Page 171 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 171


        104                                 128                                 184
        3.0 Units                           AND DISEASE PREVENTION              2.0 Units
        HLTH 104 covers current issues in health and   3.0 Units                HIT 184 provides students with an introduc-
        their eff ects upon the quality of human life.   HLTH 128 examines the relationship   tion to healthcare delivery systems, includ-
        The course emphasizes the holistic approach   between nutrition, physical fitness and   ing ambulatory, long-term and managed
        to health and wellness and explores the   disease risk in various populations. The   care, mental health, rehabilitation medicine,
        latest concepts in nutrition, disease preven-  impact of food choices on body physiology   hospice and home health. This course also
        tion, mental health and stress management,   is explored as it pertains to disease risk and   focuses on regulatory and accreditation
        sexual relationships and lifestyles, drug   exercise performance. The process of metabo-  requirements, funding and reimbursement,
        use and abuse, and consumer and environ-  lism as a means toward energy production   licensing and government regulations within
        mental health issues. Instruction focuses   for physical activity and weight management   the health care delivery system. This course
        on individual responsibility for wellness,   is discussed. Other topics covered include   is aligned with standards for the Commis-
        cultural diversity, and eff ective interpersonal   specifi cs of nutrition labeling, eating disor-  sion on Accreditation for Health Informatics
        communication. Note: This course may not   ders, body composition, fi tness guidelines,   and Information Management (CAHIIM).
        be taken for credit by students who have   and ergogenic aids. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-  Lecture 2 hours.  Prerequisite: MOA 180.
        completed HLTH 106 or PSYCH 111. Lecture   mended Preparation: BIOL 115 or equivalent.   Recommended Preparation: MOA 185 and
        3 hours. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL   Course Typically Off ered: Fall.  Transfer   eligibility for ENGL 120, ESL 151, BUSAD
        189 or ESL 133 or equivalent. Recommended   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.       106 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:
        Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL                            Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU
        151, and completion of LIB 190. Course Typi-  HEALTH INFORMATION        186
        cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.   TECHNOLOGY                  HEALTH CARE QUALITY
        Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        106                                 Health Information Technology Associate Degree   3.0 Units
        WOMEN’S HEALTH EDUCATION            Program (HIT) is currently  Not  accredited   HIT 186 provides the student with an under-
        3.0 Units                           through the AHIMA accreditation process. This   standing of healthcare quality management
        HLTH 106 explores the various dimensions   may aff ect employment opportunities for   and performance improvement principles
        of health as they relate to women, with an   degree and certifi cate holders.  within a hospital setting, focusing on histori-
        emphasis on personal and social concerns   182                          cal, theoretical, and practical applications
        of women’s past and present health trends.   LEGAL ASPECTS OF HEALTH CARE   and methodologies. Instruction includes
        Topics explored include disease develop-  AND ETHICS                    data collection and analysis; regulatory,
        ment, fi tness and nutrition, substance abuse,   3.0 Units               accreditation, and patient safety compliance;
        reproductive health, and age-associated   HIT 182 provides the student with an intro-  credentialing and utilization; and case and
        changes. A preventive care approach is   duction to legal issues pertaining to health-  risk management. This course is aligned with
        taken for promotion of lifetime wellness and   care, health information, and the patient’s   accreditation standards for the Commission
        enhanced quality of life. The holistic model   health record as a legal document. The course   on Accreditation for Health Informatics
        of wellness is examined with exploration   includes instruction on patient privacy and   and Information Management (CAHIIM),
        of psychological, physiological, and social   confi dentiality, patient rights, release of   an independent accrediting organization
        barriers to women’s health. This course   information, informed consents, advance   whose mission is to serve the public inter-
        is open to students of all genders.  Note:   directives, compliance, criminal activities   est by establishing and enforcing quality
        This course may not be taken for credit by   including fraud and abuse, the Health Insur-  standards for Health Informatics and Health
        students who have completed HLTH 104 or   ance Portability and Accountability Act   Information Management (HIM) educational
        PSYCH 111. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   (HIPAA), and Electronic -Health. This course   programs. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
        Eligibility for ENGL 189 or ESL 133 or equiva-  is aligned with accreditation standards for   MOA 180. Recommended Preparation: MOA
        lent. Recommended Preparation: Eligibility   the Commission on Accreditation for Health   185 and eligibility for ENGL 120, ESL 151,
        for ENGL 120 or ESL 151, and completion   Informatics and Information Management   BUSAD 106 or equivalent.
        of LIB 190. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  (CAHIIM), an independent accrediting orga-
        Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                            nization whose mission is to serve the public
                                            interest by establishing and enforcing quality
                                            standards for Health Informatics and Health
                                            Information Management (HIM) educational
                                            programs. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
                                            MOA 180. Recommended Preparation: MOA
                                            185 and eligibility for ENGL 120, ESL 151,
                                            BUSAD 106 or equivalent.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176