Page 162 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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            137                                 145                                 151
            NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS                 3.0 Units                           4.0 Units
            2.0 Units                           ESL 145 is designed to help high-intermediate   ESL 151 is designed students at the advanced
            (Previously ESL 128)                Credit ESL students communicate eff ectively   level of academic English as a second
            NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               in English. The course places emphasis   language. The course provides extensive
            ESL 137 is designed to promote the spelling   on the oral communication and listening   practice in thesis-based essays, critical analy-
            profi ciency of ESL students at the interme-  skills necessary in college credit courses.   sis of academic reading, and techniques to
            diate level. There is special emphasis given   Students are introduced to various strate-  improve the organization, syntax, and gram-
            to the relationship of pronunciation and   gies to increase their academic listening   mar of the essays. Students write four-to-fi ve
            morphology to spelling. Vocabulary pertain-  comprehension. Oral communication skills   paragraph essays of 500+ words in length.
            ing to study-skills, academic endeavor, and   are strengthened through communication   Library research techniques are introduced
            the higher education environment generally   and presentation practice. The course may   and a research paper is completed. Lecture
            is a special feature of the course. Lecture 2   be off ered with an emphasis on related   4 hours.  Prerequisite: Placement is based
            hours.  Prerequisite: ESL 123 and ESL 126   academic disciplines.  Note: This course is   on a composite of test scores and academic
            or placement exam scores.  Recommended   taught at a level of vocabulary equivalent   background or ESL 141.  Recommended
            Preparation: Concurrent enrollment in ESL   to ESL 141. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   Preparation: Concurrent enrollment in an
            133, ESL 136, and ESL 135. Course Typically   Placement is based on a composite of test   appropriate ESL listening and speaking
            Off ered: Fall/Spring.               scores and academic background or satisfac-  course. Course Typically Off ered: Winter/
                                                tory completion of ESL 135. Recommended   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            141                                 Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ESL   UC, USC.
            GRAMMAR AND WRITING IV              133 or higher.  Course Typically Off ered:
            5.0 Units                                                               155
                                                Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            ESL 141 is designed for students at the high                            LISTENING AND SPEAKING V
            intermediate level of academic English as   146                         3.0 Units
            a second language. This course focuses   READING AND VOCABULARY FOR     ESL 155 is designed to help advanced Credit
            on thesis-based essays, critical analysis   ESL IV STUDENTS             ESL students communicate eff ectively  in
            of academic reading, and techniques to   3.0 Units                      English. The course places emphasis on the
            improve the organization, syntax, and gram-  ESL 146 is designed to help high-intermediate   oral communication and listening skills
            mar of essays. Increasingly complex gram-  Credit ESL students to read academic read-  necessary in college credit courses. Students
            matical structures are covered, and students   ing materials in order to analyze, discuss,   are introduced to various strategies to
            incorporate these structures into four-to-fi ve   and write about their understanding of the   increase their academic listening comprehen-
            paragraph essays of 400-450 words in length.   texts. The course places heavy emphasis   sion. Oral communication skills are strength-
            Essays are written in response to readings   on academic interdisciplinary vocabulary   ened through communication and presenta-
            and discussions. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequi-  development. Students use various reading   tion practice. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
            site: Placement is based on a composite of test   strategies to increase their reading compre-  Placement is based on a composite of test
            scores and academic background or ESL 133   hension of both fi ction and non-fi ction texts.   scores and academic background or satisfac-
            and ESL 136. Recommended Preparation:   Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite: Placement   tory completion of ESL 145. Recommended
            Concurrent enrollment in an appropriate   is based on a composite of test scores and   Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ESL
            ESL listening and speaking course and in   academic background or completion of ESL   141. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            an appropriate reading course. Course Typi-  136.  Recommended Preparation: Concur-  Transfer Credit: CSU.
            cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.   rent enrollment in an appropriate Credit ESL   159
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      listening/speaking course and a Credit ESL   EDITING AND PROOFREADING
                                                grammar/writing course Course Typically   1.0 Unit
                                                Off ered: Fall/Spring.
                                                                                    ESL 159 is designed to complement ESL 151
                                                                                    in the development and practice of editing
                                                                                    and proofreading of thesis-based essays
                                                                                    in addition to techniques to improve the
                                                                                    syntax and grammar of essays. Increasingly
                                                                                    complex mechanical (punctuation) and
                                                                                    grammatical structures are covered. Lecture
                                                                                    1 hour.  Prerequisite: Placement is based
                                                                                    on a composite of test scores and academic
                                                                                    background or satisfactory completion of ESL
                                                                                    141. Recommended Corequisite: Concurrent
                                                                                    enrollment in ESL 151 and an appropriate
                                                                                    ESL listening and speaking course (ESL 145
                                                                                    or ESL 155).

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167