Page 177 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 177


        216                                 230                                          HUMANITIES
        PRESENTATION                        3.0 Units                           105
        3.0 Units                           HRM 230 covers business related torts, real   THE HUMAN STRUGGLE
        HRM 216 is an introductory course designed   and personal property, and contracts, with   3.0 Units
        to provide students with an understanding   an emphasis on hotels, restaurants, resorts   HUMAN 105 is an interdisciplinary, intercul-
        of winemaking principles, including history,   and associated businesses. The duties of   tural course designed to challenge students
        grape growing, fermentation, and winery   innkeepers, food and beverage liability, truth   to further develop critical reading, writing,
        operations. The course includes wine tasting   in advertising, and management responsibil-  and thinking abilities through comparative
        and fi eld trip to a winery. Lecture 3 hours.   ity to employees are also studied. Lecture 3   study of materials from literature and vari-
        Prerequisite: Students must be at least 21   hours. Prerequisite: HRM 115 or equivalent.   ous disciplines. Students evaluate some of the
        years of age and possess a valid form of   Transfer Credit: CSU.        most relevant issues faced by people of the
        picture identifi cation to verify age.                                   United States and other cultures throughout
                                            256                                 history, with emphasis on values and ethics.
        220                                 MANAGEMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL         The course examines the creative impulses
        FRONT OFFICE OPERATIONS             FOODSERVICE AND HOSPITALITY         and destructive forces that have infl uenced
        3.0 Units                           PERSONNEL AND                       the human struggle for order, acceptance,
        HRM 220 provides instruction and proce-  OPERATIONS                     knowledge, understanding, self expression,
        dures in the front-office operation of a   3.0 Units                    power, freedom, individuality and survival.
        hospitality lodging enterprise. Emphasis is   HRM 256 covers management skills for   Students improve their abilities to analyze,
        placed on the following aspects: public and   students pursuing a career in supervision   synthesize, develop original ideas, distin-
        employee relations, guest accommodations/  within the restaurant/hospitality/healthcare   guish fact from opinion or belief, and use
        reservations, forecasting, office routines   industry. It includes the application of basic   logic and reason in language and thought to
        and reports, machine operation, room rates,   management concepts and techniques neces-  determine whether the solutions of the past
        and the application of computer programs.   sary in achieving objectives in the manage-  are compatible with the problems of today
        Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Trans-  ment of human resources and foodservice   and tomorrow. Writing instruction focuses
        fer Credit: CSU.                    operations. Using case studies, students   on improving advanced composition skills.
                                            analyze the hospitality workplace, manage-  The course may be team-taught. Lecture 3
        221                                 ment responsibilities in budgeting for the   hours.  Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL
        HOUSEKEEPING MANAGEMENT             operations as well as coaching, training, and   101.  Course Typically Offered: Winter/
        OPERATIONS                          communicating with the workforce. Decision   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,
        3.0 Units
                                            making and leadership development is also   UC, USC.
        HRM 221 acquaints the student with house-  discussed. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended
        keeping duties as they pertain to rooms and   Preparation: ENGL 191 or ESL 141.
        accommodations in a hotel or motel. The
        course focuses on the comfort of guests as a
        priority concern. Emphasis is placed on eff ec-
        tive communication between housekeeping,
        front offi  ce and engineering/maintenance.
        Students receive instruction in report writ-
        ing. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
        3.0 Units
        HRM 222 focuses on the development of
        the core competencies required of a hotel/
        resort manager in preparation for successful
        management careers and leadership roles
        in the hotel and resort industry. Students
        will explore the following topics: front
        offi  ce, housekeeping, food and beverage,
        sales and marketing, accounting, property
        maintenance, human resources management
        and information systems. Lecture 3 hours.
        Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182