Page 176 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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            141                                    HOTEL RESTAURANT                 203
            WORLD HISTORY FROM 1500 TO                 MANAGEMENT                   CATERING AND BANQUET
            PRESENT                                                                 OPERATIONS
            3.0 Units                           115                                 3.0 Units
            HIST 141 is a general political survey of the   INTRODUCTION TO HOSPITALITY  HRM 203 introduces the hospitality student
            world from the 1500s to the present, with   3.0 Units                   to the hands-on mechanics of catering and
            emphasis on the development of human   HRM 115 promotes the opportunity to   banquet services in the hospitality industry
            ideas, arts, and institutions. The characteris-  evaluate occupational needs in the hospi-  and provides a checklist of details, tips,
            tics of the medieval and modern worlds are   tality industry through study and field   and ideas on properly managing a banquet
            examined. The principles (cultural, social,   experience. Local, private, as well as national   event. Additional emphasis is placed on the
            economic, and political) which brought   food service, lodging, and transportation   management of on-premise and off -premise
            the modern world into being are analyzed.   businesses are explored. Lecture 3 hours.   catering events. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory
            Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU.  3 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            tion: Eligibility for ENGL 101. Course Typi-  117                       205
            cally Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit:   FOOD, BEVERAGE, AND LABOR   EVENT PLANNING AND MEETING
            CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID HIST 160)
                                                COST CONTROL                        MANAGEMENT
            141H                                3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            HONORS WORLD HISTORY FROM           HRM 117 is an analysis of menu planning   HRM 205 presents sound principles and
            1500 TO PRESENT                     procedures: Inventories, costs, profi t and loss   practices in the growing fi eld of event plan-
            3.0 Units                           sheets, menu work sheets, and weight and   ning and meeting management. Students
            HIST 141H is a general political survey of   measures in quality recipes. Students learn to   will learn how to plan and organize events,
            the world from the 1500s to the present, with   prepare weekly, monthly, and annual reports   meetings, conferences, and conventions. This
            emphasis on the development of human   and determine food cost per meal, labor   course prepares students for employment
            ideas, arts, and institutions. The characteris-  cost per meal, operational and total cost per   opportunities with trade and professional
            tics of the medieval and modern worlds are   meal. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   associations, consulting  fi rms,  non-profi t
            examined. The principles (cultural, social,   Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU.  organizations, and corporations. Lecture 3
            economic, and political) which brought the   120                        hours. Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit:
            modern world into being are analyzed. The   INTRODUCTION TO TRAVEL/     CSU.
            honors course is enhanced in one or more   TOURISM                      207
            of the following ways: 1. Students have an   3.0 Units                  DINING ROOM SERVICES
            increased responsibility for leading class                              3.0 Units
            discussions and facilitating group activities   HRM 120 examines tourism as a developing
            inside and outside the classroom. 2. Writing   industry. Topics include travel modes, orga-  HRM 207 is an introduction and application
            assignments are focused on critical thinking,   nizations, laws, and socio-economic impact.   of the principles of preparing food sales and
            the interpretation of primary sources, and   Also included is a comprehensive study of   presenting service at special events and
            the application of historical concepts. Lecture   travel management, principles, practices,   functions within the scope of the hospitality
            3 hours. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL   philosophies, and systems. Lecture 3 hours.   industry such as teas, receptions, weddings
            101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.      Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU.  and banquets. The course covers the manage-
                                                                                    ment of a dining room including good house-
            152                                 201                                 keeping techniques, fi ne food, and effi  cient
            SOCIAL PROTEST IN THE 1960’S        RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT               service. Types of dining service included
            3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           are: waited table service (French, Russian,
            HIST 152 introduces students to the history   HRM 201 covers the principles of operating a   American, English), limited service, counter,
            of protest movements in the 1960s, focusing   food service which are common to all types   tray service, catering, and vending. Lecture
            on the period 1954-1974. Students learn about   of commercial and industrial food service.   2 hours/Laboratory 4 hours.  Prerequisite:
            the social conditions that gave rise to protest   The course covers such areas as sales promo-  None.
            movements, the goals, internal dynamics,   tion, advertising, personnel, legal aspects,   214
            leadership, strategy and tactics used by   insurance, labor management relations.   BEVERAGE AND BAR OPERATIONS
            these movements and the impact the various   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   3.0 Units
            protest movements had on the society within   202
            which they existed. Particular emphasis   QUICK SERVICE RESTAURANT      HRM 214 is an overview of the beverage
            is placed on an examination of the civil   OPERATIONS                   industry with emphasis on the identifi ca-
            rights movements, the student movement,   3.0 Units                     tion, use, and service of alcoholic beverages.
            the anti-Vietnam movement, the minority   HRM 202 is designed to explore the various   There is an in-depth analysis of the various
            empowerment movements, the women’s   career opportunities in the Quick Service   elements of beverage operations including
            movement and counter-culture. Lecture 3   Food Operations. Emphasis will be placed   purchasing, cost control, marketing, and
            hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-  on low- to mid-range foodservice, cafeteria,   management as well as an understanding
            ity for ENGL 101. Course Typically Off ered:   retail takeout units, and franchised opera-  of the history of each type of white and
            Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.                                  brown alcoholic spirits. There is an additional
                                                tions. Performance issues will also be exam-  emphasis on researching the current trends
                                                ined in the areas of consistency, quality,   in the beverage industry, e.g.: smoothie
                                                service, recruitment, and pricing. Lecture 3   concepts, juice bars, coff ee and tea bars, etc.
                                                hours. Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit:   Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prereq-
                                                CSU.                                uisite: None.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181