Page 191 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 191


        108                                 110A                                112
        EQUATIONS                           3.5 Units                           5.0 Units
        5.0 Units                           MATH 110A is the  fi rst of two courses   MATH 112 is a one semester course in calcu-
        MATH 108 covers the solution of ordinary   that prepares students for calculus. Topics   lus for business, management, and social
        diff erential equations using various tech-  include  fi rst and second-degree equations   science majors. Topics in this course include:
        niques including variation of parameters,   and inequalities, the study of functions and   techniques of diff erentiating,  maximum-
        the Laplace transform, power series, and   their graphs (polynomial, absolute value,   minimum problems, curve sketching,
        numerical methods. Systems of linear   radical, rational, exponential, logarithmic),   derivatives and applications of exponential
        diff erential equations and an introduction   and remainder and factor theorems. Addi-  and logarithmic functions, techniques of
        to nonhomogeneous linear systems are also   tional topics include a review of geometry,   integration, simple diff erential  equations,
        covered. Applications are drawn from the   followed by an introduction to trigonometric   the calculus of functions of several variables,
        physical sciences. Lecture 5 hours. Prereq-  functions, solving right triangles, elementary   including Lagrange multipliers and multiple
        uisite: MATH 104. Recommended Prepara-  trigonometric identities, inverse trigonomet-  integration. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite:
        tion: MATH 105. Course Typically Off ered:   ric functions, and solving triangles using the   Placement is based on a composite of test
        Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   Laws of Sines and the Law of Cosines. Note:   scores and academic background or satisfac-
        (C-ID MATH 240)                     A maximum of 3 units may be earned from   tory completion of MATH 118, MATH 101, or
                                            the combination of MATH 110A and MATH   MATH 120, or MATH 220B. Recommended
        108H                                100. No credit will be given for MATH 110A if   Preparation: MATH 100. Course Typically
        HONORS ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL        a student has successfully completed MATH   Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
        EQUATIONS                           110 or MATH 100 and MATH 102. Lecture   UC, USC. (C-ID MATH 140)
        5.0 Units
                                            3 hours/Laboratory 1.5 hour. Prerequisite:
        MATH 108 covers the solution of ordinary   MATH 101 or MATH 120 or MATH 220B   118
        diff erential equations using various tech-  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  ELEMENTARY AND INTERMEDIATE
        niques including variation of parameters,   Summer/Fall.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   ALGEBRA FOR STEM
        the Laplace transform, power series, and   USC.                         6.0 Units
        numerical methods. Systems of linear                                    MATH 118 is an accelerated course combin-
        diff erential equations and an introduction   110B                       ing the second half of Elementary Algebra
        to nonhomogeneous linear systems are also   PRECALCULUS II              with Intermediate Algebra. Topics include
        covered. Applications are drawn from the   3.5 Units                    fundamental laws, linear and absolute value
        physical sciences. The honors section of this   MATH 110B is the second of two courses that   equations and inequalities, systems of linear
        course features more theory and proof, and   prepares students for calculus. Topics include   and nonlinear equations and inequalities,
        one or more projects related to the topics of   the study of trigonometric functions, their   Cramer’s Rule, factoring, quadratic equations
        this course. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite:   inverses and their graphs, identities and their   and inequalities, fractional exponents, radi-
        MATH 104.  Recommended Preparation:   proofs, trigonometric equations, and graphs   cal and rational expressions and equations,
        MATH 105. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  of polar equations. Additional topics include   functions and inverse functions, algebra of
        Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID   complex numbers, graphs of parametric   functions, curve plotting, graphs of func-
        MATH 240)                           equations and conic sections, linear and   tions, exponential and logarithmic functions,
                                            nonlinear systems of equations, the binomial   conic sections, arithmetic and geometric
        110                                 theorem, partial fraction decomposition,   sequences and series, the binomial theorem.
        PRECALCULUS                         introduction to vectors, and mathematical   This course is preparation primarily for
        6.0 Units
                                            induction. Note: No credit will be given for   students entering college algebra, precalcu-
        MATH 110 is an accelerated precalculus   MATH 110B if a student has successfully   lus, or business calculus. Note: This course
        course which prepares students for calculus.   completed MATH 110 or MATH 100 and   may not be taken for credit by students who
        Topics include polynomial, absolute value,   MATH 102. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 1.5   have completed MATH 101, 120, or 220B. A
        radical, rational, exponential, logarithmic,   hour.  Prerequisite: MATH 110A.  Course   maximum of 6 units of credit will be granted
        and trigonometric functions and their   Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/  for Mathematics 118, 146, 246A, and 246B.
        graphs, inverses, zeroes and applications.   Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (MATH   A maximum of 7 units will be granted for
        Inequalities, trigonometric identities, conic   110A&B C-ID MATH 211)   MATH 118 and 131, OR a maximum of 9
        sections, polar equations, parametric equa-                             units will be granted for MATH 118 and
        tions, systems of equations and mathemati-                              130. Lecture 5 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.
        cal induction are also covered. Lecture 6                               Prerequisite: Placement is based on satisfac-
        hours. Prerequisite: Placement is based on a                            tory completion of MATH 144, MATH 145,
        composite of test scores and academic back-                             or MATH 245B.
        ground or satisfactory completion of MATH
        101 or MATH 120 or MATH 220B  Course
        Typically Off ered:  Spring/Summer/Fall.
        Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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