Page 145 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 145

142     DANCE

        151                                 154                                 Ballet Technique (Dance 110, 111, 114). Through
        CUISINE OF EAST ASIA                CUISINE OF CENTRAL AND SOUTH        demonstration and discussion of ballet tech-
        3.0 Units                           AMERICA                             niques, students taking courses within the Ballet
        CULIN 151 is an introduction to the cuisine   3.0 Units                 Technique Family will advance their physical
        of East Asia. The course explores the devel-  CULIN 154 is an introduction to Central and   skills, ballet vocabulary, alignment, coordination,
        opment and evolution of the particular   South American food culture. The course   and mental discipline;
        ingredients associated with each region or   explores the development and evolution of   Modern Dance Technique (Dance 115, 116,
        country. Culinary history, formative infl u-  the particular cuisine associated with each   117).Through demonstration and discussion of
        ences and general characteristics that have   region or country. Culinary history, forma-  modern dance techniques, students taking courses
        infl uenced the development of each regions   tive infl uences and general characteristics   within the Modern Dance Technique Family will
        cuisine will be studied, such as geography,   that have infl uenced the development of   advance their physical skills, dance vocabulary,
        climate, religion and trade. Specifi c  areas   each regions cuisine will be studied, such   alignment, and coordination necessary to excel
        of instruction will include the identifi ca-  as geography, climate, religion and trade.   in various modern dance forms;
        tion and use of characteristic ingredients   Specifi c areas of instruction will include the   Jazz Technique (Dance 120, 121, 137). In the
        and the selection of proper equipment and   identifi cation and use of characteristic ingre-  Jazz Technique Family, students advance their
        cooking methods. Note: Students who have   dients and the selection of proper equipment   physical skills, jazz dance vocabulary, and acquire
        successfully completed CULIN 122 will not   and cooking methods. Note: Students who   techniques to meet the demands for dance in
        receive credit for completion of CULIN 151.   have successfully completed CULIN 122 will   theatre, fi lm, and video through learning about
        Note: uniform, equipment, and lab fee are   not receive credit for completion of CULIN   jazz dance techniques;
        required. Lecture 3 hours.  Prerequisite:   154. Note: Uniform, equipment and lab fee   American Vernacular Dances (Dance 124, 125,
        None. Transfer Credit: CSU.         are required. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   126, 129). The American Vernacular Dances
                                            None. Transfer Credit: CSU.         Family teaches the student through demon-
        152                                                                     stration and discussion of vernacular dance
        CUISINE OF SOUTH ASIA               212                                 techniques, how to advance their physical skills,
        3.0 Units                           COMMERCIAL FOOD PREPARATION         dance vocabulary, alignment, and coordination
        CULIN 152 is an introduction to the cuisine   5.0 Units                 necessary to meet the demands of high intensity
        of South Asia. The course explores the   CULIN 212 is designed for students pursuing   performance skills needed in these types of dances;
        development and evolution of the particular   a career in the hotel and restaurant industry.   Cultural Dance (Dance 101, 127, 128, 133).
        ingredients associated with each region or   Students will be working in a commercial   Within the Cultural Dance Family, students
        country. Culinary history, formative infl u-  hotel kitchen where they will learn large   are exposed to a sampler of dance techniques
        ences and general characteristics that have   scale food preparation and production.   from diff erent ethnic groups with historical and
        infl uenced the development of each region’s   Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 6 hours. Prereq-  cultural context;
        cuisine will be studied, such as geography,   uisite: CULIN 111. Recommended Prepara-  Production Studies (Dance 135, 136). The
        climate, religion and trade. Specifi c areas of   tion: CULIN 112.       Production Studies Family emphasizes integra-
        instruction will include the identifi cation   224                       tion of technical skills and advanced performance
        and use of characteristic ingredients and the   ADVANCED BAKING AND PASTRY   skills. Production Studies is a crucial skill that
        selection of proper equipment and cooking   ARTS                        needs developing over several semesters;
        methods. Note: Students who have success-  5.0 Units                    Movement for Theatre (Dance 140, 145). The
        fully completed CULIN 122 will not receive                              Movement for Theatre Family provides necessary
        credit for completion of CULIN 152. Note:   CULIN 224 focuses on advanced aspects of   movement skills for actors and theatre actors
        Uniform, equipment and lab fee are required.   baking and pastry for retail pastry shops,
        Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   hotels, restaurants and catering operations.   50
                                            Students will apply advanced techniques   DANCE INTERNSHIP
        153                                 through practical laboratory experience   1.0 to 3.0 Units
        CUISINE OF EUROPE AND THE           in high-quality pastry production. The   DANCE 50 is a discipline-specifi c  course,
        MEDITERRANEAN                       focus will be on European-style products,   which allows students to earn from 1.0 – 3.0
        3.0 Units                           including laminated dough, pastries, cakes,   units for a structured, supervised internship
        CULIN 153 is an introduction to European   petit fours, fancy desserts, tortes, mousses,   either on-campus or off -campus under the
        and Mediterranean food culture. The course   chocolate, and confections. Decoration is   supervision of a faculty advisor. It is designed
        explores the development and evolution of   strongly emphasized. Lecture 3 hours/  to provide students with appropriate prepa-
        the particular cuisine associated with each   Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequisite: CULIN   ration and a hands-on work experience in
        region or country. Culinary history, forma-  124 or equivalent.         one of the following fi elds: Dance instruc-
        tive infl uences and general characteristics                             tion. The purpose of this class is to enhance
        that have infl uenced the development of each    DANCE                   students’ knowledge, skill levels, and profes-
        region’s food cultures will be studied, such                            sional competency in their targeted career.
        as geography, climate, religion and trade.   It is recommended that a variety of activities be   Students must work 60 non-paid hours or 75
        Specifi c areas of instruction will include the   taken during a student’s attendance at Glendale   paid hours per unit earned. This course is
        identifi cation and use of characteristic ingre-  College. Courses in dance satisfy the physical   recommended for the self-motivated student,
        dients and the selection of proper equipment   education requirement. Child Development 158,   and requires faculty advisor approval to
        and cooking methods. Note: Students who   Dance 100, 102, 107, and 158 do not meet the   register. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass
        have successfully completed CULIN 122 will   physical education requirement. All classes are   only. Lecture 0.5 hours/Laboratory 3-9 hours.
        not receive credit for completion of CULIN   coeducational unless otherwise noted. There are   Recommended Preparation or concurrent
        153. Note: Uniform, equipment and lab fee   nine families included in Dance. (See page 94 for   enrollment: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL
        are required. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:   more information on course families)  151. Prerequisite or Corequisite: DANCE 107.
        None. Transfer Credit: CSU.                                             Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150