Page 166 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 166

FIRE TECHNOLOGY          163

            111                                 116                                 119
            3.0 Units                           4.0 Units                           12.0 Units
            FIRE 111 off ers an introduction to arson   FIRE 116 trains students in the theory and   FIRE 119 is designed to train students in the
            and incendiarism, arson laws, and types of   practice of fi re fi ghting technology. Topics   theory and practice of fi re fi ghting technol-
            incendiary fi res. Methods of determining fi re   include organization of the fi re service, fi re   ogy. Topics include urban search and rescue
            cause, recognizing and preserving evidence,   characteristics and behavior, fi re prevention   operation, rescue systems, trench rescue
            interviewing and detaining witnesses. Proce-  and public education, extinguishing agents,   operations, the incident command system,
            dures in handling juveniles, court procedure   fi re protection systems, and  fi re  service   and hazardous materials including weap-
            and giving court testimony. Lecture 3 hours.   communications. This course, together with   ons of mass destruction. The course also
            Prerequisite: FIRE 101 or equivalent. Trans-  FIRE 117, Fire Academy II, FIRE 118, Fire   provides students with live  fi re  exercises
            fer Credit: CSU.                    Academy III and FIRE 119, Fire Academy IV   in  fl ammable liquids, compressed gases,
                                                meets the State Board of Fire Services train-  aircraft and survival, and advanced struc-
            112                                 ing requirements for Fire-fi ghter I certifi ca-  tural fi refi ghting techniques. Multi-company
            WILDLAND FIRE CONTROL               tion. Experience requirements will need to   fi re ground operations, including truck and
            3.0 Units
                                                be met prior to application for Firefi ghter I   engine company operations are included.
            FIRE 112 is designed to provide the employed   certifi cation. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory   This course together with FIRE 116, FIRE 117,
            fi refi ghter or fi re science major with a funda-  3.67 hours.  Recommended Preparation:   and FIRE 118, meets the State Board of Fire
            mental knowledge of the factors aff ecting   Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course   Services training requirements for Firefi ghter
            wildland fi re prevention, fi re behavior, and   Typically Off ered: Winter.   I certifi cation. Experience requirements will
            control techniques. Lecture 3 hours. Prereq-                            still need to be met prior to application for
            uisite: FIRE 101 or equivalent.  Transfer   117                         Firefi ghter I certifi cation. Lecture 9 hours/
            Credit: CSU.                        FIRE ACADEMY II                     Laboratory 11 hours. Prerequisite: FIRE 118.
                                                12.0 Units
            114                                 FIRE 117 is designed to train students in   Course Typically Off ered: Fall.
            HAZARDOUS MATERIALS                 the theory and practice of fire fighting   120
            3.0 Units
                                                technology. Topics include use and applica-  VERDUGO FIRE RECRUIT ACADEMY
            FIRE 114 is an introduction to basic  fi re   tion of self-contained breathing apparatus,   16.0 Units
            chemistry and physics. This course covers   salvage and overhaul operations, fi re control   FIRE 120 trains students in the theory and
            problems of  fl ammability as encountered   techniques,  fi re hoe, nozzles, streams and   practice of fi re fi ghting technology. Topics
            by  fi re-fi ghters when dealing with toxic   water supply,  fi re service ground ladders,   include organization of the fi re service, fi re
            substances, fuels, explosives, oxidizers and   and portable fi re extinguishers. This course   characteristics and behavior,  fi re  preven-
            radioactive materials. It also covers  fi re   together with FIRE 116, FIRE 118, and FIRE   tion and public education, extinguishing
            fi ghting practices pertaining to hazardous   119 meets the State Board of Fire Services   agents, fi re protection systems, fi re service
            materials in storage and transit. Lecture 3   training requirements for Firefi ghter I certi-  communications, use and application of
            hours. Prerequisite: FIRE 101 or equivalent.   fi cation. Experience requirements will need   self-contained breathing apparatus, salvage
            Transfer Credit: CSU.               to be met prior to application for Firefi ghter   and overhaul operations, fi re control tech-
            115                                 I certifi cation. Lecture 9 hours/Laboratory   niques, fire hose, nozzles, streams and
            FIREFIGHTING STRATEGY AND           11 hours.  Prerequisite: FIRE 116.  Course   water supply,  fi re service ground ladders,
            TACTICS                             Typically Off ered: Spring.          and portable fi re extinguishers. This course
            3.0 Units                           118                                 also involves arduous physical training and
            FIRE 115 presents the review of fi re chem-  FIRE ACADEMY III            strict paramilitary conduct expectations.
            istry, equipment, personnel, basic fi re fi ght-  4.0 Units               Note: This course is intended for persons
            ing tactics and strategy, methods of attack,   FIRE 118 is designed to train students in the   employed in the fi re service. This course is
            pre-planning  fi re problems. Related codes   theory and practice of fi re fi ghting technol-  very fast paced and arduous. The conduct
            and ordinances are also reviewed. Lecture 3   ogy. Topics include techniques of fi refi ghting   expectations of this course are similar to that
            hours. Prerequisite: FIRE 101 or equivalent.   tool and equipment, ventilation techniques,   of a typical fi re department structured as a
            Transfer Credit: CSU.               rapid intervention team operations, rescue,   para-military organization. No credit if taken
                                                                                    after FIRE 116, 117, 118, or 119. Lecture 11.5
                                                vehicle extrication, forcible entry, and wild   hours/Laboratory 27 hours. Recommended
                                                land  fi refi ghting operations. This course   Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL
                                                together with FIRE 116, FIRE 117, and FIRE   151. Completion of FIRE 101, 102, 103, 105, and
                                                119, meets the State Board of Fire Services   115. CPAT certifi cation (Candidate Physical
                                                training requirements for Firefighter I   Ability Test).
                                                certifi cation. Experience requirements will
                                                still need to be met prior to application for
                                                Firefi ghter I certifi cation. Lecture 5.4 hours/
                                                Laboratory 6.11 hours. Prerequisite: FIRE 117.
                                                Course Typically Off ered: Summer.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171