Page 181 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 181


        207                                          INTERNSHIP                 103
        CAQI/QM/QS SYSTEM ECONOMIZER                                            INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN I
        MODULE                              50                                  5.0 Units
        1.0 Unit                            INTERNSHIP                          ITAL 103 includes further study of Italian
                                            1.0 to 3.0 Units
        ITECH 207 examines the knowledge                                        grammar. The purpose of the course is to
        required to establish an economizer system’s   Internship is a self-motivated course which   train students in reading comprehension
        diagnostic process. This includes the operat-  allows students to earn from 1-3 units for   of intermediate prose with stress on docu-
        ing aspects ultimately applied to that process   structured supervised work off   campus   mentary aspects of Italian life, character
        which conclude with the system working   under supervision of a faculty advisor. It is   analysis, and the study of ideas. Oral and
        safely, reliably, and operating at the high-  designed to provide students with appropri-  written discussions are stressed. Lecture 5
        est capacity and energy effi  ciency possible.   ate preparation, a hands-on discipline-linked   hours. Prerequisite: ITAL 102 or equivalent.
        Lecture 1 hour. Recommended Preparation:   work experience that will extend their knowl-  Course Typically Off ered: Fall.  Transfer
        Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.   edge and understanding of career demands   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                            in a fi eld. This course may be off ered in any
           INTERNATIONAL FIELD              of the following disciplines: ACCTG, ADST,   104
                                                                                INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN II
                   STUDIES                  ART, AT, BIOL, BUSAD, CABOT, CHEM,   5.0 Units
                                            CHLDV, CS/IS, CULIN, DANCE, ECT,
        48                                  ENGR, GEOG, GEOL, HRM, KIN, JOURN,   ITAL 104 completes the review of the funda-
        INTERNATIONAL FIELD STUDIES         MACH, MCOMM, MEDIA, MUSIC,  PHOTO,   mentals of grammar. The purpose of the
        1.0 to 3.0 Units                    PHY, POL S, PSYCH. RE, SOC, SOCS, T ART.   course is to train students in reading inter-
                                            Note: This course is a Pass/No Pass only.   mediate prose of increasing diffi  culty with
        International Field Studies provides college
        credit for travel and study in foreign   Note: Students must arrange an approved   stress on the study of ideas. The training also
        countries at the student’s own expense in   internship prior to enrolling in this class.   includes oral discussion and written exposi-
        programs provided by agencies approved   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   tion. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite: ITAL 103
        in advance by the College and under the   ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU.  or equivalent.  Course Typically Off ered:
        direction of a Glendale Community College       ITALIAN                 Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        instructor. This course may be off ered in all                           130
        disciplines. Note: Each repetition must be in   101                     ITALIAN CULTURE AND
        a diff erent country and/or area of the world.   BEGINNING ITALIAN I     CIVILIZATION THROUGH CINEMA
        This course may be off ered in any of these   5.0 Units                  3.0 Units
        disciplines: ACCTG, ANTHR, ART, ASL,   ITAL 101 teaches the fundamentals of Italian   ITAL 130 analyzes the social, economic,
        ASTRO, AT, BIOL, CABOT, CAM, CHEM,   grammar. Students are trained to pronounce   religious and political evolution of Italian
        CHLDV, CS/IS, CULIN, DANCE, ECON,   Italian correctly, to acquire a small working   culture as seen through Italian cinema
        ECT, ENGL, ENGR, ETH S, FIRE, GEOG,   vocabulary which they use in conversation   from the beginning of the 20th century to
        GEOL, HIST, ITAL, JOURN, KOREA, LIB,   and writing, and to read simple Italian. Note:   the present. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
        MATH, MCOMM, MEDIA, MUSIC, NS,      This course is not intended for students   Eligibility for ENGL 101.  Transfer Credit:
        OCEAN, PE, PHILO, PHY, POL S, PSYCH,   with oral profi ciency or who have attended   CSU, UC, USC.
        RE, SOC, SPAN, SPCH, ST DV, T ART, WELD.   schools where Italian was the language of
        Lecture 1-3 hours/Laboratory-Studio 2-9   instruction. Lecture 5 hours. Recommended   JAPANESE
        hours. Prerequisite: Concurrent registration   Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or
        in 6 or more units. Transfer Credit: CSU.                               101
                                            ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  BEGINNING JAPANESE I
                                            Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,   5.0 Units
                                            UC, USC.
                                                                                JAPAN 101 presents the fundamentals of
                                            102                                 Japanese grammar within a cultural context.
                                            BEGINNING ITALIAN II                The students are trained to pronounce
                                            5.0 Units                           correctly, to acquire a small working
                                            ITAL 102 is a continuation of Italian 101   vocabulary for conversation and writing,
                                            and completes the elementary grammar. It   and to read and write hiragana, katakana,
                                            includes the reading of simplifi ed texts with   and some kanji (native Japanese alphabets).
                                            emphasis on oral expressions, and further   Note: This course is not intended for students
                                            study of Italian history and culture. Lecture   with oral profi ciency or who have attended
                                            5 hours. Prerequisite: ITAL 101 or equiva-  schools where Japanese was the language of
                                            lent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   instruction. Lecture 5 hours. Recommended
                                            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or
                                                                                ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered: Winter/
                                                                                Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                                                                UC, USC.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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