Page 154 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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ENGLISH       151

            298                                            ENGLISH                  101H
            UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN                                               HONORS FRESHMAN ENGLISH
            ENGINEERING I                       101                                 3.0 Units
            3.0 Units                           FRESHMAN ENGLISH                    ENGL 101H is a foundation course in critical
                                                3.0 Units
            ENGR 298 is the fi rst of a two-course series                            reading and writing skills required of those
            intended to simulate a real-world design   ENGL 101 is a foundation course in critical   students intending to transfer to a university.
            experience via an interdisciplinary project   reading and writing skills required of those   Through their reading and discussion of
            in a team-based environment. It introduces   students intending to transfer to a university.   selected prose works, students learn to iden-
            the student to the design and prototype   Through their reading and discussion of   tify problems, examine possible solutions,
            development phase of an in-depth engineer-  selected prose works, students learn to iden-  recognize unstated assumptions and values,
            ing design process requiring integration of   tify problems, examine possible solutions,   appraise evidence, evaluate arguments, draw
            multiple systems. Students from a variety   recognize unstated assumptions and values,   inferences, and test conclusions. Through
            of disciplines conceive, design and begin   appraise evidence, evaluate arguments, draw   their writing, students learn to analyze,
            to prototype a system involving electrical,   inferences, and test conclusions. Through   synthesize, organize information logically,
            information, and mechanical engineering   their writing, students learn to analyze,   and propose original ideas. Students also
            components. Emphasis is placed on written   synthesize, organize information logically,   receive instruction in research and MLA
            and oral communication skills as students   and propose original ideas. Students also   documentation and are required to complete
            set project goals, manage interfaces between   receive instruction in research and MLA   a fully documented research paper. The
            component subsystems, work in design   documentation and are required to complete   honors course will be enhanced in one or
            teams, track progress against tasks, write   a fully documented research paper. Lecture   more of the following ways: 1. Accelerated
            detailed documentation, and deliver design   3 hours.  Prerequisite: Placement is based   standards of reading levels, emphasizing
            review presentations. Students are expected   on academic background  or satisfactory   primary sources 2. accelerated standards of
            to apply knowledge from prerequisite and   completion of ENGL 120 or ESL 151 or equiva-  critical thinking including critical writing
            recommended preparation courses in the   lent.  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/  and problem-centered research Lecture 3
            design and implementation of their project.   Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,   hours.  Prerequisite: Placement is based
            Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 6 hours. Prereq-  UC, USC. (C-ID ENGL 100)    on academic background  or satisfactory
            uisite: ENGR 109, ENGR 111, ENGR 131, or   101+                         completion of ENGL 120 or ESL 151 or equiva-
            equivalent, or consent of instructor. Recom-  FRESHMAN ENGLISH          lent. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            mended Preparation: CS/IS 157 or CAM 230   3.0 Units                    102
            Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                                ENGL 101+ is a foundation course in critical   CRITICAL THINKING AND LITERARY
            299                                 reading and writing skills required of those   ANALYSIS
            UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN           students intending to transfer to a university.   3.0 Units
            ENGINEERING II                      Through their reading and discussion of   ENGL 102 helps students to develop their
            3.0 Units                           selected prose works, students learn to iden-  critical thinking and writing skills beyond
            ENGR 299 is the second of a two-course series   tify problems, examine possible solutions,   the level achieved in English 101. The course
            intended to simulate a real-world design   recognize unstated assumptions and values,   emphasizes the application of logical reason-
            experience via an interdisciplinary project   appraise evidence, evaluate arguments, draw   ing, analysis, and strategies of argumenta-
            in a team-based environment. It introduces   inferences, and test conclusions. Through   tion in critical thinking and writing, using
            the student to the fabrication and testing   their writing, students learn to analyze,   literature (both fi ction and non-fi ction) and
            phase of an in-depth engineering design   synthesize, organize information logically,   literary criticism as subject matter. Students
            process requiring integration of multiple   and propose original ideas. Students also   also receive instruction in literary research,
            systems. Students from a variety of disci-  receive instruction in research and MLA   complete a fully documented research
            plines carry out the design project initiated   documentation and are required to complete   paper, and are introduced to the process of
            in ENGR 298. Emphasis is placed on written   a fully documented research paper. Lecture   revision. Furthermore, students develop a
            and oral communication skills as students   3 hours. Prerequisite: Placement is based on   deeper understanding of the human condi-
            implement, test, and analyze the product   academic background or satisfactory comple-  tion through the study of literature. Lecture
            designed in ENGR 298. Lecture 1 hour/  tion of ENGL 191. Corequisite: Enrollment in   3 hours.  Prerequisite: ENGL 101.  Course
            Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequisite: ENGR   ENGL 99 (Noncredit) or ENGL 199. Transfer   Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/
            298 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.   Credit: CSU UC.          Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID
            Transfer Credit: CSU.                                                   ENGL 120)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159