Page 172 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 172


            190                                 194                                 196
            (EHR)                               MODIFICATIONS (CM) VERSION 10       4.0 Units
            3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           HIT 196 provides the student with an intro-
            HIT 190 provides students with an introduc-  HIT 194 provides the student with an over-  duction to the basics of medical insurance
            tion to computer applications in healthcare   view of nomenclature and classifi cation   billing and current payment methodologies
            and health information technology and   systems, with a focus on coding inpatient   in the inpatient, hospital outpatient, and
            management. The coursework includes:   clinical information from medical records.   physician’s offi  ce settings. The focus is on
            application of basic computer and commu-  Instruction includes coding diagnoses,   compliance with regulatory requirements
            nication concepts; software applications   utilizing the International Classifi cation   and common billing practices. This course
            and technologies; systems development and   of Diseases (ICD), clinical Modifi cations   is aligned with accreditation standards for
            analysis; fi le structures; work fl ow mapping;   (CM) Version 10 sequencing, and coding   the Commission on Accreditation for Health
            queries and reports for information retrieval;   conventions. This course is aligned with   Informatics and Information Management
            and migration to the electronic health record   accreditation standards for the Commis-  (CAHIIM), an independent accrediting orga-
            querying databases. The course also covers   sion on Accreditation for Health Informatics   nization whose mission is to serve the public
            presentation and manipulation of data; data   and Information Management (CAHIIM),   interest by establishing and enforcing quality
            security and protection of health informa-  an independent accrediting organization   standards for Health Informatics and Health
            tion; and information systems planning and   whose mission is to serve the public inter-  Information Management (HIM) educational
            life-cycle. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended   est by establishing and enforcing quality   programs. Lecture 4 hours.  Prerequisite:
            Preparation: MOA 180 and MOA 185 and   standards for Health Informatics and Health   MOA 180.  Recommended Preparation:
            eligibility BUSAD 106 or equivalent.   Information Management (HIM) educational   MOA 185 and eligibility for ENGL 120, ESL
                                                programs. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   151, BUSAD 106, or equivalent.  Transfer
            193                                 MOA 180. Recommended Preparation: MOA   Credit: CSU.
            CURRENT PROCEDURAL                  185 and eligibility for ENGL 120, ESL 151,
            TERMINOLOGY (CPT) CODING            BUSAD 106 or equivalent.            197
            3.0 Units                                                               DISEASE PROCESSES
            HIT 193 provides the student with an intro-  195                        3.0 Units
            duction to Healthcare Common Procedure   INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION   HIT 197 is an introduction to the disease
            Coding Systems (HCPCS) and Current   OF DISEASES: PROCEDURE             processes in the human body and drugs used
            Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding for   CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM         in their treatment. The course emphasizes
            ambulatory services related to facility and   3.0 Units                 the basic physiological concepts of common
            professional services, with an overview of   HIT 195 provides the student with an intro-  diseases: the etiology, signs and symptoms,
            coding conventions, principles, regulatory   duction to the overview, structure, and   and methods of diagnosis, along with prog-
            guidance, and coding software. This course   organization of the International Classifi ca-  noses, medical treatments, and therapeutic
            is aligned with accreditation standards for   tion of Diseases, Procedure Classifi cation   procedures. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
            the Commission on Accreditation for Health   System (ICD-10-PCS). Instruction in coding   MOA 182.  Recommended Preparation:
            Informatics and Information Management   procedures adheres to national coding   MOA 185 and eligibility for BUSAD 106 or
            (CAHIIM), an independent accrediting orga-  guidelines, uses information from cases   equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            nization whose mission is to serve the public   and health records, and applies coding soft-  198
            interest by establishing and enforcing quality   ware (Encoder). This course is aligned with   HEALTH CARE DATA REPORTING
            standards for Health Informatics and Health   accreditation standards for the Commission   3.0 Units
            Information Management (HIM) educational   on Accreditation for Health Informatics
            programs Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   and Information Management (CAHIIM),   HIT 198 provides an introduction to the inter-
            MOA 180.  Recommended Preparation:   an independent accrediting organization   pretation of healthcare statistical formulas,
            MOA 185 and eligibility for ENGL 120, ESL   whose mission is to serve the public inter-  presentation of data, and the application of
            151, BUSAD 106 or equivalent.  Transfer   est by establishing and enforcing quality   medical research tools. Students learn the use
            Credit: CSU.                        standards for Health Informatics and Health   of healthcare data in relation to: long-range
                                                Information Management (HIM) educational   healthcare planning and development; appli-
                                                programs. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   cation of automated systems; integration of
                                                MOA 180. Recommended Preparation: MOA   reports; and registration of vital statistics.
                                                181 or 182, MOA 185, HIT 196 (currently MOA   This course is aligned with accreditation
                                                183). Transfer Credit: CSU.         standards for the Commission on Accredita-
                                                                                    tion for Health Informatics and Information
                                                                                    Management (CAHIIM), an independent
                                                                                    accrediting organization whose mission
                                                                                    is to serve the public interest by establish-
                                                                                    ing and enforcing quality standards for
                                                                                    Health Informatics and Health Information
                                                                                    Management (HIM) educational programs.
                                                                                    Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite: MOA 180.
                                                                                    Recommended Preparation: MOA 185 and
                                                                                    eligibility for BUSAD 106 and MATH 145 or
                                                                                    equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177