Page 179 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        120                                 130                                   INDEPENDENT STUDIES
        ARTS                                THE ORGANIZATION                    49
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           INDEPENDENT STUDIES
                                                                                1.0 TO 3.0 Units
        HUMAN 120 is an interdisciplinary course   HUMAN 130 is an interdisciplinary, team
        that focuses on the interrelationships of   taught, intercultural course that emphasizes   GCC may make available in the curriculum
        literature and the cultural arts (architec-  personal and global issues, problems, and   of each division, lower division units of
        ture, music, painting, and sculpture), with   patterns of communication in the work envi-  study, known as Independent Study. The
        emphasis on the literature, to show not only   ronment as they apply to individual workers,   purpose of the Independent Study course
        their independence but also their synthesis.   groups and organizations. Students develop   is to provide gifted students with an oppor-
        Through critical reading, discussion, and   critical reading, writing, and thinking skills   tunity to explore a subject in greater depth
        writing, students analyze the infl uences of   by analyzing and discussing an international   than usual, to familiarize students with
        each genre upon the creative impulses of the   array of essays, works of fiction, plays,   some basic research techniques, to interest
        others. HUMAN 120 examines literary and   poems, songs, and fi lms concerning work,   students in possible career areas, and to
        cultural achievements, developments, and   and by engaging in individual and collabora-  take advantage of special academic interests.
        values in the major periods of western history   tive activities designed to pose ethical and   Emphasis shall be on individual research
        that served as a foundation for modern   decision-making problems. Writing instruc-  projects, library research and preparation
        thought and letters. The course may be   tion focuses on improving composition skills.   of research papers. There is no prescribed
        team taught. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: Eligibility for   course outline. Students develop a research
        Eligibility for ENGL 101. Course Typically   ENGL 101. Transfer Credit: CSU.  project, have it approved by the sponsoring
        Offered: Fall/Spring/Summer.  Transfer   135                            instructor and appropriate division chair-
        Credit: CSU, UC, USC.                                                   person, then submit the  fi nished  project,
                                            HUMANITIES AND THE WORLD OF         which may be library research, or perhaps a
        125                                 WORK                                supervised experimental program related to
        CROSSCURRENTS: AMERICAN             3.0 Units                           a specifi c course of instruction. This course
        SOCIAL VALUES                       HUMAN 135 is an interdisciplinary course   may be off ered in all disciplines. Registra-
        3.0 Units                           that combines instruction in  fi ction  and   tion is open to any student at GCC who is
        HUMAN 125 is an interdisciplinary course   nonfi ction, fi lm, ethics, problem solving, and   currently registered for 6 or more units and
        designed to enrich students’ knowledge and   decision making to help students examine   who is admitted to Independent Study by
        understanding of the cultural infl uences   today’s multicultural society and workplace   the instructor. A student is limited to one
        of ethnic, racial and gender diversity in   and develop values that may infl uence their   Independent Study per semester and no more
        the shaping of American society-past and   personal and professional growth through-  than 12 units credit toward the AA Degree or
        present-and to enable them to speculate   out their lives. Students analyze and discuss   Certifi cate, and no more than 6 units per divi-
        critically on American society in the future.   contemporary issues, problems and trends,   sion. The units received may be acceptable for
        Students analyze materials from literature,   and become familiar with the history of   college transfer subject to the approval of the
        history, and other disciplines. The course   discrimination on the basis of color, ethnic-  individual college. The instructor shall make
        explores the development and current reality   ity, gender, and sexual orientation and the   arrangements for students’ Independent
        of commonly held American ideals, attitudes   impact of this discrimination on educational   Study registration with the Curriculum
        and institutions and their role in the unique   opportunities, career choice, and employ-  Management Offi  ce. Attendance accounting
        balance between freedom and responsibility.   ability. Students participate in group and   procedures shall be cleared with the Admis-
        Students are encouraged to develop their   individual activities designed to develop and   sions and Records Offi  ce by the instructor.
        critical thinking skills through reading,   reinforce analytical skills. They also keep   This course is off ered in the following disci-
        writing, and discussion. This course may be   journals in which they react to assignments   plines: ACCT, ANTHR, ART, ASL, ASTRO,
        interactively team-taught. Lecture 3 hours.   and class presentations. Critical analysis   AT, BIOL, CABOT, CAM, CHEM, CHLDV,
        Prerequisite: ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course   of course materials helps students learn to   CS/IS, CULIN, DANCE, ECON, ECT, ENGL,
        Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   deal with a variety of situation and tasks   ENGR, ETH S, FIRE, GEOG, GEOL, HIST,
        Credit: CSU, UC, USC.               they may encounter in their career  fi elds.   ITAL, JOURN KOREA, MATH, MCOMM,
                                            Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  MEDIA, MUSIC, NS, OECAN, PE, PHILO,
                                            tion: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.   PHY, POL S, PSYCH, RE, SOC, SPAN, SPCH,
                                            Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  ST DV, T ART, WELD. Laboratory 3-9 hours.
                                            Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU.  Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in 6 or
                                                                                more units. Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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