Page 189 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 189


        90                                  100                                 102
        BSTEM                               4.0 Units                           3.0 Units
        6.0 Units                           MATH 100 is a college (transfer) level course   MATH 102 is a course in plane trigonom-
        MATH 90 is a one-semester Intermediate   in algebra. Topics include functions and their   etry with a review of geometry. The course
        Algebra course intended to prepare students   inverses, transformations of functions, fi rst   emphasizes the analytic aspects of the
        for algebra- intensive transfer courses (i.e.   and second degree equations and inequali-  subject. Topics include properties of geomet-
        Precalculus, Business Calculus, or College   ties, logarithmic and exponential equations,   ric fi gures, trigonometric functions of any
        Algebra). Topics include fundamental laws,   graphs of linear and quadratic functions,   angle, trigonometric identities, half-angles,
        curve plotting, linear equations, fractional   conic sections, polynomial functions, expo-  trigonometric equations, applications of
        exponents, quadratic equations and inequali-  nential functions, logarithmic functions, real   trigonometric functions, functions, complex
        ties, radical and rational expressions and   world Science, Technology, Engineering, and   numbers, and polar and parametric equa-
        equations, factoring, functions and inverse   Mathematics (STEM) applications, remainder   tions. Note: A maximum of 6 units may be
        functions, algebra of functions, graphs of   and factor theorems, properties and applica-  earned from any combination of MATH
        functions, systems of linear and nonlinear   tions of complex numbers, systems of equa-  100, MATH 102, and MATH 110. Lecture 4
        equations and inequalities, and exponen-  tions, matrix solutions, and sequences and   hours.  Prerequisite: MATH 100.  Transfer
        tial and logarithmic functions. MATH 90   series. Note: A maximum of 6 units may be   Credit: CSU.
        is intended for students who plan to major   earned from any combination of MATH 100,   103
        in BSTEM (business, science, technology,   102, 110, 110A and 110B. No credit will be   CALCULUS AND ANALYTIC
        engineering and math).  Note: This course   given to students who have passed MATH   GEOMETRY
        may not be taken for credit by students who   110A. Lecture 4 hours. Prerequisite: Place-  5.0 Units
        have completed MATH 101, 118, 120, 220A,   ment is based on a composite of test scores
        220B or 220S. A maximum of 6 units will be   and academic background or satisfactory   MATH 103 is the fi rst of a sequence of three
        granted for MATH 90 and any of the follow-  completion of MATH 101, or 120, or MATH   courses combining the subject matter of
        ing courses: MATH 119, 219A, 219B, 219C,   220B.  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  analytic geometry and calculus. Functions
        146, 246A, or 246B. A maximum of 8 units   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,   and their graphs are studied with special
        will be granted for MATH 90 and either of   UC, USC. (C-ID MATH 151)    attention to diff erentiation, limits, rules
        the following: MATH 130 or 131. Lecture 6   101                         and integration using various techniques.
        hours. Prerequisite: Placement is based on a   INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA FOR   Applications of both diff erentiation  and
        academic background or satisfactory comple-  STEM                       integration are covered. Lecture 5 hours.
        tion of MATH 15.                                                        Prerequisite: Placement is based on a
                                            5.0 Units                           composite of test scores and academic back-
        90+                                 MATH 101 is an accelerated course of Inter-  ground or satisfactory completion of MATH
        INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA FOR            mediate Algebra. Topics include fundamen-  110 or MATH 110B, or both MATH 100 (prior
        BSTEM WITH SUPPORT                  tal laws, curve plotting, linear equations,   to Fall 2016) and MATH 102 (prior to Spring
        6.5 Units                           fractional exponents, quadratic equations   2017). Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID
        MATH 90+ is a one-semester Intermediate   and inequalities, arithmetic and geometric   MATH 211)
        Algebra course with a built-in support lab   sequences and series, the binomial theorem,   103E
        component intended to prepare students   radical and rational expressions and equa-  CALCULUS AND ANALYTIC
        for algebra-intensive transfer courses (i.e.   tions, conic sections, factoring, functions   GEOMETRY
        Precalculus, Business Calculus, or College   and inverse functions, algebra of functions,   5.0 Units
        Algebra). Topics include fundamental laws,   graphs of functions, systems of linear and
        curve plotting, linear equations, fractional   nonlinear equations and inequalities, Cram-  MATH 103E is the fi rst of a sequence of three
        exponents, quadratic equations and inequali-  er’s Rule, and exponential and logarithmic   courses combining the subject matter of
        ties, radical and rational expressions and   functions. This course is the equivalent of   analytic geometry and calculus. Functions
        equations, factoring, functions and inverse   Algebra II as traditionally taught in one year   and their graphs are studied with special
        functions, algebra of functions, graphs of   of secondary school. This course is prepara-  attention to diff erentiation, limits, rules
        functions, systems of linear and nonlinear   tion for students entering college algebra,   and integration using various techniques.
        equations and inequalities, and exponen-  precalculus or business calculus.  Note:   The calculus of inverse functions and tran-
        tial and logarithmic functions. MATH 90+   Students with two unsuccessful attempts in   scendental functions as well as applications
        is intended for students who plan to major   MATH 101 (with a grade of W, D, F, or NP)   of diff erentiation is also covered. Lecture
        in BSTEM (business, science, technology,   who plan to complete Intermediate Algebra   5 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 110 or 110B.
        engineering and math).  Note: This course   will be required to take the MATH 119/219   Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/
        may not be taken for credit by students who   and 120/220 sequence. Students who have   Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.
        have completed MATH 101, 118, 120, 220A,   completed MATH 120 or 220B may not take
        220B or 220S. A maximum of 6 units will be   this course for credit. A maximum of 5 units
        granted for MATH 90 and any of the follow-  will be granted to MATH 101, 119, 120, 219A,
        ing courses: MATH 119, 219A, 219B, 219C, 146,   219B, 219C, 220A, and 220B. A maximum
        246A, or 246B. A maximum of 8 units will   of 7 units will be granted for MATH 101
        be granted for MATH 90 and either of the   and 131. A maximum of 9 units will be
        following: MATH 130 or 131. Lecture 6 hours/  granted for MATH 101 and 130. Lecture
        Laboratory 2.5 hours.  Prerequisite: Place-  5 hours.  Prerequisite: Placement is based
        ment is based on a academic background or   on a composite of test scores and academic
        satisfactory completion of MATH 15.   background or MATH 141 or 146 or 246B or
                                            2 units of MATH 246.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194