Page 190 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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MATHEMATICS         187

            103EH                               104E                                105H
            ANALYTIC GEOMETRY                   GEOMETRY                            VECTOR CALCULUS
            5.0 Units                           5.0 Units                           5.0 Units
            MATH 103EH is the fi rst of a sequence of   MATH 104E is a study of techniques of inte-  MATH 105H is a course in vector calculus.
            three courses combining the subject matter   gration, indeterminate forms, applications   Topics covered include vector functions,
            of analytic geometry and calculus. Functions   of integration, diff erential equations, the   vector diff erentiation, parametric equations,
            and their graphs are studied with special   calculus of parametric equations, polar coor-  vectors in two, three, and higher dimensional
            attention to diff erentiation, limits, rules and   dinates, and conic sections, and the study   space, multiple integration, and an introduc-
            integration using various techniques. The   of infi nite sequences and series. Lecture 5   tion to vector analysis including divergence,
            calculus of inverse functions and transcen-  hours. Prerequisite: MATH 103E. Transfer   curl, Green’s and Stokes’ Theorems. The
            dental functions as well as applications of   Credit: CSU, UC.          honors section of this course features more
            diff erentiation is also covered. The honors   104EH                     theory and proof, and one or more projects
            section of this course features more theory   HONORS CALCULUS AND       related to the topics of the course. Lecture
            and proof, and one or more projects related   ANALYTIC GEOMETRY         5 hours.  Prerequisite: MATH 104.  Course
            to the topics of the course. Lecture 5 hours.   5.0 Units               Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
            Prerequisite: MATH 110 or 110B.  Course                                 Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID MATH 230)
            Typically Offered: Fall/Spring  Transfer   MATH 104EH is a study of techniques of   107
            Credit: CSU, UC.                    integration, indeterminate forms, applica-
                                                tions of integration, diff erential equations,   LINEAR ALGEBRA
            103H                                the calculus of parametric equations, polar   5.0 Units
            HONORS CALCULUS AND                 coordinates, and conic sections, and the   MATH 107 covers the topics of vector spaces,
            ANALYTIC GEOMETRY                   study of infi nite sequences and series. The   linear transformations and matrices, matrix
            5.0 Units                           honors section of this course features more   algebra, determinants, eigenvalues and
            MATH 103H is the  fi rst of a sequence of   theory and proof, and one or more projects   eigenvectors, and solutions of systems of
            three courses combining the subject matter   related to the topics of the course. Lecture 5   equations. Solution techniques include row
            of analytic geometry and calculus. Functions   hours. Prerequisite: MATH 103E. Transfer   operations, Gaussian elimination and matrix
            and their graphs are studied with special   Credit: CSU, UC.            algebra. Specifi c topics in vector spaces and
            attention to diff erentiation, limits, rules   104H                      matrix theory include inner products, norms,
            and integration using various techniques.   HONORS CALCULUS AND         orthogonality, eigenvalues, eigenspaces,
            Applications of both diff erentiation  and   ANALYTIC GEOMETRY           linear transformations and applications.
            integration are covered. The honors section   5.0 Units                 Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 104.
            of this course features more theory and proof,                          Recommended Preparation: MATH 105.
            and one or more projects related to the topics   MATH 104H is a study of the calculus of   Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.
            of the course. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite:   inverse functions, transcendental functions,   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            Placement is based on a composite of test   techniques of integration, indeterminate   107H
            scores and academic background or satisfac-  forms, applications of integration, diff eren-  HONORS LINEAR ALGEBRA
            tory completion of MATH 110 or MATH 110B,   tial equations, parametric equations, polar   5.0 Units
            or both MATH 100 (prior to Fall 2016) and   coordinates, conic sections, and infi nite
            MATH 102 (prior to Spring 2017). Transfer   sequences and series. The honors section of   MATH 107H covers the topics of vector
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID MATH 211)  this course features more theory and proof,   spaces, linear transformations and matrices,
                                                and one or more projects related to the topics   matrix algebra, determinants, eigenvalues
            104                                 of the course. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite:   and eigenvectors, and solutions of systems of
            CALCULUS AND ANALYTIC               Placement is based on a composite of test   equations. Solution techniques include row
            GEOMETRY                            scores and academic background or satis-  operations, Gaussian elimination and matrix
            5.0 Units                           factory completion of MATH 103. Transfer   algebra. Specifi c topics in vector spaces and
            MATH 104 is a study of the calculus of   Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID MATH 221)  matrix theory include inner products, norms,
            inverse functions, transcendental functions,   105                      orthogonality, eigenvalues, eigenspaces,
            techniques of integration, indeterminate   MULTIVARIABLE AND VECTOR     linear transformations and applications. The
            forms, applications of integration, diff eren-  CALCULUS                 honors section of this course features more
            tial equations, parametric equations, polar   5.0 Units                 theory and proof, and one or more projects
            coordinates, conic sections, and infi nite                               related to the topics of this course. Lecture
            sequences and series. Lecture 5 hours.   MATH 105 is a course in vector calculus.   5 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 104. Recom-
            Prerequisite: Placement is based on a   Topics covered include vector functions,   mended Preparation: MATH 105.  Course
            composite of test scores and academic back-  vector diff erentiation, parametric equations,   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
            ground or satisfactory completion of MATH   vectors in two, three, and higher dimensional   Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID MATH 250)
            103.  Course Typically Offered: Winter/  space, multiple integration, and an introduc-
            Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,   tion to vector analysis including divergence,
            UC, USC. (C-ID MATH 221)            curl, Green’s and Stokes’ Theorems. Lecture
                                                5 hours.  Prerequisite: MATH 104.  Course
                                                Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/
                                                Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID
                                                MATH 230)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195