Page 167 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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164     FRENCH

        144                                 155                                            FRENCH
        FIREFIGHTER                         2.0 Units                           101
        1.5 Units                           FIRE 155 contains instruction in tactics, strat-  BEGINNING FRENCH I
        FIRE 144 is designed to give in-service fi re-  egies, and scene management principles for   5.0 Units
        fi ghters and other interested students physi-  hazardous materials incidents, emergency   FREN 101 presents the fundamentals of
        cal conditioning and manipulative drills in   medical services (EMS) multi-casualty inci-  French grammar. The students are guided
        order to prepare the student for the Califor-  dents, and wildland fi re fi ghting incidents.   to pronounce correctly, to acquire a small
        nia Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT).   This course also includes simulation time   working vocabulary which they use in
        This course will provide information on the   pertaining to the initial decision processes at   conversation and writing and to learn to
        CPAT and the Biddle Associate Validated   a working incident. The course includes areas   read simple French. Note: This class is not
        Test. Students will learn about  fi refi ghter   of discussion on the fi re offi  cer, components   intended for students with oral profi ciency
        wellness programs and current National Fire   of triage, fi re behavior, fi re ground resources,   or who have attended schools where French
        Protection Association (NFPA) standards.   operations, and management. This course   was the language of instruction. Lecture 5
        Note: Students taking this course will be   applies to California Fire Service Training   hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligibil-
        required to engage in strenuous physical   and Education System certifi cations. Lecture   ity for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course Typi-
        activity and will train in a para-military   2.5 hours. Prerequisite: Incident Command   cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.
        environment. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory   Systems (ICS) 200 or employment in a fi re   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        1.5 hours. Recommended Preparation: FIRE   related occupation.  Recommended Prepa-  102
        101, ENGL 120 or ESL 151, KIN 167 or KIN 168.   ration: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.   BEGINNING FRENCH II
        150                                 156                                 5.0 Units
        TRAINING INSTRUCTOR 1A              FIRE PREVENTION 1A                  FREN 102 is a continuation of the study of
        2.0 Units                           2.0 Units                           French grammar fundamentals. Students
        FIRE 150 off ers students the basic methods   FIRE 156 is the fi rst in a three-course series   continue developing correct pronuncia-
        and techniques employed by  fi re  service   and provides fundamental instruction   tion and analyze more diffi  cult elementary
        personnel to select, develop and organize   regarding the history and philosophy of fi re   texts. The emphasis is on oral expression
        material for in-service training programs,   prevention, organization, and operation of   as students learn correct use of verbs and
        evaluation, and application of principles   a fi re prevention bureau, use of fi re codes,   idioms and incorporate effi  cient  methods
        of skills development through practice   identifi cation and correction of fi re hazards,   of vocabulary building. There is also more
        teaching demonstrations. This is the initial   and the relationship of  fi re prevention to   in-depth study of French culture. Lecture
        off ering of a two-course series. This course   fi re safety education and detection and   5 hours. Prerequisite: FREN 101 or equiva-
        applies to California Fire Service Training   suppression systems. This course applies   lent. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.
        and Education System. Lecture 2.5 hours.   to the California fi re Service Training and   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        Prerequisite: FIRE 101 or employment in a   Education System certifi cations. Lecture 2.5   103
        fi re related occupation.            hours. Prerequisite: FIRE 110 or employment   INTERMEDIATE FRENCH I
                                            in a fi re related occupation. Recommended   5.0 Units
        151                                 Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or
        TRAINING INSTRUCTOR 1B              ESL 151.                            FREN 103 focuses on the continued devel-
        2.0 Units                                                               opment of the language skills of listening,
        FIRE 151 is the second of a two-course   157                            speaking, reading, and writing through
        series providing fi re service personnel with   FIRE PREVENTION 1B       the study of the French and Francophone
        a variety of methods and techniques for   2.0 Units                     cultures. Students are introduced to simple
        selection, development, application and   FIRE 157 is the second in a three-course series   poems, literary texts, cinema, and music.
        analysis of evaluative measures applicable   presenting the methods and techniques for   Knowledge is gained about French and Fran-
        to fi re service instruction. Student teaching   fi re prevention, use of codes, identifi cation   cophone contemporary society and culture.
        demonstrations are required of each partici-  and correction of fi re hazards in buildings   An intermediate level of  fl uency in the
        pant. Lecture 2.5 hours. Prerequisite: FIRE   and facilities containing hazardous materi-  language is expected. This course is taught in
        150 or equivalent.                  als. This course applies to the California   French. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite: FREN
                                            fi re Service Training and Education System   102 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:
        152                                 certifi cations. Lecture 2.5 hours. Prerequi-  Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        FIRE MANAGEMENT I                   site: FIRE 156 or employment in a fi re related
        2.0 Units
                                            occupation.  Recommended Preparation:
        FIRE 152 offers instruction to develop   Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.
        supervisory management skills. The course
        introduces key management concepts and
        practices utilized and include decision-
        making, time management, and leadership
        styles, personnel evaluations and counseling
        guidelines. This course applies to California
        Fire Service Training and Education System
        certifi cations. Lecture 2.5 hours. Prerequi-
        site: FIRE 110 or employment in a fi re related
        occupation.  Recommended Preparation:
        Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172