Page 156 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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ENGLISH       153

                                       ENGLISH COURSE SEQUENCE

                          All students who have not taken an English course at Glendale Community College or another
                          accredited college or have a qualifying  AP English score are required to complete the English
                          placement process prior to enrolling in any English course.

                        English 188 - 3 units       English 189 - 3 units
                   Introduction to Academic  Reading  Writing Workshop I
                        Non-Degree Applicable      Non-Degree Applicable

                        English 190 - 3 units       English 191 - 4 units
                   Intermediate Academic  Reading   Writing Workshop II
                       Non-Degree Applicable       Non-Degree Applicable

                                                                                             English 199 - 0.5 units
                        English 192 - 3 units       English 120 - 4 units  English 101+ - 3 units  Composition Workshop
                     Advanced College  Reading    Composition and Reading or  Freshman English  for Reading, Writing, and
                        Non-Degree Applicable      Non-Degree Applicable   Transfer to CSU, UC   Academic Literacy
                                                                                              Non-Degree Applicable

                                                    English 101 - 3 units
                                                    Freshman English
                                                  Transfer to CSU, UC, USC

                                        English 102 - 3 units     English 104 - 3 units
                                       Critical Thinking and   or  Critical Thinking and
                                         Literary Analysis          Argumentation
                                      Transfer to CSU, UC, USC   Transfer to CSU, UC, USC

                               LITERATURE COURSES
                                Transfer to UC & CSU*
                                  Transfer to CSU%
                        *English 105 & 106   British Literature Survey       WRITING COURSES
                        *English 109 & 110   World Literature
                        *English 111       Women in Literature  *English 103     Creative Writing Workshop
                        *English 116       Introduction to Drama   %English 112   Screenwriting
                        *English 117       Film as Literature    *English 114     Introduction to Poetry: Creative Writing
                        *English 122 & 123   American Literature   *English 115     Introduction to Fiction: Creative Writing
                        *English 125       Shakespeare        *English 118     Introduction to Creative Nonfi ction: Creative Writing
                        *English 127       Children Literature   %English 212   Advanced Screenwriting
                        *English 128       Bible Literature
                         %English 130       Science Fiction Literature
                                                                                            Concurrent Enrollment Required

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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