Page 158 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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ENGLISH       155

            125                                 182                                 189
            SHAKESPEARE                         BASIC COMMUNICATION-                WRITING WORKSHOP I
            3.0 Units                           VOCABULARY                          3.0 Units
            ENGL 125 is an introduction to the works   1.0 Unit                     NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
            of Shakespeare. The course is focused on   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE        ENGL 189 is designed for students who need
            a close study of Shakespeare’s major plays.   ENGL 182 is designed to help students   to practice writing clear sentences and para-
            It also provides a background and insights   develop a wide variety of vocabulary skills.   graphs in standard English. The course is a
            into the Elizabethan world so that the   The modular system of this computer-based   writing workshop. It involves the students
            student may more fully understand and   course allows students to work on one skill   actively in reading, writing, discussing, and
            appreciate Shakespeare’s writings. Lecture   at a time. Students work independently and   re-writing. Individualized computer lessons
            3 hours. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL   review a topic as many times as necessary   provide tutorials and practice in the gram-
            101. Course Typically Off ered: Fall. Transfer   to achieve full understanding and mastery   mar and mechanics of writing. Computer
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC.               of it. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass only.   applications help students plan, write, check,
                                                Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: None.   and revise what they have written. The
            127                                 Course Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.   course helps students increase their famil-
            CHILDREN’S LITERATURE                                                   iarity with the style, form and structures of
            3.0 Units                           183                                 written English and improves their ability to
            ENGL 127 introduces representative works of   BASIC COMMUNICATION-      compose and edit sentences and paragraphs
            children’s literature and develops students’   GRAMMAR                  in English. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass
            close reading and analytical writing skills,   1.0 Unit                 only. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: Place-
            while promoting an appreciation for the   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE         ment is based on academic background or
            aesthetic and psychological aspects of   ENGL 183 is designed to provide the student   satisfactory completion of ABSE 187. Concur-
            literature written for children. The course   with the basic background and skills   rent enrollment in or satisfactory completion
            considers means of production of children’s   necessary for recognizing and remedying   of ENGL 188 is required. Course Typically
            literature in historical terms, analyzing tales   frequently made grammatical errors. This   Off ered: Fall/Spring.
            from the oral tradition, through the advent   course, which is individualized, self-paced,
            of print, to current means of dissemination   and interactive, introduces the student to   190
            while also investigating children’s reception   basic English constructions and sentence-  INTERMEDIATE ACADEMIC
            of content and form. Lecture 3 hours. Prereq-  level writing problems. Credit is awarded   READING
            uisite: Eligibility for ENGL 101. Course Typi-  upon completion of all the modules. Note:   3.0 Units
            cally Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.   This course is Pass/No Pass only. Laboratory   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
            (C-ID ENGL 180)                     3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typi-  ENGL 190 is a reading course designed for
                                                cally Off ered: Fall/Spring.         students who wish to improve their college
            128                                                                     reading comprehension skills. Various text-
            THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE             188                                 book study strategy methods are covered:
            3.0 Units                           INTRODUCTION TO ACADEMIC            memory improvement, vocabulary building
            ENGL 128 is a general introduction to the   READING                     through the study of prefi xes, suffi  xes, roots,
            Bible: its characters, recurrent themes,   3.0 Units                    and the use of context clues. Basic grammar
            images and symbols. The course presents   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE         rules: sentence structures, punctuation, and
            information regarding the literary divi-  ENGL 188 is a reading course designed for   capitalization are reviewed. The emphasis
            sions, the language, and text of each book   students who need to improve their basic   is on strengthening higher-level reading
            as well as its composition, authorship, date,   reading comprehension skills. Various   comprehension, as well as improving critical
            and contents. Attention is given to literary,   word attack skills are covered: syllabica-  thinking while reading. Methods to improve
            historical, geographical, archaeological, and   tion/phonics, word analysis through the   literal comprehension are covered by way of
            theological matters, including the formation   study of prefi xes, suffi  xes, and word roots.   reading strategies Survey-Question-Read-
            of the canon, modern approaches to biblical   Basic grammar rules regarding parts of   Recite-Review (SQ3R), and Know-Will Know-
            study, and principal English versions of the   speech, punctuation and capitalization are   Learn(KWL), highlighting, note-taking,
            Scriptures. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended   reviewed. Methods and strategies to improve   outlining, summarizing, differentiating
            Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 101.   comprehension, application, and analysis   between general and specifi c details, deter-
            Course Typically Off ered: Fall (Even Years   are examined, along with Know-Will Know-  mining the topic and main ideas (stated
            Only). Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  Learn (KWL),Survey-Question-Read-Recite-  and implied), and patterns of organization
                                                Review (SQ3R), highlighting, outlining
            130                                 and summarizing in order to diff erentiate   in short essays. Critical reading strategies
            SCIENCE FICTION LITERATURE          between general and specifi c  details,  and   include making inferences and recognizing
            3.0 Units                                                               fact vs. opinion, tone, and purpose. Lecture
                                                determine the topic and main ideas in   3 hours. Prerequisite: Placement is based on
            ENGL 130 is a survey of Science Fiction   paragraphs. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
            and Fantasy Literature from the late 19th   Placement is based on academic background    academic background or satisfactory comple-
            Century to the present, concentrating on   or satisfactory completion of  ABSE 186 and   tion of or ENGL 188. ENGL 190 must be taken
            20th and 21st Century writers. The course   ABSE 187. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/  prior to or concurrently with ENGL 191.
            addresses the history, major themes, and   Spring.
            the function of science fi ction and fantasy
            as literary forms. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-
            mended Preparation: ENGL 120 or ESL 151.
            Transfer Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163