Page 141 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 141


        166                                 180                                 186
        ARCHITECTURE AND ASSEMBLY           3.0 Units                           SUPPORT
        LANGUAGE                            CS/IS 180 course presents a systematic meth-  3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           odology for analyzing a business problem or   CS/IS 186 introduces students to computer
        CS/IS 166 covers the extension of basic   opportunity, determining what role, if any,   workstation security and support. It includes
        addressing concepts to more advanced   computer-based technologies can play in   an overview of workplace security issues
        address ability such as base register and self-  addressing the business need, articulating   emphasizing the importance and need for
        relative addressing, as well as comparative   business requirements for the technology   secure workstations and support. Students
        computer architecture focusing on such orga-  solution, specifying alternative approaches   learn to use various tools and techniques to
        nizations as multiple register processors and   to acquiring the technology capabilities   improve workstation security. The student
        stack machines. Students study the basics of   needed to address the business require-  will learn to recognize threats to workstation
        virtual memory input-output and an intro-  ments, and specifying the requirements for   security. It also prepares the student to main-
        duction to the concept of micro program-  the information systems solution in particu-  tain and support security for workstations in
        mable systems. Low-level system translation   lar, in-house development, development   the modern business environment. Lecture/
        processes associated with assemblers, system   from third-party providers, or purchased   Demonstration 3 hours.  Recommended
        functions such as relocatable loading and   commercial-off -the-shelf packages. Lecture 3   Preparation: CS/IS 101.
        memory management, applications of data   hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS 101. Course Typi-  187
        structures, and hashing techniques are   cally Off ered: Spring (Every Other Year).   ADVANCED TOPICS IN IT
        covered. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: CS/IS   Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  3.0 Units
        165 or equivalent Course Typically Off ered:   183
        Spring (Every Other Year). Transfer Credit:   DIGITAL FORENSICS         CS/IS 187 course will cover the advanced
        CSU, UC, USC.                                                           topics in Information Technology including
                                            FUNDAMENTALS                        Switching and Routing Concepts and appli-
        172                                 3.0 Units                           cations, Advanced Networking topics such
        UNIX/LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM         CS/IS 183 is an introduction to the meth-  as Cloud Computing, Advanced Security
        4.0 Units                           ods used to properly conduct a computer   topics such as eff ective Intrusion Detection,
        CS/IS 172 discusses the various features   forensics investigation beginning with a   System, and Network administration. The
        of the UNIX and Linux operating systems.   discussion of ethics, while mapping to the   topics will cover the most current and appli-
        These operating systems are industry stan-  objectives of the International Association   cable technologies for the modern business
        dard in modern computer systems. This   of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS)   environment. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite:
        course will be taught using current Linux   certifi cation. Topics covered include: an over-  CS/IS 193 or CS/IS 196 or equivalent. Transfer
        distributions on Glendale Community   view of computer forensics as a profession;   Credit: CSU.
        College computers and on student home   the computer investigation process; under-  190
        computers. Lecture/Demonstration 4 hours.   standing operating systems boot processes   INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER
        Recommended Preparation: CS/IS 135 or 139   and disk structures; data acquisition and   NETWORKS
        or equivalent Course Typically Off ered: Fall   analysis; technical writing; and a review of   3.0 Units
        (Every Other Year).  Transfer Credit: CSU,   familiar computer forensics tools. Lecture
        UC, USC.                            3 hours.  Recommended Preparation: CS/  CS/IS 190 introduces the architecture, struc-
                                            IS 194 or CS/IS 196 or equivalent. Transfer   ture, functions, components, and models of
        174                                 Credit: CSU.                        the Internet and other computer networks.
        UNIX/LINUX SYSTEM                                                       The principles and structure of IP (Internet
        ADMINISTRATION                      185                                 Protocol) addressing and the fundamentals
        4.0 Units                           DATABASE MANAGEMENT                 of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations
        CS/IS 174 is a course designed to acquaint the   SYSTEMS                are introduced to provide a foundation for
        student with Unix system administration.   3.0 Units                    further study of computer networks. It uses
        Topics covered include the tasks performed   CS/IS 185 covers basic database administra-  the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) and
        by a system administrator. Topics covered   tion tasks and key concepts of data quality   TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) layered
        will include installation, system startup   and data security. In addition to develop-  models to examine the nature and roles of
        and shutdown, networking,  fi les  system   ing database applications, the course helps   protocols and services at the application,
        structure, Sun Microsystem’s Network File   the students understand how large-scale   network, data link, and physical layers. This
        System (NFS), process control, backups,   packaged systems are highly dependent on   course aff ords preparation for the CompTIA
        user administration, email, web host-  the use of Database Management Systems   Network+ certification exam. Lecture/
        ing, interoperability with Windows, and   (DBMSs). Building on the transactional   Demonstration 3 hours.  Recommended
        security. Lecture/Demonstration 4 hours.   database understanding, the course provides   Preparation: CS/IS 101 or equivalent. Course
        Recommended Preparation: CS/IS 172 or   an introduction to data and information   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
        equivalent. Course Typically Off ered: Spring   management technologies that provide deci-  Credit: CSU. (C-ID ITIS 150)
        (Every Other Year).                 sion support capabilities under the broad
                                            business intelligence umbrella. Lecture 3
                                            hours.  Recommended Preparation: CS/IS
                                            101 or equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146