Page 150 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 150


            160                                 163                                 210
            ELECTRICIANS                        3.0 Units                           CONTROLLERS (PLC)
            3.0 Units                           ECT 163 covers key aspects of energy   3.0 Units
            ECT 160 is a course designed to introduce   management and prepares students to   ECT 210 covers Programmable Logic
            the student to the National Electrical Code   enter the job market as energy managers   Controller (PLC) operations, including PLC
            (NEC) using national, state and local codes.   and energy professionals. Topics include   installation and programming techniques.
            Included in the course are duties of the   concepts of greenhouse gas emissions   It emphasizes the methods of using the
            electrical inspector with emphasis on code   management and energy savings. This class   programming interface to troubleshoot
            enforcement, inspection procedures, plan   prepares students for passing the Certifi ed   applications in industry. The lab activities
            reading, electrical symbols and terminology.   Energy Management (CEM) examination   give the student practical programming and
            Methods of performing electrical inspections   and becoming certifi ed by the Association   operating skills used in the maintenance
            and interpreting electrical systems are based   of Energy Engineers (AEE). Lecture 3 hours.   of automated systems. Lecture 2 hours/
            on the current electrical codes and standards.   Recommended Preparation: ECT 100, ECT   Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: ECT 110.
            Emphasis will be placed on the importance   110, and MATH 146, 141, or 246B Transfer   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for
            of safety, asbestos abatement awareness, and   Credit: CSU.             ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            anchoring and supporting for earthquake   167
            mitigation. Quality workmanship, effi  cient   CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE LAW      EMERGENCY MEDICAL
            and well-designed electrical systems, and   3.0 Units                           TECHNOLOGY
            retrofi tting will be emphasized. Lecture 3
            hours. Prerequisite: ECT 110 or equivalent.   ECT 167 covers key legal aspects of contract-  138
            Transfer Credit: CSU.               ing. Students learn how to maintain a   EMERGENCY MEDICAL
                                                contractor’s license, legal practice, manage-  RESPONDER
            161                                 ment, construction standards, safety regu-  2.0 Units
            RESIDENTIAL ELECTRONICS             lations and insurance policies. Topics also
            SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR (RESI)           include contractor’s license law, lien laws,   EMT 138 introduces foundational concepts
            TRAINING                            labor code, payroll deductions, organization,   related to the emergency medical care of sick
            3.0 Units                           estimate and planning principles. Lecture 3   and injured persons. This course is designed
                                                                                    for students interested in pursuing emer-
            ECT 161 is an introduction to the Residential   hours. Recommended Preparation: ECT 100,   gency medical services or other healthcare
            Electronics Systems Integrator (RESI). Topics   ECT 160, Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.   occupations. Topics also include the frame-
            include the design of prewiring for home   201                          work of emergency medical services, as well
            theater and telecommunications equip-  SOLID STATE DEVICES              as the unique challenges of ethical dilemmas
            ment interconnection, network installation,   3.0 Units                 and stress management in the emergency
            and wiring for cable television, satellite                              setting. Lecture 2 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            and antenna outlets, telephone equipment   ECT 201 encompasses the study of Solid-State
            outlets, audio and video entertainment, and   semiconductor theory, including diode recti-  139
            computer equipment. Students may become   fi ers, fi ltered power supplies, transistor and   INTRODUCTION TO EMERGENCY
            certifi ed by the Electronics Technician Asso-  amplifi ers, oscillators, and thyristor devices.   MEDICAL SERVICES
            ciation (ETA) International by passing the   Students also construct solid-state circuits,   3.0 Units
            knowledge examination assessment and   and perform circuit analysis and diagnostics   EMT 139 introduces foundational concepts
            obtaining RESI BASIC skills and knowledge.   of electronic parameters using state-of-the-  related to the emergency medical care of
            Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-  art digital electronic test equipment. Lecture   sick and injured persons. This course is
            tion: ECT 110 or equivalent.        3 hours. Prerequisite: ECT 110 or equivalent   designed for students interested in pursuing
                                                (ECT 110 may be taken concurrently). Recom-
            162                                 mended Preparation: ENGL 120 or ESL 151.   emergency medical services or other health-
            INTRODUCTION TO SOLAR               Transfer Credit: CSU.               care occupations as a career. Topics also
            PRINCIPLES                                                              include the framework of emergency medical
            3.0 Units                           202                                 services as well as the unique challenges of
                                                INTEGRATED CIRCUIT                  ethical dilemmas and stress management in
            ECT 162 covers key aspects of solar power.   ELECTRONICS                the emergency setting. Successful completion
            This class covers the basics of solar energy   3.0 Units                of the class includes certifi cation in cardio-
            and prepares the student to enter the job                               pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for healthcare
            market as a solar technician in sales, instal-  ECT 202 is a comprehensive study and   providers from the American Heart Asso-
            lation, or repair. Topics also include the   applied analysis of linear integrated circuit   ciation (AHA). Note: EMT 139 may not be
            concepts behind installing and trouble-  (IC) electronics technology. Lab develops   taken concurrently with EMT 140. Lecture
            shooting solar panels. This class helps in   skills in constructing, testing, and analyz-  3 hours. Recommended Preparation: BIOL
            preparing students to pass the Photovoltaic   ing operational amplifi er, diff erentiator and   115 and ENGL 120 or ESL 151 Course Typi-
            Installer examination and becoming certi-  integrator, voltage and current regulator,   cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.
            fi ed by Electronics Technician Association   oscillator and function generator, active fi lter,
            (ETA) International. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-  converter, and phase-lock loop IC circuits,
            mended Preparation: ECT 110, MATH 146,   using advanced electronics test equipment.
            141, or 246B.                       Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: ECT 201 or
                                                equivalent. Corequisite: ECT 253. Transfer
                                                Credit: CSU.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155