Page 151 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        140                                 101                                 109
        (EMT)                               BASIC DESIGN                        AUTOCAD 1
        8.5 Units                           3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
        EMT 140 is designed to prepare students   ENGR 101 covers the fundamentals of   ENGR 109 is an activity based course in
        for certification and employment as an   traditional board drafting, descriptive   two-dimensional computer-aided design
        Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in the   geometry, orthographic projection and   using AutoCAD software. Students learn
        state of California. Course material proceeds   the graphical communication of technical   and practice tools to create and edit draw-
        from introductory theory and practice of   engineering information. Students learn   ings in accordance with industry standards.
        emergency medical care through increas-  to create complete and accurate drawings   Topics include object construction, object
        ingly complex concepts and management   that concisely communicate an engineering   properties, layers, orthographic projections,
        of immediate life-threatening situations and   design. Topics include freehand drawing,   auxiliary views, sectioning, parametric tools,
        emergencies. Critical thinking and decision-  lettering, and theory of orthographic and   basic dimensioning, templates, plotting and
        making skills are stressed throughout the   multi-view projections. Basic drafting skills,   the application of geometric dimensioning
        course. Coursework also includes a Clini-  industry standards and technical graphics   and tolerancing. Lecture 1.5 hours/Labora-
        cal/ride-along component. Upon success-  practices, and engineering and architecture   tory 4.5 hours. Prerequisite: ARCH 101 or
        ful completion of EMT 139 and EMT 140,   scales are presented. The glass box theory is   ENGR 101 or equivalent.  Transfer Credit:
        a course completion certifi cate is awarded   used to visualize orthographic projection as   CSU, UC, USC.
        to students who successfully complete the   well as the fundamentals of auxiliary views,   110
        didactic portion of the class with 75% or   coordinate systems, sectioning, dimension-  COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN
        better and pass the certifying skills exam.   ing, intersection of planes, visibility, lines   AUTOCAD 2
        Successful completion of the EMT courses   and order of precedence of line types.   3.0 Units
        provides eligibility to sit for the National   Coordination dimensioning and geomet-
        Registry EMT exam and apply for certifi ca-  ric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T)   ENGR 110 is an advanced course in computer
        tion in the state of California. Note: Student   subjects are covered including location toler-  aided design. Advanced techniques and
        must be eighteen years of age prior to the   ance, datum reference, tolerance symbols   concepts of computer-aided design will
        last day of class. In addition to the scheduled   and feature control frames. Lecture 1.5   be presented with an emphasis on three-
        hours, twenty-four hours of ride along must   hours/Laboratory 1.5 hours. Recommended   dimensional design and modeling for both
        be completed in order to be eligible to pass   Preparation: ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Transfer   architectural and engineering applications.
        the class. Lecture 6.5 hours/Laboratory 6.0   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.     Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory 4.5 hours.
        hours. Prerequisite: EMT 139. Course Typi-  102                         Prerequisite: ENGR 109 or equivalent. Trans-
        cally Off ered: Fall/Spring.                                             fer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                            ENGINEERING PRINT READING FOR
                                            INDUSTRY                            111
                ENGINEERING                                                     COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN
                                            3.0 Units
        100                                 ENGR 102 is a study of the fundamentals   SOLIDWORKS I
        INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING         of orthographic drawing to develop the   3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           student’s ability to understand and utilize the   ENGR 111 is a basic course in engineering,
        ENGR 100 provides students with an under-  information presented on a blueprint. Such   drafting and design, utilizing SOLIDWORKS
        standing of the academic and professional   areas as dimensions, section and auxiliary   software, with an emphasis on three-dimen-
        attitudes, behaviors and skills necessary   views, tolerancing, and industry standards,   sional design, modeling, and engineering
        to enhance their ability to succeed as an   and terminology are presented to strengthen   applications. Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory
        engineering major. The general defi nition   the student’s ability to interpret an engineer-  4.5 hours. Prerequisite: ENGR 101 or equiva-
        of engineering as well as the job functions   ing drawing. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended   lent. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        of various engineering disciplines of engi-  Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL   112
        neering are examined. Working eff ectively   151. Transfer Credit: CSU.  COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN
        in teams, goal setting, time management,   103                          SOLIDWORKS II
        self-improvement, methods of learning, and   DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY       3.0 Units
        development of oral and written technical   3.0 Units                   ENGR 112 teaches the advanced concepts
        communication skills are practiced. Students                            of the SOLIDWORKS software, its use as a
        are introduced to the campus resources   ENGR 103 presents a study of a valuable engi-  mechanical engineering design and manu-
        available to engineering majors and learn   neering tool which facilitates the solution of   facturing tool, and the ability to fabricate,
        how to orient themselves to the science and   engineering problems graphically. A study of   design, and create parts and assemblies.
        engineering educational system. Instruction   lines and planes in space. The representation   Topics include mechanical design modeling
        includes an introduction to the methods and   of surfaces, solids, interferences, and inter-  in the 3D environment, complex solid and
        tools of engineering problem solving and   sections. Excellent training in visualization   surface modeling, digital input and output,
        design including the interface of the engineer   and interpretation of engineering drawings.   analysis, and integrating SOLIDWORKS
        with society and engineering ethics. Lecture   Note: This course may not be taken for credit   with other Computer Aided Design (CAD)
        3 hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligi-  by students who have completed ARCH 103.   and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
        bility for ENGL 101. Transfer Credit: CSU,   Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 4 hours. Prereq-  programs for a productive design workfl ow.
        UC, USC. (C-ID ENGR 110)            uisite: ARCH 101 or ENGR 101 or equivalent.   Lecture 1.5 hours/Laboratory 4.5 hours.
                                            Recommended Preparation: ENGR 109.
                                            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.      Prerequisite: ENGR 111 or equivalent. Trans-
                                                                                fer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156