Page 169 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 169

166     GEOLOGY

        155                                 171                                 102
        INFORMATION SYSTEMS                 3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           GEOG 171 introduces students to the origins,   GEOL 102 is a study of the earth or natural
        GEOG 155 is an introduction to Geographic   current status, and future trends of major   hazards like earthquakes, volcanism, climate
        Information Systems (GIS) science includ-  transnational issues confronting the global   change, pollution and human interactions
        ing geographic data gathering, analysis,   community. Topics can include population   with the earth environment. Lecture 3 hours.
        and display through digital methods. GIS is   trends, economic development and inequal-  Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for
        used to explore spatial questions about envi-  ity, basic human needs (for food, water health   ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Course Typically
        ronmental and social issues. The laboratory   care), human rights, international confl ict   Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
        component demonstrates these principles   and security concerns, and environmental   UC, USC. (C-ID GEOL 130)
        through hands-on experience with map   problems. The course also focuses on global   104
        making using microcomputers running   governance, including the study of collective   FIELD GEOLOGY
        ArcGIS and other GIS software.  Note:   global responsibilities. Note: This course is   2.0 to 6.0 Units
        Students should have basic familiarity with   cross-listed with POL S 171 and SOC 171.
        microcomputers and the Windows operating   This course may not be taken for credit by   GEOL 104 is a fi eld study of geologic features
        system. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.   students who have completed POL S 171 or   within several geologic provinces. Emphasis
        Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   SOC 171. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended   is placed on the recognition, interpretation,
        MATH 145. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC. (C-ID   Preparation: ENGL 101.  Transfer Credit:   recording, and reporting of geologic infor-
        GEOG 155)                           CSU, UC.                            mation observed in the  fi eld.  Petrologic,
                                                                                paleontologic, structural, and stratigraphic
        160                                           GEOLOGY                   information is compiled and integrated into
        GEOGRAPHY FIELD STUDIES                                                 an interpretation of the geologic history of
        1.0 to 3.0 Units                    101                                 the area investigated. An extended period in
        GEOG 160 is a fi eld-based lecture course that   PHYSICAL GEOLOGY        the fi eld may be substituted for a number of
        explores the physical and cultural geogra-  3.0 Units                   shorter fi eld trips. Field trips will normally
        phy of a selected region or regions. Physi-  GEOL 101 is an introduction to the principles   be taken on weekends and/or during vaca-
        cal and cultural processes, characteristics   of geology with emphasis on Earth processes.   tion periods. The itinerary, schedule, and
        and landscapes are observed, documented   This course focuses on the internal structure   fi eld area will be determined at the fi rst class
        and analyzed. Specifi c content varies by   and origin of the Earth and the processes that   meeting (see current class schedule). The
        geographic region, but includes both physi-  change and shape its surface. Lecture 3 hours.   student is responsible for the cost of food
        cal and cultural components. Lecture 1-3   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   and transportation, the approximate cost is
        hours. Recommended Preparation: ENGL   ENGL 120 or ESL 151.  Course Typically   $35 for each two units of work, this fi gure
        191 or ESL 141 or the equivalent. Transfer   Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,   may vary considerably depending on the
        Credit: CSU.                        UC, USC. (C-ID GEOL 100)            location of the study area. Travel is usually
                                                                                by chartered bus. Field Geology requires
        170                                 101H                                a great deal of rigorous activity and living
        INTRODUCTION TO GLOBAL              HONORS PHYSICAL GEOLOGY             conditions in the fi eld are often primitive.
        STUDIES                             3.0 Units                           Lecture and fi eld study will be the semester
        3.0 Units                           GEOL 101 is an introduction to the principles   equivalent of one hour of lecture and three
        GEOG 170 is an introduction to the interdisci-  of geology with emphasis on Earth processes.   hours of laboratory per week for each two
        plinary fi eld of Global Studies, including the   This course focuses on the internal structure   units of credit, a typical semester of work
        history of globalization, and economic, politi-  and origin of the Earth and the processes that   would include 16 hours of lecture and six
        cal, social, cultural and ecological develop-  change and shape its surface. The honors   days in the fi eld. Note: Two units of non-
        ments related to the process of globalization.   course will be enhanced in one or more of   overlapping fi eld study will often be off ered
        Students evaluate topics such as NGOs, the   the following ways: 1. Students do weekly   for the fall and spring semesters, extended
        global economy, and transnational popula-  quantitative problem sets in the geosciences;   periods of study may be available during
        tion trends. Note: This course is cross-listed   2. Students prepare a research project and   summer session. Weather conditions may
        with ECON 170 and POL S 170. This course   present it in the class; Relevant topics include:   require rescheduling of some trips. Lecture
        may not be taken for credit by students who   global geochemical cycles, planetary geology   1 hour/Laboratory 5 hours.  Prerequisite:
        have completed ECON 170 or POL S 170.   from remotely sensed data, problems in plate   GEOL 101, 102, 103, 105; OCEAN 115; PALEO
        Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  tectonic, climate change history, and interac-  101; or equivalent. Note: May be taken 3 times
        tion: ENGL 101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.   tions of man with the Earth. Lecture 3 hours.   for credit. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                            Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for
                                            ENGL 120 or ESL 151, Eligibility for MATH
                                            110. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174