Page 153 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        140                                 156                                 240
        ENGINEERING                         SOLVING IN MATLAB                   FUNDAMENTALS
        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units                           4.0 Units
        ENGR 140 examines the internal structures   ENGR 156 provides an introduction to   ENGR 240 is an introduction to the theory
        of materials and their subsequent behaviors   MATLAB to provide students with a working   and analysis of electrical circuits; basic
        used in engineering applications, including   knowledge of computer based problem-solv-  circuit elements including the operational
        metals, ceramics, polymers, composites and   ing methods with applications for science   amplifi er; circuit theorems; direct current
        semiconductors. Students learn how to select   and engineering. It introduces the funda-  circuits; forced and natural responses of
        appropriate materials to meet engineering   mentals of procedural and object-oriented   simple circuits; sinusoidal steady state analy-
        design criteria and to understand the eff ects   programming, numerical analysis, and   sis and the use of a standard computer-aided
        of heat, mechanical stress, imperfections,   data structures. Students gain experience   circuit analysis program. Consideration is
        and chemical environments on material   working with MATLAB toolboxes and with   given to power, energy, impedance, phasors,
        properties and performance. Note: ENGR 141   development and debugging of programs   frequency response and their use in circuit
        (Materials Science and Engineering Labora-  using MATLAB and Simulink. Examples   design. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 3 hours.
        tory) may be required for full articulation.   and assignments in the course are drawn   Prerequisite: PHY 102 and MATH 105.
        Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite: CHEM 101   from practical applications in engineering,   Corequisite: MATH 108  Transfer Credit:
        and PHY 101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC.  physics, and mathematics. Lecture 2 hours/  CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID ENGR 260)
                                            Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 103
        141                                 or equivalent Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   241
        MATERIALS SCIENCE AND               (C-ID ENGR 220)                     STRENGTH OF MATERIALS
        ENGINEERING LABORATORY                                                  3.0 Units
        1.0 Unit                            180                                 ENGR 241 is the application of mechanics
        ENGR 141 engages the relationships between   SURVEYING                  to determine the eff ect of forces and torques
        the internal structures of materials and their   3.0 Units              on materials. Students apply this knowledge
        subsequent behaviors and material proper-  ENGR 180 covers the theory, principles, and   to the design of load bearing components.
        ties. Using experimental equipment and   practice of plane surveying and includes   The course covers the following topics:
        laboratory report writing activities, students   offi  ce computations and design, operation   stress, strain, axial loading, torsion, fl exural
        directly observe and analyze the character-  of surveying fi eld equipment, and produc-  stresses, transverse shear stress, horizontal
        istics of engineering materials related to the   tion of engineering plans and maps.   shear stresses, stress transformations, Mohr’s
        lecture course ENGR 140 (Materials Science   Topics include measurement of distances,   circle, thin-walled pressure vessels, ductile
        and Engineering). Note: ENGR 141 Materials   angles, and directions, diff erential leveling,   and brittle failure theories, shear and bend-
        Science Laboratory should be taken concur-  traversing, property and boundary surveys.   ing moment diagrams, stresses in a beam,
        rently with ENGR 140 and may be required   Students learn topographic surveying and   methods of superposition, and elastic strain
        for articulation to CSU’s and UC’s. Labora-  mapping, volume and earthwork calcula-  energy. Statically indeterminate systems
        tory 3 hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 101 and   tions, horizontal and vertical curves, land   are studied using Castigliano’s theorem.
        PHY 101. Corequisite: ENGR 140. Transfer   description techniques and global position-  Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: ENGR 152 or
        Credit: CSU, UC.                    ing system (GPS). Students may transfer   equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                            this course to a university civil engineering   (C-ID ENGR 240)
        152                                 program or apply it toward a technical career
        ENGINEERING MECHANICS -             as a land surveyor. Note: ENGR 180 requires
        STATICS                             significant field work that is conducted
        3.0 Units
                                            on campus during the lab hours. Lecture
        ENGR 152 covers the composition and   2 hours/Laboratory 1 hour.  Prerequisite:
        resolution of co-planar and non-planar   MATH 110 or MATH 110B or equivalent.
        force systems, equilibrium of rigid bodies,
        distributed forces, forces in trusses, frames   230
        and cables, shear and bending moments   DYNAMICS
        in beams, and moments of inertia of areas   3.0 Units
        and bodies. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   ENGR 230 covers the fundamentals of kine-
        PHY 101 or equivalent and MATH 104 or   matics and kinetics of particles and rigid
        equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   bodies. Topics include: kinematics of particle
        (C-ID ENGR 130)                     motion; Newton’s second law, work-energy
                                            and momentum methods; kinematics of
                                            planar motions of rigid bodies; work-energy
                                            and momentum principles for rigid body
                                            motion as well as an introduction to mechani-
                                            cal vibrations. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
                                            ENGR 152 or equivalent.  Transfer Credit:
                                            CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID ENGR 230)

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158