Page 185 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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182     KOREAN

        168                                 229                                            LIBRARY
        CONDITIONING II                     2.0 Units                           100
        1.5 Units                           KIN 229 covers advanced theory and strate-  CRITICAL APPROACHES TO
        KIN 168 is an intermediate course which   gies used in the sport of soccer for men and   INFORMATION RESEARCH
                                                                                3.0 Units
        builds on basic exercise training principles   women. Emphasis on advanced strategy,
        and introduces theories of intermediate   game tactics, philosophy, and focus on   LIB 100 introduces students the eff ective
        training for skill-related fi tness goals. This   Federal International Football Association   use of library and non-library informa-
        course focuses on training for speed, power,   (FIFA) laws of the game.  Note: KIN 229   tion resources and services in a variety
        agility, coordination, balance and reaction   is recommended for Kinesiology majors.   of academic disciplines and professions.
        time, as well as sport-specific training.   Lecture 2 hours.  Prerequisite: KIN 228.   Students learn the core concepts of informa-
        Intermediate training protocols such as high-  Transfer Credit: CSU.    tion retrieval and the essential techniques
        intensity intervals, plyometrics and Olympic   236                      of organizing, presenting, evaluating, and
        lifts are covered along with novel implement   SOFTBALL THEORY          analyzing information as well as how to
        training using resistance bands, kettlebells   2.0 Units                properly attribute sources used. Topics
        and medicine balls. Lecture/Demonstration                               include: information cycle and timeline;
        1.5 hours. Prerequisite: KIN 167 or equiva-  KIN 236 covers the theoretical founda-  comparing, contrasting, and selecting
        lent. Recommended Corequisite: PE 101 or   tions of the sport of softball. Note: KIN 236   library and open web resources; types and
        PE 102 or PE 103 or PE 104 or ATHPE 100.   is recommended for kinesiology majors.   characteristics of information sources; eff ec-
        Recommended Preparation: ENGL 120 or   Lecture 2 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  tive information research planning; search
        ESL 151.  Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  tion: Knowledge of Softball fundamentals.   techniques, evaluation criteria, and ethical
        Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  Course Typically Off ered: Fall.  Transfer   use of information. This class enhances criti-
                                            Credit: CSU, UC, USC.               cal thinking and evaluation skills by using
        195                                                                     a variety of textual, graphical, visual, and
        FOOTBALL THEORY                                KOREAN                   audio (re)sources to assess how informa-
        2.0 Units                                                               tion is produced, consumed, and presented
        KIN 195 is theory and development of off en-                             and teaches students how to assess sources
        sive and defensive formations and strategies   BEGINNING KOREAN I       for perspective, veracity, and authority in
        in football. Note: KIN 195 is recommended   5.0 Units                   order to develop the ability to apply critical
        for kinesiology majors. Lecture 2 hours.   KOREA 101 teaches the fundamentals of   thinking practices to specifi c  disciplinary
        Recommended Preparation: Knowledge of   Korean grammar within a cultural context.   contexts and information problems within
        Football fundamentals.  Course Typically   Students are trained to pronounce Korean   the student’s fi eld of interest. Note: Students
        Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  correctly, to acquire a small working   completing LIB 100, LIB 191, LIB 190 will
                                            vocabulary which they use in conversa-  receive a maximum of three units of credit
        196                                 tion and writing, and to read and write in   Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
        ADVANCED FOOTBALL THEORY            the native Korean alphabet, Hangul. Note:   tion: ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit:
        2.0 Units                           This course is not intended for students   CSU.
        KIN 196 covers advanced theoretical founda-  with oral profi ciency or who have attended
        tions and strategies of football. Note: KIN   schools where Korean was the language of   190
        196 is recommended for kinesiology majors   instruction. Lecture 5 hours. Recommended   INTRODUCTION TO BASIC
        and students who are participating in varsity   Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL   RESEARCH SKILLS
        football for a second year. Lecture 2 hours.   151. Course Typically Off ered: Fall. Transfer   1.0 Unit
        Prerequisite: KIN 195 or equivalent Transfer   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.    LIB 190 introduces students to the skills of
        Credit: CSU, UC, USC.                                                   basic researching, including the eff ective use
                                            102                                 of library resources and services. Students
        228                                 BEGINNING KOREAN II                 learn fundamental techniques for locating,
        SOCCER THEORY                       5.0 Units                           evaluating, and organizing information
        2.0 Units                           KOREA 102 continues to present the funda-  to be used in research papers, as well as
        KIN 228 is designed for men and women.   mentals of Korean grammar. Students are   how to correctly format source citations.
        It covers the theoretical foundations of the   trained to pronounce Korean correctly, to   Topics covered include: information cycle
        sport of soccer, with emphasis on strategy,   acquire a small working vocabulary which   and timeline; comparing, contrasting, and
        game tactics, philosophy, and Federal Inter-  they use in conversation and writing, and to   selecting library and open web resources;
        national Football Association laws of the   read and write in the native Korean alpha-  types and characteristics of information
        game. Note: KIN 228 is recommended for   bet, Hangul. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite:   sources; eff ective information research plan-
        kinesiology majors. Lecture 2 hours. Recom-  KOREA 101 or equivalent. Course Typically   ning; search techniques, evaluation criteria,
        mended Preparation: Knowledge of Soccer   Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   citation formatting, and plagiarism.  Note:
        fundamentals.  Course Typically Off ered:   USC.                         Students completing LIB 191, LIB 190 will
        Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.                                    receive a maximum of two units of credit.
                                                                                Lecture 1 hour. Recommended Preparation:
                                                                                Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer
                                                                                Credit: CSU.

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