Page 187 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        112                                 120                                 30
        1.0 Unit                            RELATIONS                           PRE-STATISTICS
        MACH 112 is designed to allow students or   3.0 Units                   5.0 Units
        industrial workers to improve and update   MCOMM 120 is a practical guide to eff ec-  MATH 30 is a one-semester course lead-
        their machining skills. Techniques practiced   tive public relations, its history and its   ing to transfer-level Statistics (MATH 136),
        are uses of lathe, mill, drill, grinder. Inspec-  relationship with the media. The course is   Finite Mathematics (MATH 133), Liberal
        tion strategies for the purpose of job advance-  designed for persons who wish to make   Arts Mathematics (MATH 135), and Math for
        ment are presented. Laboratory 3 hours.   public relations a career, untrained persons   Elementary Teachers I (MATH 138). Topics
        Prerequisite: MACH 107 or equivalent.   who are currently or plan to be involved   include curve plotting, linear equations and
                                            in publicity activities, and for journalism   inequalities, radicals, functions, exponen-
        113                                 majors or minors who wish to enhance their   tial and logarithmic functions, descriptive
        INTERMEDIATE ENGINE LATHE           studies. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   statistics, graphical and numerical statistics
        PROCESS                             Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   for quantitative and categorical data, model-
        2.0 Units
                                            Credit: CSU.                        ing bivariate data with linear, exponential,
        NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE                                                   and logarithmic functions, introductory set
        MACH 113 is a course that provides special-  MATERIALS & PROCESSES      theory, and introductory probability. Note:
        ized training on the engine lathe processes.                            This course may not be taken for credit by
        Building on the basic processes, this class   146                       students who have completed MATH 130 or
        will develop skills working on tapering,   MATERIALS AND PROCESSES      131. A maximum of 6 units will be granted for
        threading, grooving, contouring both inside   3.0 Units                 MATH 30 and any of the following courses:
        and out. The use of the 3 and 4 jaw chucks,   MAT P 146 is a study of the manufacture and   MATH 146, 246A, or 246B, or a maximum
        faceplate, rubber chuck and collets is studied.   properties of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys,   of 7 units will be granted for MATH 30 and
        Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3 hours. Prereq-  ceramic products, wood, cements, plastics,   any of the following courses: MATH 101,
        uisite: None.                       fuels, glass, concrete, rubber, etc. Their uses,   120, 220A or 220B, or a maximum of 5 units
                                            adaptability, and limitations in industry are
        114                                                                     will be granted for MATH 30 and any of the
        INTERMEDIATE VERTICAL MILL          studied. Current methods of manufacture   following courses: MATH 119, 219A, 219B or
        PROCESSES                           and technique are covered. The course covers   219C. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite: Place-
        2.0 Units                           testing of materials by the destructive and   ment is based on a academic background or
                                            nondestructive methods and the physical   satisfactory completion of MATH 15.
        NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               properties of materials. Lecture 3 hours.
        MACH 114 is a course that provides special-  Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU.  30+
        ized training on the vertical mill. Building on                         INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA AND
        the basic processes, this class develops skills   MATHEMATICS           PRE-STATISTICS WITH SUPPORT
        working on vises, fi xturing, angular milling,                           5.5 Units
        end mills, shell mills,  fl y cutting, radius   All students who have not taken a Mathemat-  MATH 30+ is a one-semester course with a
        cutting, and undercutting. Lecture 1 hour/  ics course at Glendale College are required to   built-in support lab component leading to
        Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
                                            complete the mathematics placement process   transfer-level Statistics (MATH 136), Finite
                                            before enrolling in any mathematics course   Mathematics (MATH 133), Liberal Arts
                                            except MATH 190. Contact your counselor for   Mathematics (MATH 135), and Math for
        101                                 additional information.             Elementary Teachers I (MATH 138). Topics
        INTRODUCTION TO MASS                15                                  include curve plotting, linear equations and
        COMMUNICATIONS                      FOUNDATIONS OF ALGEBRA              inequalities, radicals, functions, exponen-
        3.0 Units                                                               tial and logarithmic functions, descriptive
                                            4.0 Units                           statistics, graphical and numerical statistics
        MCOMM 101 is a survey course that exam-  MATH 15 is a one-semester course lead-  for quantitative and categorical data, model-
        ines mass communication and its inter-  ing to Intermediate Algebra for BSTEM   ing bivariate data with linear, exponential,
        relationships with society in the digital   (MATH 90) or Intermediate Algebra and   and logarithmic functions, introductory set
        age. This introductory course explores the   Pre-Statistics (MATH 30). MATH 15 includes   theory, and introductory probability. Note:
        history, institutions, and social impact of   the fundamental processes of arithmetic, pre-  This course may not be taken for credit by
        mass communication media, including the   algebra, and selected topics from algebra. It   students who have completed MATH 30, 130
        Internet and social media, print, photogra-  is designed to develop skills in computation   or 131. A maximum of 6 units will be granted
        phy, recordings,  fi lm, television, comput-  using signed numbers, fractions, decimals,   for MATH 30+ and any of the following
        ers, and the role of advertising and public   and percents. Rules of exponents, fi rst-degree   courses: MATH 146, 246A, or 246B, or a maxi-
        relations. The course includes discussion of   equations, fundamental facts about geom-  mum of 7 units will be granted for MATH
        theories and eff ects, economics, technology,   etry, solutions to linear equations, algebraic   30+ and any of the following courses: MATH
        law and ethics, global media, media literacy,   manipulations, exponents, polynomials,   101, 120, 220A or 220B, or a maximum of 5.5
        and social issues, including gender and   graphing linear equations, solving linear   units will be granted for MATH 30+ and any
        cultural diversity. Special attention is given   systems, and factoring are also included.   of the following courses: MATH 119, 219A,
        to the impact of mass media on how we live   Note: This course may not be taken for credit   219B or 219C. Lecture 5 hours/Laboratory
        and believe as individuals and as a society.   by students who have completed MATH 144,   2.5 hours. Prerequisite: Placement is based
        Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  145, 245A or 245B. A maximum of 7 units   on a academic background or satisfactory
        tion: Eligibility for ENGL 101. Course Typi-  will be granted for MATH 15 and any of the   completion of MATH 15.
        cally Offered: Winter/Spring/Summer/  following courses: MATH 155, 255A, 255B,
        Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID   255C, or 255D. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory
        JOUR 100)
                                            3 hours. Prerequisite: None.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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