Page 168 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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            104                                 103                                 110
            5.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            FREN 104 reviews the fundamentals of   GEOG 103 is a survey of the world’s major   GEOG 110 takes a thematic approach to
            French grammar. It continues to stress correct   cultural and physical regions with empha-  explore California’s issues, processes and
            diction and effi  cient methods of vocabulary   sis on those elements that are important to   topics relevant to geography including
            building. Students read intermediate French   an understanding of contemporary global   climate, landforms, natural vegetation, water
            prose of increasing diffi  culty  and  engage   issues and concerns. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-  resources, cultural landscape, ethnic diver-
            in conversation and composition, with an   mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   sity, urban and agricultural regions, and the
            emphasis on critical thinking. Students   120 or ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered:   economy. This course explores the physical
            discover aspects of French culture and   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   and human landscapes that have evolved as
            compare them to their own cultures using   (C-ID GEOG 125)              a result of the human-environment interface.
            the French language. This course is taught in   106                     Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
            French. Lecture 5 hours. Prerequisite: FREN   HUMAN IMPACT ON THE       tion: ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Transfer Credit:
            103 or equivalent. Course Typically Off ered:   ENVIRONMENT              CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID GEOG 140)
            Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                                3.0 Units                           111
                 GEOGRAPHY AND                  GEOG 106 is a description and analysis   PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY
                   ENVIRONMENT                  of humanity’s impact on the natural envi-  1.0 Unit
                                                ronment over time. Natural earth systems
            101                                 and natural climatic change are studied in   GEOG 111 is the laboratory course for Physi-
            PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY                  the contest of geologic time, followed by   cal Geography. Laboratory exercises include
            3.0 Units                           systematic analyses of human impact on the   the observation and interpretation of weather
                                                atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and   data, statistical analysis of climate data,
            GEOG 101 is a spatial study of the Earth’s
            dynamic physical systems and processes.   biosphere. Emphasis is placed on the human   development of cartographic techniques,
            Topics include Earth-sun geometry, weather,   activities that cause environmental change,   map interpretation, aerial photography
            climate, water, landforms, soil, and the   as well as potential solutions and pathways   interpretation, and landform description
            biosphere. Emphasis is on the interrelation-  to sustainability. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-  and analysis. Local fi eld trips are required.
            ships among environmental and human   mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: GEOG
            systems and processes and their result-  120 or ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered:   101 (GEOG 101 may be taken concurrently).
            ing patterns and distributions. Tools of   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  Recommended Preparation: MATH 141,
            geographic inquiry are also briefl y covered;   107                      MATH 146, or two units of MATH 246.
            they may include: maps, remote sensing,   WEATHER, CLIMATE AND CLIMATE   Course Typically Offered: Fall/Spring.
            Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and   CHANGE                       Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID GEOG
            Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Lecture   3.0 Units                   111)
            3 hours.  Recommended Preparation:   GEOG 107 is an introduction to the atmo-  114
            Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course   sphere with an emphasis on its proper-  GEOGRAPHY OF BAJA CALIFORNIA
            Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/  ties and physical processes. The course   2.0 Units
            Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID   focuses on the atmosphere’s composition   GEOG 114 is a fi eld study of Mexico’s Baja
            GEOG 110)                           and structure, incoming solar radiation   California peninsula using the geographic
            102                                 and energy balance, temperature, seasonal   methodology. Emphasis is placed on the
            CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY                  changes, atmospheric moisture, clouds and   physical and cultural landscape, students
            3.0 Units                           fog, precipitation, air pressure, winds, air   are exposed to basic geographic data collec-
                                                masses and fronts, tornadoes, hurricanes,   tion techniques and concepts, allowing for
            GEOG 102 is a systematic study of the
            cultural variables of humankind: popula-  weather forecasting, El Nińo, climate and   students to observe and document elements
            tion, religion, language, economic activi-  climate change. Lecture 3 hours.  Recom-  of Baja California’s climate, hydrology, wild-
            ties, settlements. Emphasis upon selected   mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   life, geomorphology, agriculture, economy,
            cultural problems of humankind’s occu-  120 or ESL 151. Course Typically Off ered:   religion, and history, and how these elements
            pance. Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended   Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID   interact to create Baja’s unique landscape
            Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or   GEOG 130)                    and culture.  Note: This class is taught in
            ESL 151.  Course Typically Off ered: Fall/                               conjunction with a fi eld trip to Baja Califor-
            Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID                            nia. Lecture 2 hours. Prerequisite: GEOG 101
            GEOG 120)                                                               or 102 or 105 or 110 or equivalent. Transfer
                                                                                    Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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