Page 165 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 165


        166                                 102                                 106
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           EMERGENCY SERVICES SAFETY
        ETH S 166 will explore the historical and   FIRE 102 off ers instruction in fi re behavior   AND SURVIVAL
        contemporary treatment of race in the United   and control, matter and energy, units of   3.0 Units
        States by both the courts and the legislature.   measurement, flammable liquids, toxic   FIRE 106 introduces the basic concepts of
        The course employs an interdisciplinary   gases, chemicals, radioactive hazards, and   occupational health and safety as it relates
        approach to examining the social forces that   fi re fi ghting techniques. FIRE 102 meets or   to emergency service organizations. Course
        have and continue to shape the legal system   exceeds the California State Fire Marshal’s   covers risk evaluation and control proce-
        and its impact on American Indians, African   Offi  ce core requirement for Fire 5. Lecture   dures for emergency and non-emergency
        Americans, Latinos/as, Asian Americans,   3 hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligi-  situations. The course curriculum will be
        Muslims and other social minority groups.   bility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Transfer   guided by the National Fire Protection
        The seminar examines race from a multira-  Credit: CSU.                 Association 1500 and Fire Department
        cial, multiethnic perspective. Participation   103                      Occupational Health and Safety Programs’
        from a diverse group of students is encour-  FIRE PREVENTION            standards. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
        aged. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended Prepa-  3.0 Units                    FIRE 101 or equivalent.
        ration: Eligibility for ENGL 101.  Transfer                             107
        Credit: CSU, UC.                    FIRE 103 continues to present organization
                                            and function of the fi re prevention organiza-  FIRE HYDRAULICS
             FIRE TECHNOLOGY                tions, inspection, surveying and mapping   3.0 Units
                                            procedures, recognition of  fi re  hazards,   FIRE 107 is designed for review of basic
                                            engineering a solution to the hazard, enforce-  mathematics, hydraulic laws and formulas
        Classes in Fire Technology are off ered for students
        interested in preparing for careers in fi re preven-  ment of the solution, public relations as   as applied to the fi re service, application of
        tion and fi re fi ghting. The course also provides   aff ected by fi re prevention. FIRE 103 meets   formulas and mental calculation to hydraulic
        in-service and upgrading instruction for  fi re   or exceeds the California State Fire Marshal’s   problems, water supply problems, under-
        fi ghting personnel. A certifi cate of completion   Offi  ce core requirement for Fire 2. Lecture 3   writers’ requirements for pumps. Lecture 3
        may be earned.                      hours. Prerequisite: FIRE 101 or equivalent.   hours. Prerequisite: FIRE 101 or equivalent.
        The Verdugo Fire Academy is a State Board of   Transfer Credit: CSU.    Transfer Credit: CSU.
        Fire Services and California State Fire Marshal’s   104                 108
        accredited Regional Fire Academy sponsored by   BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR   FIRE APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT
        Glendale Community College and the Glendale   FIRE PROTECTION           3.0 Units
        Fire Department.                    3.0 Units                           FIRE 108 covers the general technical knowl-
        Instructors for the program are fi re service profes-  FIRE 104 investigates the components of   edge of driving laws, driving techniques,
        sionals drawn from many fi re departments in   building construction that relate to fi re safety.   construction, and operation of pumping
        Southern California.                The elements of construction and design   engines, ladder trucks, aerial platforms,
        The academy requires approximately 780 hours of   of structures are shown to be key factors   specialized equipment, and apparatus main-
        classroom and drill ground instruction totaling   when inspecting buildings, preplanning   tenance. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: FIRE
        thirty two units (32). The four courses, FIRE   fi re operations, and operating during fi res.   101 or equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        116, 117, 118, and 119 are currently off ered in   The development and evolution of building
        sequential semesters as an extended program   and  fi re codes are studied in relationship   109
        solely on weekends.                 to past fi res in residential, commercial, and   RESCUE PRACTICES
        Students receive a variety of California State   industrial occupancies. FIRE 104 meets or   3.0 Units
        Fire Marshal’s certifi cates upon graduation from   exceeds the California State Fire Marshal’s   FIRE 109 off ers instruction in rescue prac-
        the academy in addition to their basic academy   Offi  ce core requirement for Fire 4. Lecture 3   tices, the human body, emergency care of
        completion certifi cate.             hours. Prerequisite: FIRE 101 or equivalent.   victims, childbirth, artifi cial  respiration,
        101                                 Note: May be taken 2 times for credit. Trans-  toxic gases, chemicals and diseases, radio-
                                                                                active hazards, rescue problems and tech-
        PRINCIPLES OF FIRE EMERGENCY        fer Credit: CSU                     niques. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: FIRE
        SERVICES                            105                                 101 or equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        3.0 Units                           FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS
        FIRE 101 provides an overview to fi re protec-  3.0 Units                110
        tion; career opportunities in fi re protection   FIRE 105 presents the methods, techniques   FIRE COMPANY ORGANIZATION
        and related fi elds; philosophy and history   and practical application of port able  fi re   AND PROCEDURE
        of fi re protection/service; fi re loss analysis;   extinguishing equipment, sprinkler systems,   3.0 Units
        organization and function of public and   protection systems for special hazards, and   FIRE 110 consists of the review of fire
        private fi re protection services; fi re depart-  fi re alarm and detection systems. FIRE 105   department organization, fire company
        ments as part of local government; laws and   meets or exceeds the California State Fire   organization, the company offi  cer, personnel
        regulations aff ecting  the  fi re  service;  fi re   Marshal’s Offi  ce core requirement for Fire 3.   administration, communications, fi re equip-
        service nomenclature; specifi c fi re protection   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: FIRE 101 or   ment, maintenance, training,  fi re  preven-
        functions; basic fi re chemistry and physics;   equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.  tion,  fi re  fi ghting,  company  fi re  fi ghting
        introduction to fi re protection systems; intro-                         capability, records and reports, supervision
        duction to fi re strategy and tactics. Lecture 3                         and leadership techniques. Lecture 3 hours.
        hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-                               Prerequisite: FIRE 101 and 103 or equivalent.
        ity for ENGL 101. Transfer Credit: CSU.                                 Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170