Page 196 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 196

MEDIA ARTS        193

            255B                                255D                                336
            1.0 Unit                            1.0 Unit                            STATISTICS
            NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               1.0 Unit
            MATH 255B is the second part of a self-  MATH 255D is the fourth part of a self-paced   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
            paced multimedia basic skills course. MATH   multimedia basic skills course. MATH   MATH 336 is designed to complement
            255ABCD collectively is designed to prepare   255ABCD collectively is designed to prepare   MATH 136 in the development and practice
            students for their  fi rst course in algebra.   students for their  fi rst course in algebra.   of essential study techniques and course
            It includes the fundamental processes of   It includes the fundamental processes of   material for success in Statistics. Topics
            arithmetic and prealgebra. It is designed to   arithmetic and prealgebra. It is designed to   include integration of statistical software, life
            develop skill in computation using whole   develop skill in computation using whole   management skills, strategies for successful
            numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and   numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and   classroom experience, and critical thinking/
            properties of the decimal number system   properties of the decimal number system   problem solving strategies. Note: This course
            with an emphasis on the arithmetic of   with an emphasis on the arithmetic of   is Pass/No Pass only. Laboratory 3 hours.
            signed numbers. Rules of exponents,  fi rst   signed numbers. Rules of exponents,  fi rst   Corequisite: MATH 136.
            degree equations, and fundamental facts   degree equations, fundamental facts about   341
            about geometry with regard to area and   geometry with regard to area and perimeter   SKILLS FOR COLLEGE SUCCESS IN
            perimeter are also included. Study and test-  are also included. Study and test-taking   ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA
            taking techniques related to mathematics are   techniques related to mathematics are also   2.0 Units
            also covered. Math 255ABCD collectively is   covered. MATH 255ABCD collectively is
            equivalent to MATH 155. Note: This course   equivalent to MATH 155. Note: This course   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
            may not be taken for credit by students who   may not be taken for credit by students who   MATH 341 is designed to complement
            have completed MATH 155. A maximum of   have completed MATH 155. A maximum of   MATH 141 in the development and practice
            4 units of credit will be granted for MATH   4 units of credit will be granted for MATH   of essential study techniques and course
            155 and 255. Note: This course is Pass/No   155 and 255. Note: This course is Pass/No   material for success in elementary algebra.
            Pass only. Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequi-  Pass only. Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequi-  Topics include integration of web-based
            site: MATH 255A or 1 unit of MATH 255.   site: MATH 255C or 3 units of MATH 255.   supplemental instruction, life management
            Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  skills, strategies for successful classroom
            Summer/Fall.                        Summer/Fall.                        experience, and critical thinking/problem
                                                                                    solving strategies. Note: This course is Pass/
            255C                                301                                 No Pass only. Lecture 3 hours. Corequisite:
            ARITHMETIC AND PREALGEBRA           SKILLS FOR COLLEGE SUCCESS IN       MATH 141. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
            1.0 Unit                            INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA                Spring.
            NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               2.0 Units
            MATH 255C is the third part of a self-paced   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE              MEDIA ARTS
            multimedia basic skills course. MATH   MATH 301 is designed to complement
            255ABCD collectively is designed to prepare   MATH 101 in the development and practice   101
            students for their  fi rst course in algebra.   of essential study techniques and course   INTRODUCTION TO TV STUDIO
            It includes the fundamental processes of   material for success in intermediate algebra.   PRODUCTION
            arithmetic and prealgebra. It is designed to   Topics include integration of web-based   3.0 Units
            develop skill in computation using whole   supplemental instruction, life management   MEDIA 101 provides students with a basic
            numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and   skills, strategies for successful classroom   overview of the aesthetics and techniques
            properties of the decimal number system   experience, and critical thinking/problem   required in the production of studio based
            with an emphasis on the arithmetic of   solving strategies. Note: This course is Pass/  multiple camera video programs. The topics
            signed numbers. Rules of exponents,  fi rst   No Pass only. Lecture 3 hours. Corequisite:   include studio and control room operations,
            degree equations, fundamental facts about   Math 101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  directing, crew responsibilities, operation
            geometry with regard to area and perimeter   Spring.                    of video and audio equipment, lighting,
            are also included. Study and test-taking   331                          video graphics and sound mixing. Projects
            techniques related to mathematics are also   SKILLS FOR COLLEGE SUCCESS   consist of hands-on experiences in several
            covered. MATH 255ABCD collectively is   IN INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA FOR     “live” video studio production situations
            equivalent to MATH 155. Note: This course   STATISTICS                  performed in the Glendale College Television
            may not be taken for credit by students who   2.0 Units                 Studio (GCTV Studio.) Lecture 2 hours/Labo-
            have completed MATH 155. A maximum of                                   ratory 4 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course
            4 units of credit will be granted for MATH   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE      Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
            155 and 255. Note: This course is Pass/No   MATH 331 is designed to complement   Credit: CSU.
            Pass only. Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequi-  MATH 131 with the development and prac-
            site: MATH 255B or 2 units of MATH 255.   tice of essential study techniques and course
            Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  material for success in intermediate algebra
            Summer/Fall.                        and statistics. Topics include integration of
                                                web-based supplemental instruction, life
                                                management skills, strategies for successful
                                                classroom experiences, and critical thinking/
                                                problem solving strategies. Note: This course
                                                is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 1.5 hours/Labo-
                                                ratory 1.5 hours. Corequisite: MATH 131.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201