Page 152 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 152

ENGINEERING         149

            117                                 122                                 130
            TECHNOLOGY                          3.0 Units                           2.0 Units
            3.0 Units                           ENGR 122 presents the fundamental prin-  ENGR 130 provides an introductory study
            ENGR 117 explores the professional activities   ciples of engineering graphical communi-  of the fundamentals of mobile robotics
            and working environment of engineering   cation and drawing using computer aided   and the associated engineering concepts.
            technology, which is an emerging, hands-  design (CAD) software as an integral teach-  It prepares students for more advanced
            on discipline of applied engineering. The   ing and learning methodology. Students   studies in robotics and related technologies.
            role of engineering technology in industry,   develop 3-D visualization and spatial acuity   Students gain experience with fundamental
            the history of technology, and the future of   skills in practical applications of descrip-  concepts in robot design, computer aided
            the profession of engineering and engineer-  tive geometry. Topics include orthographic   design and drafting, sensors and actuators,
            ing technology are covered. Students learn   projection, glass box theory, auxiliary views,   programming, and electronics. The vast
            specifi c technical skills and tool use in this   sectioning, dimensioning, and geometric   majority of the course experience consists of
            activity-based course. Safety and environ-  dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) as   implementation of and experimentation with
            mental sustainability concerns as well as the   well as the engineering design process.   these skills through hands-on labs. Lecture
            eff ects of technology on society are taught in   Theory and practice of engineering graph-  1 hour/Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite:
            a collaborative project-based class environ-  ics is taught using two professional CAD   None. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            ment. Note: ENGR 117 does not satisfy the   software packages, typically AutoCAD and   131
            engineering major requirement of ENGR 100.   SOLIDWORKS. Students develop skills in   ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL
            Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 1 hour. Recom-  both 2-D and 3-D CAD modeling.  Note:   CIRCUITS
            mended Preparation: ENGL 120 or ESL 151   This course may not be used as a substitute   3.0 Units
            or equivalent.                      for any computer aided design course in the
                                                Engineering Technology - CAD Drafting &   ENGR 131 is intended for students wishing
            120                                 Design certifi cate program. Lecture 2 hours/  to major in engineering at the university
            3D PRINTING AND MODELING            Laboratory 1 hour. Prerequisite: MATH 110   level. It provides an introduction to the
            2.0 Units                                                               basic concepts and theory of electricity and
                                                or MATH 110B or equivalent.
            ENGR 120 provides students with the basic                               magnetism with an emphasis on passive
            knowledge of 3D printing (i.e., additive   125                          electrical elements such as resistors, capaci-
            manufacturing; rapid prototyping) and   PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS AND        tors and inductors (RCL) and their applica-
            modeling, as well as its impact within the   METHODOLOGIES FOR ENGINEERS  tions in alternating current (AC) or direct
            engineering and manufacturing community.   4.0 Units                    current (DC) circuits. Students also learn
            Students have the opportunity to explore the   ENGR 125 teaches the application of struc-  how to build, test and analyze simple RCL
            interaction between computer aided design   tured programming concepts for engi-  circuits in the laboratory, and use simulation
            (CAD), computer aided manufacturing   neering problems. Topics include practical   software and test equipment such as power
            (CAM), and additive manufacturing systems   mechanics, electronics, robotics, as well as   supply, multimeter, signal/function genera-
            by participating in the design and prototyp-  the design, reduction and analysis of experi-  tor, oscilloscope, and spectrum analyzer.
            ing of an actual part. Emphasis is placed on   mental data using high level languages.   Related mathematics and physics concepts
            Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technol-  Required for electrical and computer engi-  are developed alongside these concepts of
            ogy using the Stratasys Fortus modeling   neering majors, students learn to program   electrical engineering. Lecture 2 hours/Labo-
            system and accompanying Insight software   and control engineering devices and sensors   ratory 3 hours. Recommended Preparation:
            platform. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3 hours.   that interface with the physical world. The   MATH 102 or 110. Course Typically Off ered:
            Recommended Preparation: ENGR 109,   interaction between computer program-  Fall/Winter. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            ENGR 111, CAM 230, ARCH 250, ART 230,   ming and the physical world is a major   132
            or equivalent.                      focus of the course. Note: This course may   INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL
                                                not be used to meet the requirements of any   ELECTRONICS
                                                computer science program. Lecture 3 hours/  3.0 Units
                                                Laboratory 1 hour. Prerequisite: MATH 103.
                                                Recommended Preparation: ENGL 120 or   ENGR 132 is intended for students planning
                                                ESL 151 or equivalent.              to major in engineering at the university
                                                                                    level. It provides an introduction to the basic
                                                                                    concepts and theory of digital electronics.
                                                                                    Students also learn how to build, test, and
                                                                                    analyze simple digital circuits in the labora-
                                                                                    tory, and use simulation software and test
                                                                                    equipment such as power supply, multime-
                                                                                    ter, signal/function generator, oscilloscope,
                                                                                    and logic analyzer. Related mathematics
                                                                                    and physics is contextualized within the
                                                                                    development of these electrical engineer-
                                                                                    ing concepts. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3
                                                                                    hours. Recommended Preparation: MATH
                                                                                    102 or 110. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157