Page 193 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 193


        136H                                141                                 145
        4.0 Units                           4.0 Units                           2.0 Units
        MATH 136H is a one-semester course   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE              NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
        designed for students whose major requires   MATH 141 is an accelerated course in the   MATH 145 is designed to cover the funda-
        a course in statistics. Topics in this course   fundamental operations of algebra. The   mental operations of algebra normally
        include the nature of statistical methods,   course focuses on solutions of linear and   included in the fi rst semester of a year course
        types of data, introductory probability,   quadratic equations, algebraic operations,   taught in secondary school, and includes
        sampling theory, experimental design,   factoring, rational expressions, exponents   signed numbers, solutions to linear equa-
        confi dence intervals, hypothesis testing,   and radicals, systems of linear equations and   tions, algebraic manipulations, exponents,
        regression analysis, and decision making.   graphing linear and quadratic equations.   polynomials, graphing linear equations,
        Emphasis is placed on the application   This course is the equivalent of the traditional   and solving linear systems. This course is
        of statistical concepts to real world data,   fi rst year of algebra in secondary school and   designed for students who have studied
        development of statistical reasoning, and the   is designed for students to review their alge-  algebra for less than one year or have not
        interpretation of results. The honors section   bra. Note: Students with two unsuccessful   studied algebra recently. Note: This course
        of this course features more in depth theory   attempts in MATH 141 (with a grade of W, D,   may not be taken for credit by students who
        and one or more projects related to the topics   F, or NP) who plan to complete Elementary   have completed MATH 141, 144, or 245B. A
        of the course. Lecture 4 hours. Prerequisite:   Algebra will be required to take the MATH   maximum of 2 units of credit will be granted
        Placement is based on a composite of test   145/245 and 146/246 sequence. This course   for MATH 145, and 245A and 245B. Lecture
        scores and academic background or satisfac-  may not be taken for credit by students who   1 hour/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
        tory completion of MATH 101, 120, 130, 131,   have completed MATH 146 or 246B. A maxi-  Placement is based on a composite of test
        or MATH 220B. Course Typically Off ered:   mum of 4 units will be granted for MATH   scores and academic background or satis-
        Spring/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.  141, 145, 146, 245A, 245B, 246A, and 246B. A   factory completion of MATH 155 or MATH
                                            maximum of 8 units will be granted for Math   255D.  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/
        138                                 141 and 144. Lecture 3.5 hours/Laboratory   Spring/Summer/Fall.
        MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY          1.5 hours. Prerequisite: Placement is based
        TEACHERS I                          on a composite of test scores and academic   146
        3.0 Units                                                               ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA II
                                            background or satisfactory completion of
        MATH 138 is designed for prospective   MATH 145 or MATH 245B.           2.0 Units
        elementary school teachers. Topics in this                              NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
        course include: problem-solving techniques,   144                       MATH 146 is a continuation of Mathematics
        set operations, functions, number theory,   ALGEBRA BASICS              145 and completes the topics traditionally
        ratio, proportion, and percent. Lecture 3   6.0 Units                   covered in the fi rst year of algebra in second-
        hours.  Prerequisite: Placement is based   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE        ary school. This course covers the fundamen-
        on a composite of test scores and academic   MATH 144 is a basic skills course designed   tal operations of algebra including factoring,
        background or satisfactory completion of   to prepare students for their  fi rst  course   rational expressions, roots and radicals,
        MATH 101, 120, 130, 131, or MATH 220B.   in algebra. It includes the fundamental   and quadratic equations. Note: This course
        Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   processes of arithmetic, pre-algebra, and   may not be taken for credit by students who
        Credit: CSU, UC.                    fundamental operations of algebra normally   have completed MATH 141 or MATH 246B.
                                            included in the fi rst semester of a year course   A maximum of 4 units of credit will be
        139                                 taught in secondary school. It is designed   granted for MATH 141, MATH 145, MATH
        MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY          to develop skill in computation using   146, MATH 245A, MATH 245B, MATH 246A
        TEACHERS II                         whole numbers, signed numbers, fractions,   and MATH 246B. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory
        3.0 Units
                                            decimals, percents, and properties of the   3 hours. Prerequisite: Satisfactory comple-
        MATH 139 is a continuation of MATH 138.   decimal number system. Rules of exponents,   tion of MATH 145, MATH 245B or MATH 144.
        It is a second-semester course designed for   fi rst-degree equations, fundamental facts   Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/
        prospective elementary teachers. Topics   about geometry, solutions to linear equa-  Summer/Fall.
        include: statistics, probability, and geometry.   tions, algebraic manipulations, exponents,
        Geometry topics include: geometric shapes,   polynomials, graphing linear equations,
        measurement, triangle congruence and simi-  and solving linear systems are also included.
        larity, coordinate plane, and transformations.   This course is designed for students who
        Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 138.   have studied algebra for less than one year
        Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.           or have not studied algebra recently. Note:
                                            This course may not be taken for credit by
                                            students who have completed MATH 141,
                                            145, or 245B. A maximum of 6 units will
                                            be granted for MATH 144 and any of the
                                            following courses: MATH 155, 255A, 255B,
                                            255C, 255D, 245A, or 245B. Lecture 5 hours/
                                            Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: Placement
                                            is based on a composite of test scores and
                                            academic background.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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