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            101.  Note: This course may not be taken   factoring, rational expressions, roots and   UC, USC.
            for credit by students who have completed   radicals, quadratic equations, descriptive   135
            MATH 101, 131, or 219C. A maximum of 3   statistics, graphical and numerical statistics   LIBERAL ARTS MATHEMATICS
            units will be granted for MATH 119, 219A,   for quantitative and categorical data, model-  3.0 Units
            219B, and 219C. A maximum of 5 units will   ing bivariate data with linear functions,
            be granted for MATH 119 and MATH 101,   introductory set theory, and introductory   MATH 135 is a one-semester course designed
            131, 219A, 219B, 219C, 220A, and 220B. Lecture   probability. Note: This course is designed for   for liberal arts majors. Topics in this course
            2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   non-STEM students who are not majoring in   include probability, statistical inference,
            Placement is based on a composite of test   science, technology, engineering, mathemat-  voting systems and how to measure power,
            scores and academic background or satisfac-  ics, or business. This course may not be taken   game theory, and apportionment. Lecture 3
            tory completion of MATH 141, MATH 146, or   for credit by students who have completed   hours. Prerequisite: Placement is based on a
            MATH 246B.                          MATH 131. A maximum of 6 units will be   composite of test scores and academic back-
                                                granted for MATH 130 and 141, 146, 119, or   ground or satisfactory completion of MATH
            120                                 219, or a maximum of 8 units will be granted   101, 120, 130, 131, or MATH 220B.  Course
            INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA II FOR         for MATH 130 and 101, 120, or 220. Lecture   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
            STEM                                5 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            2.0 Units
                                                Satisfactory completion of MATH 144, MATH   136
            MATH 120 is the second course of a two-  145, or 2 units of MATH 245.   STATISTICS
            semester sequence of Intermediate Algebra.                              4.0 Units
            Topics include quadratic equations and   131
            inequalities, arithmetic and geometric   INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA FOR       MATH 136 is a one-semester course designed
            sequences and series, the binomial theorem,   STATISTICS                for students whose major requires a course
            conic sections, inverse functions, graphs of   5.0 Units                in statistics. Topics in this course include: the
            functions, systems of nonlinear equations   MATH 131 is a one-semester course lead-  nature of statistical methods, types of data,
            and inequalities, and exponential and loga-  ing to transfer-level Statistics (MATH 136),   introductory probability, sampling theory,
            rithmic functions. This course is equivalent   Finite Mathematics (MATH 133), Liberal   experimental design, confi dence  intervals,
            to the second part of MATH 101. This course   Arts Mathematics (MATH 135), and Math for   hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and
            is preparation for students entering college   Elementary Teachers I (MATH 138). Topics   decision making. Emphasis will be placed
            algebra, precalculus, or business calculus.   include curve plotting, linear equations   on the application of statistical concepts to
            Note: This course may not be taken for credit   and inequalities, radicals, functions and   real world data, development of statistical
            by students who have completed MATH 101   inverse functions, systems of linear equa-  reasoning, and the interpretation of results.
            or 220A and 220B. A maximum of 5 units   tions, exponential and logarithmic functions,   Lecture 4 hours.  Prerequisite: Placement
            will be granted for MATH 101, 119, 120, 219A,   descriptive statistics, graphical and numeri-  is based on a composite of test scores and
            219B, 219C, 220A, and 220B. A maximum of   cal statistics for quantitative and categorical   academic background or satisfactory comple-
            7 units will be granted for MATH 120, 220A,   data, modeling bivariate data with linear   tion of MATH 101, 120, 130, 131, or MATH
            220B, and 131. A maximum of 9 units will be   functions, introductory set theory, and   220B.  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/
            granted for MATH 119 and 120 AND MATH   introductory probability. Note: This course is   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            130. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3 hours.   designed for non-STEM students who are not   UC, USC. (C-ID MATH 110)
            Prerequisite: Placement is based on satisfac-  majoring in science, technology, engineering,
            tory completion of MATH 119 or MATH 219C.    mathematics, or business. A maximum of
                                                5 units will be granted for MATH 131 and
                                                119 or 219, or a maximum of 7 units will be
                                                granted for MATH 131 and 101, 120, or 220.
                                                No more than 7 units total will be granted.
                                                Lecture 5 hours.  Prerequisite: Placement
                                                is based on a composite of test scores and
                                                academic background or MATH 141 or 146
                                                or 246B or 2 units of MATH 246.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197