Page 184 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 184

KINESIOLOGY        181

            151                                 156                                 158
            4.0 Units                           FITNESS TRAINING                    POPULATIONS
            KIN 151 introduces the student to the   4.0 Units                       4.0 Units
            fundamental scientifi c concepts applicable to   KIN 156 covers the theory and practice of   KIN 158 provides instruction and practical
            exercise and physical fi tness. Areas of study   individualized exercise prescription for   application of personal and group  fi tness
            include: functional anatomy, kinesiology,   personal training. The course covers critical   training techniques for special popula-
            biomechanics and exercise physiology. The   competencies required for students inter-  tions including; older adults, persons with
            acute and chronic eff ects of exercise will   ested in taking the certifi ed personal trainer   disabilities, persons with musculoskeletal
            be addressed with practical applications   (CPT) exams off ered by several national   disorders, and persons with chronic diseases.
            to  fi tness programming and instruction.   certifi cation agencies. The foundations for   Evidence-based protocols, adaptations of
            Course is designed to prepare student for   personal training include: exercise science   activities, contraindications, and eff ective
            the scientifi c content requirements that are   review, health risk stratification, fitness   fi tness programming will be emphasized.
            common to the certifi ed personal trainer   assessment,  fi tness program and session   Psychosocial issues related to aging, disease
            (CPT) and group  fi tness instructor (GFI)   design, proper execution of exercises, cuing   and disability will also be addressed, as well
            exams off ered by several national certifi ca-  and error correction, lifestyle coaching skills   as eff ective methods for communication,
            tion agencies. Note: This course is designed   and considerations for special populations.   demonstration, and creating an accessible
            as a part of the Fitness Specialist Certifi cate   The lab provides students practical applica-  environment. This course is recommended
            curriculum. Note: Students who successfully   tion of knowledge and skills in personal   for students interested in pursuing careers in
            completed HLTH 117 prior to Spring 2016 will   training. Note: This course is designed as   physical education, kinesiology, fi tness train-
            not receive credit for completion of KIN 151.   a part of the Fitness Instructor Program   ing, physical therapy, occupational therapy
            Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Recom-  curriculum.  Note: Students who success-  or gerontology. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 1
            mended Preparation: BIOL 115 or equivalent,   fully completed PE 119 prior to spring 2016   hours. Recommended Preparation: KIN 167
            eligibility for ENGL 101 or equivalent.   will receive a maximum of 1.0 unit of credit   and KIN 151 or KIN 156 or KIN 157; HLTH
                                                for completion of KIN 156. Lecture 3 hours/  102 or equivalent; ENGL 120 or equivalent
            152                                 Laboratory 3 hours. Recommended Prepa-
            EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY                 ration: BIOL 115 or equivalent, eligibility   167
            2.0 Units                                                               WEIGHT TRAINING AND
                                                for ENGL 101 or equivalent, KIN 166, 167, or
            KIN 152 explores cognitive behavior modi-  168 or equivalent and KIN 151 or equivalent.   CONDITIONING I
            fi cation techniques which may be used to                                1.5 Units
            promote the adoption of and adherence   157                             KIN 167 is an introduction to basic weight
            to a regular exercise routine. Theoretical   PREVENTION AND CARE OF     training which introduces theories of proper
            methods are studied and applied to practi-  ATHLETIC INJURIES           body alignment and basic movement prin-
            cal exercise programming situations. Factors   3.0 Units                ciples during activities of daily life, work, and
            directly aff ecting the decision to perform   KIN 157 is open to those individuals who   light physical activity. Instruction includes
            exercise, including external barriers and   are interested in the prevention, care and   choosing appropriate resistance exercises
            reinforcements and behavioral tendencies,   treatment of sport(s) injuries. The course   for major muscle groups and designing a
            are investigated. Lecture 2 hours. Recom-  covers the responsibilities of the athletic   resistance and cardiovascular program to
            mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   trainer, emergency procedures, mechanisms,   meet health-related  fi tness goals. Preven-
            101 or equivalent.                  characteristics and evaluation of sport inju-  tion and correction of postural problems
                                                ries as well as their acute care. This course   is emphasized. Lecture/Demonstration 1.5
            155                                 provides an in-depth examination of selected   hours. Recommended Corequisite: PE 101
            FOUNDATIONS FOR GROUP               topics in sports medicine and a thorough   or PE 102 or PE 103 or PE 104 or ATHPE
            EXERCISE INSTRUCTION                knowledge of the prevention and care of   100. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            3.0 Units
                                                injuries commonly occurring during physi-  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            KIN 155 covers the theory and practice of   cal activity. Note: Students who successfully
            designing and leading group exercise classes.   completed HLTH 110 prior to spring 2016 will
            This course covers critical competencies   not receive credit for completion of KIN 157.
            required for students interested in taking the   Lecture/Demonstration 3 hours. Prerequi-
            certifi ed Group Exercise Instructor (GEI) or   site: None. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) exams off ered
            by several national certifi cation  agencies.
            The foundations for group exercise instruc-
            tion include: health risk stratifi cation  and
            fi tness assessment, group exercise session
            design, eff ective demonstration, delivery
            and motivation, specialized group exercise
            certifi cations and considerations for special
            populations.  Note: Students who success-
            fully completed HLTH 118 prior to Spring
            2016 will not receive credit for completion
            of KIN 155. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3
            hours.  Recommended Preparation: BIOL
            115 or equivalent, ENGL 120 or equivalent,
            KIN 167, or 168 or equivalent.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   179   180   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188   189