Page 182 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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JOURNALISM        179

            102                                         JOURNALISM                  104
            BEGINNING JAPANESE II                                                   STUDENT PUBLICATIONS EDITOR
            5.0 Units                           101                                 3.0 Units
                                                INTRODUCTION TO MASS
            JAPAN 102 students continue to learn the   COMMUNICATIONS               JOURN 104 is an intermediate course in
            fundamentals of Japanese grammar within   3.0 Units                     writing news, feature, and opinion articles;
            a cultural context. Students receive further                            copy reading and editing; headline writing;
            training in correct pronunciation and   JOURN 101 is an introductory course explor-  newspaper layout and make-up; and the
            continue to learn kanji (Chinese characters).   ing the history, institutions, and social impact   mechanics of newspaper production. There
            Students also continue practicing hiragana   of mass communication media, including   is an increased emphasis on in-depth report-
            and katakana. Discussions in Japanese stress   print, photography, recordings, fi lm, televi-  ing for print as well as online and broadcast
            verb forms and vocabulary building. Lecture   sion, computers, and the role of advertising   media. There is further study of law and
            5 hours. Prerequisite: JAPAN 101 or equiva-  and public relations. The course is taught   ethics of the press with an overall emphasis
            lent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   from a perspective of theories of persuasion,   on the function and responsibility of the
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      the symbolic power of images, and the rela-  newspaper, internet and social media. There
                                                tionship between information and knowl-  is also a greater emphasis on interpretative
            103                                 edge. Special attention is given to the impact   reporting. This course produces the campus
            INTERMEDIATE JAPANESE I             of these media on how we live and believe as   newspaper, El Vaquero as well as the website
            5.0 Units                           individuals and as a society. Lecture 3 hours.   for the paper, which includes a broadcast
            JAPAN 103 continues the study of Japanese   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   component. Social Media Platforms such as
            grammar and vocabulary and begins the   ENGL 101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  Twitter and Facebook are also implemented.
            study of short narrative writings. Conver-  102                         Students in this class assume responsibility
            sational  fl uency, composition writing and   REPORTING THE NEWS         for editing and managing El Vaquero, the
            familiarity with Japanese culture are empha-  3.0 Units                 print and online editions. Lecture 2 hours/
            sized in this course. Emphasis is placed on                             Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: JOURN
            the customs, culture, and institutions of the   JOURN 102 is an introductory course in the   103 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:
            Japanese people. Students continue develop-  gathering and writing of news, features, and   Fall/Spring.  Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID
            ing their skills using hiragana and katakana   editorials. Students learn to write clearly and   JOUR 131)
            and learn 100 new kanji. Lecture 5 hours.   concisely via laboratory drills in English
            Prerequisite: JAPAN 102 or equivalent.   fundamentals. Topics of study include: news   106
            Course Typically Off ered: Fall.  Transfer   sources, acceptable forms for stories, style   INTRODUCTION TO BROADCAST
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC.               and method of various media, elementary   JOURNALISM I
                                                editing, and law and ethics of communica-  3.0 Units
            104                                 tion. Newspapers and other media at the   JOURN 106 covers the process of gathering,
            INTERMEDIATE JAPANESE II            local community level as well as the national   writing, editing, and presenting the news on
            5.0 Units                           metropolitan levels are utilized. Lecture 3   radio and television. Particular emphasis is
            JAPAN 104 completes the study of Japanese   hours/Laboratory 1 hour.  Recommended   placed on writing for broadcast, news judg-
            grammar and continues the study of short   Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 101.   ment, visual considerations versus sound,
            narrative writings. Conversational fl uency,   Course Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/  interviewing techniques, ethics, scripting,
            vocabulary building, composition writing   Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU. (C-ID   and news organizations infrastructure.
            and increased familiarity with Japanese   JOUR 110)                     Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 1 hour. Prereq-
            culture are emphasized in this course.   103                            uisite: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall.
            Emphasis is placed on the customs, culture,   STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STAFF  Transfer Credit: CSU.
            and institutions of the Japanese people.   3.0 Units
            Students continue developing their skills                               107
            using hiragana and katakana and learn 250   JOURN 103 is a course in writing news,   MAGAZINE WRITING
            new kanji. Lecture 5 hours.  Prerequisite:   feature, and editorial copy, copy reading   3.0 Units
            JAPAN 103 or equivalent. Course Typically   and editing, headline writing, newspaper   JOURN 107 focuses on feature writing for
            Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   layout and make-up, and the mechanics of   magazines and newspapers. Students learn
            USC.                                newspaper production. Students study laws   how to fi nd feature ideas and develop them
                                                and ethics of the press and there is an overall   into articles for student or professional
                                                emphasis on the function and responsibil-  publications. The creative story-telling side of
                                                ity of the newspaper. Multiple formats are   journalism is stressed. The free-lance market
                                                considered, including online and broadcast   for feature writers is discussed. Note: This
                                                journalism. This course produces the campus   course is off ered during the spring semes-
                                                newspaper, El Vaquero. Lecture 2 hours/  ter only. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended
                                                Laboratory 3 hours. Recommended Prepa-  Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 101.
                                                ration: JOURN 102 or equivalent; Eligibility   Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer
                                                for ENGL 101; LIB 191  Course Typically   Credit: CSU.
                                                Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                                (C-ID JOUR 130)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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